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People Are Exposed to Too Much Violence in Video Games


Submitted By Assassin4Sniper
Words 350
Pages 2
People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games People are exposed to too much violence in video games

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