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Pavlovian Conditional Fear

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Stressful experiences manifested effects through the activation of several mechanisms that linked to the onset of a variety of affective disorders.
Investigations on the interaction between stress and memory experiences focused mainly on behavioral and neurological mechanisms of memory conformation (such as conditional fear), and fewer studies on the fear memory extinction as a treatment for psychiatric conditions based on learned fears Such as phobias, PTSD, and general anxiety. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it.
Pavlovian conditional fear is widely used as a model for stress induction and anxiety disorders. The induction of conditional …show more content…
Experimental fear extinguishing seems to reflect an active learning process that is distinct from the formation of fear and requires additional training to develop. The ability to extinguish an emotional response in the face of a-no-longer relevant conditional cue is part of a healthy emotional memory system, unlike what happens in some diseases, such as phobias and PTSD. Therefore, the suppression of fear responses (extinguishing) requires much attention and, on the other hand, the results of studies can lead to an effective intervention for the treatment of fear-related …show more content…
On the other hand, the prefrontal cortex in rodents has two main area, called Infra-Limbic Cortex ( IL) and Pre-Limbic Cortex (PL), which plays a main role in fear acquire and response, as well as the formation of fear memory and conditional fear suppression. These two areas are also in a broad connection with the basolateral amygdala. Anatomically, PL is located in dorsal of IL, and past studies of rodents indicated the impact of this area on conditional fear. In the classic fear conditioning model, inactivate of the PL, cause reduction in the expression of fear and suppressed the freezing behavior.
Moreover, advanced studies have shown that there is a very close alignment between rodent IL /PL and human’s vmPFC / dACC, which might be part of inter-species evolutionary connections. As regards, results confirmed the role of dACC in expressing conditional fear in humans as well as the role of PL in

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