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Peaceful Protest Research Paper

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Peaceful protest and resistance to laws is what makes freedom in a society. Without the ability to protest and discuss laws in a peaceful manner there would be no real freedom in the world. Without this inalienable right the government would be able to do whatever it pleased with no backlash. Currently there is a peaceful protest going on right now as this essay is being typed. The Women's march is a protest against the mistreatment and prejudice of women. Also another large reason of the protest is the election of Donald Trump. Many women dislike Trump for his ideals and some remarks he has made in the past. This protest proves how important peaceful protesting is. Even though it is not against a law, it is against an establishment of the …show more content…
Other examples of people speaking out against the government for things they believe in is gay marriage rights. Gay pride parades and protests for legalizing gay marriage were a huge momentum boost for the movement. Without the use of peaceful protest the legalization of gay marriage would of probably not be completed as quick as it was. In incredibly strict middle eastern countries, gay marriage, and being homosexual in general, is seen as a huge disgrace. Legalizing gay marriage would be virtually impossible, let alone having a march about gay pride. This shows how important free speech is. Without the ability to protest laws and ideals, hundreds of thousand of individuals voices and opinions would be silenced. This would greatly impact society in a negative way. The freedom of speech is a quintessential right of all human beings. No matter what the opinion or idea is, it should be heard. Even if its controversial and not popular, people should be able to say what they want to say, as long as it is not libel, slander, or some other form of hate speech. The importance of free speech is monumental. Being denied the right to say what you wish is being denied a basic human

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