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Personal Accomplishment Analysis

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Being born into an Asian family, education has always been a topic at the dinner table. My family and I moved to the United States about 10 years ago to start a new chapter in our lives. My parents sacrificed their comfortable lifestyle to give my siblings and I the gift of the land of opportunity. Every day at dinner, my parents would always remind us that we were fortunate enough to be in a country with an education system that does not discriminate. It does not matter if you are rich, poor, or handicapped, if you’re willing to learn, no one can take that away from you. Since I was nine years old I always knew that I wanted to attend college. Although it's true that my parents were a part of the encouragement, I also wanted it badly myself. …show more content…
I feel a sense of accomplishment because all the hours, hard work, and dedication that I have committed in my education has brought me here. If my life was a checklist, college would've been on the top of the list written in bold print. It has proven to me that even though I am an immigrant to this country, I am still capable of reaching a higher level of education. Being able to experience this accomplishment has taught me that anything else is achievable if I am willing to sweat for it. I have come a long way from knowing only the words “yes” and “no” to writing a scholarship essay for college. By coming to college, I know that I have open up many doors that will lead me to an endless amount of opportunities. Although life can sometimes be unexpected, the decision of coming to college was something that was in my control. I am proud that I was able to reach this long-term goal and that the sacrifices my parents have made did not go

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