...Purpose. There are many reasons to conduct chart reviews such a required by a regulatory agency, justification of billing, and research. Another frequently used purpose of a chart review is to assist in measuring quality of care. This measurement is then used to help determine if a change in process is needed to improvement patient outcomes. There are several models used in process improvement including Juran’s Universal Sequence for Quality Improvement, the Seven-step problem-solving model, FOCUS-PDCA and Six-Sigma DMAIC (Langley, Moen, Nolan, Nolan, Norman & Provost, 2009). Chart reviews can be an integral step in all of these models in gleaning data to measure the depth of the problem or if it even exists. This paper will compare the advantages and disadvantages of reviewing charts, describe the basic considerations in performing chart reviews, and describe issues that can threaten the validity of data. Lastly, this paper will look closer at the Six-Sigma DMAIC process as this is the methodology used to guide process improvement in the facility for which this information is being obtained. Background. In 1966, Donabedian stated that the quality of health care is measured by structure, process, and outcome observation. Structure measurement includes resource quality, availability and accessibility (Donabedian, 1966). Process measurement looks at the health care services that clinicians and providers deliver (Donabedian, 1966). Outcome measurement is the end result...
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...training and development programs to assist employees in reaching their ultimate level of performance; however monitoring of performance is necessary to ensure individual and organizational goals are met. The process of assessing an employee’s performance, managing employee opportunities and identifying areas of weakness is evaluated and handled in the performance improvement plan (PIP). The PIP spells out the areas of need, determines goals to improve these areas, and develops training and educational needs associated with successful performance enhancement development. The PIP addresses both the areas of behavioral and performance. In the reflection, Team “D” will address training and development and the PIP process in more detail to gain a better understand of the process. Assessing, implementing, and re-evaluating behaviors and goals will be addressed. Training and development of an employee are closely related but also very different. The goal is to achieve the tasks the organization requires and improve upon productivity and efficiency. The training process of a new employee is a requirement of his or her orientation. The employee will need to understand the roles and responsibilities of his or her job (Difference Between, 2011). According to Difference Between (2011), “Training makes an employee more productive for the organization and is thus concerned with his immediate improvement” (para. 1). The development of an employee is...
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...attendant. • Ensure the safety of passengers aboard aircraft. • Notify the maintenance department regarding any and all discrepancies found in cabin equipment. • Maintain accurate inventory of all cabin property. In the event of an emergency, assist in the care and/or evacuation of passengers. 3. Key ratings for performance • 4 – Performance was always successful, consistent and respectable and at times clearly superior and exceeding standards. • 3.5 – Performance was at most times clearly superior and exceeding standards. • 3 – Performance was successful, consistent, and respectable in every regard with few exceptions. • 2.5 – Performance at times was inconsistent and did not meet standards. • 2 – Performance at most times was inconsistent and did not always meet standards. • 1 – Performance was overall unsuccessful and unacceptable with regard to expectations and the requirements of the position. 4. Job objectives List the objectives you set out for your staff to achieve in the past 12 months (or the period covered by this appraisal) with the measures or standards agreed – against each comment on achievement or otherwise, with reasons where appropriate. Score the performance against each objective (1-3 = poor, 4-6 = satisfactory, 7-9 = good, 10 = excellent): Then you create a table with columns: No – Objectives – Measure/standard - Score - Comment 5. Job competencies Using the 4 point scale below, fill up the following table: • 4 – Exceeds expectations • 3.5 – Somewhat Exceeds...
Words: 1698 - Pages: 7
...caseworkers reported to have not visited the families of a murdered eight year old and a twelve year old arrested for drug sales, in over three weeks. I will arrange for separate in person meetings at my office to discuss these situations in depth. This will provide the employees with an opportunity to express their perspectives and the potential causes for these tragedies. I plan to start the conversation by recognizing the good work they have done for the Agency in the past. Following this, I will transition into the fact that they have been noticeably absent as of late. The absenteeism will be addressed delicately--without prying into private life, instead by asking sincerely if there are issues at home in addition to asking if they feel overworked. If either of the two are indeed encountering problems, the employees and I will quickly devise a well thought out work plan, which will remind them of the agency’s mission, motivate them, and potentially alter their caseloads. If the employees are unable to provide acceptable reasoning, they will be dismissed from the agency. After the plan is arranged, the caseworkers...
Words: 915 - Pages: 4
...Managing the workforce is an overwhelming task. Effective performance management requires face to face manager and employee interaction. If the manager does not know his or her employees, then he or she has far fewer opportunities to direct them onto a pathway of greater productivity and optimized output. It has been known that long-term successful business owners view performance management as a process of getting to know the people who work for them. Unfortunately, the vast majority of companies today are ignoring the potential assets gained from using performance appraisal to promote a higher quality of human capital. A performance improvement plan is a procedure used by managers to help employees improve performance or modify their behavior. An effective performance improvement plan will specifically identify the performance to be improved or the behavior to be corrected. The plan will provide clear expectations and metrics about the work to be performed or behavior that must change. It will identify the support and resources available to help the employee make the required improvements. It will establish a plan for reviewing the employee's growth and providing feedback to the employee for the duration of the performance improvement plan. It will specify potential penalties if performance standards as identified in the performance improvement plan are not met. When an employee is not performing or meeting expectations, managers have at their disposal several options to correct...
Words: 295 - Pages: 2
...Improvement methodologies Improvement methodologies that may be appropriate for staff development and team improvement include 1. Surveys. Surveys are very important tools to help the employers understand that a lot about the expectation and needs of their employees. Employees are given the opportunity to express their satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the organization, their expectations for the organization, if they have what they need to perform their job well, and what they will like to communicate anonymously to the management of the organization to help improve their working conditions. This survey is very important because employees are often detached from management, and what the employees need to help improve their working conditions and turnaround time may be unconsciously ignored by management because the management does not deal with the issues the employees have to deal with daily. Patient surveys may not be very effective in helping the organization with staff development and team improvement because the surveys are designed to get feedback from the employees, but does not allow the organizations management to know how the employees are carrying out their duties, how much skill needed to perform the needed work that has been acquired or improved by the employees 2. Data board/Dash boards. Data boards and dash boards generally help the management of an organization collect data which helps them determine the success of the organization in general. By using...
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...Business Research Ethics Albert Sosa RES/351 August 11th, 2014 Business Research Ethics Introduction Recently my organization has implemented a systematic performance improvement plan (PIP) process. The plan is designed to assist management in the development and improvement of their subordinate work force. Transforming a large organization like ours required a well design development and implementation plans. Our company performed a lot of research, analysis, and surveys in the development of our company’s performance improvement plan. Throughout this process the company had to access the needs of the organization, develop a strategy that would be in direct alignment with the company’s mission, and identify company priorities, roles and responsibilities; while maintaining a healthy work environment. Plan Development Research During the development phase our organization evaluated the goals and measures in which it wanted to achieve, keeping in mind employee needs, as well as meeting customer expectations. This phase of the development process is crucial because it identifies what the company will do to achieve its goals, and accomplish its mission. Improper analysis and research of required metrics and actions that the company must take in order to meet its mission, or simply over stating the required goals whereas creating unattainable metrics; to allow the company to justify closely monitoring, address, and/or terminate employees who are not meeting target will severely...
Words: 573 - Pages: 3
...2014 ERC Performance Management Practices Survey 2014 ERC Performance Management Practices Survey July 2014 Conducted by ERC 387 Golf View Lane, Suite 100 Highland Heights, OH 44143 440-684-9700 | www.yourERC.com 2014 ERC/Smart Business Workplace Practices Survey Terms of Use Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this survey may be publically displayed, reproduced, redistributed or resold to third-parties, or otherwise commercially exploited, without prior written permission from ERC. Violation of these terms may result in termination of membership and/or legal action. The information contained in this report is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon or considered a substitute for professional or legal advice. ERC will not be responsible for any loss to you or any third party resulting from any decision or action taken in reliance of this information. ERC recommends that you consult your legal counsel regarding workplace matters if and when appropriate. If litigation is brought upon your firm for copyright infringements or violation of these terms of use, your organization will assume ALL legal expenses incurred on behalf of ERC and, if a member of ERC, your membership with ERC will be suspended pending the outcome of the litigation. Notice to HR Service Providers (including, but not limited to: Staffing Firms, Consultants, Brokers and Law Firms) – Information from ERC may not be used for your organization's...
Words: 13772 - Pages: 56
...Quality Data Collection Grace C. Turne HCS/588 March 26, 2012 Ismael Caicedo Quality Data Collection Quality data collection plays an integral part in quality improvement. In order to measure performance, quality data must be gathered by the use of data collection tools that must be implemented. Nurses Just for Kids a pediatric specific home care agency specializing in the care of medically fragile children must develop a QI plan that best suits them by choosing data collection tools that based on potential improvement areas that they plan to tackle. The paper will discuss potential improvements, data needed to monitor for improvement in performance areas, data collection tools used, comparing and contrasting the tools and measurements as well as its importance in healthcare. Potential Areas for Improvement for Nurses Just for Kids There are many different areas that have the potential for improvement for Nurse Just for Kids but only two areas have been in need of quality improvement efforts the most. The two areas are back injuries and ventilator associated pneumonia. Two of the five clients that are being serviced from the home care agency has seen an increase in back injuries that are seen from their employees. The second area in need of improvement is in the area of ventilator associated pneumonia which there has been two pediatric clients with hospitalization due to pneumonia in the same month in 2011. This is a significant amount considering how small...
Words: 1281 - Pages: 6
...Quality Improvement Plan Part I- Consumerism HSC/588 Measuring Performance Standards September 9th, 2013 Debbie Simmons Quality Improvement Plan Part I- Consumerism Hospitals and other healthcare organizations in the United States are currently facing an irresistible pressure towards change. Numerous professionals in the business are projecting that “Multiple, intersecting pressures will drive the transformation of health care delivery and financing from volume-to value-based payments over the next decade” (American Hospital Association, 2013, para. 1). With the current regulatory and economic environments, hospitals are focusing most of their efforts on essential performance initiatives that are leading to success. In order to achieve success, organizations are placing focus on the establishment of quality improvement efforts. Evaluating hospital performance on any level requires an immense amount of knowledge and hard work. The goal of this paper is to create a plan for quality improvement for Kimball County Hospital (KCH) by identifying the difference between performance measurement and quality improvement, as well as key facts about the hospital, examine the role of consumers as well as quality indicators, and, explain stakeholder feedback and QI process. Quality Performance Measurement and Quality Improvement It is important to identify the difference between quality performance measure and quality improvement, as they are both useful in defining an improvement...
Words: 1292 - Pages: 6
...LO2 Understand the styles and impact of leadership 2.1 explain the skills and attributes needed for leadership 2.2 explain the difference between leadership and management 2.3 compare leadership styles for different situations 2.4 explain ways to motivate staff to achieve objectives LO3 Be able to work effectively in a team 3.1 assess the benefits of team working in an organization 3.2 demonstrate working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations 3.3 review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals LO4 Be able to assess the work and development needs of individuals 4.1 explain the factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance 4.2 plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of individuals 4.3 evaluate the success of the assessment process CONCLUSION Introduction LO1 Be able to use recruitment, selection and retention procedures 1.1 prepare documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff 1.2 assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the recruitment and selection process 1.3 take part in the selection process 1.4 evaluate own contribution to the selection process LO2 Understand the styles and impact of leadership 2.1 explain the skills and attributes needed for leadership 2.2 explain the difference between leadership and management Management In 1980, the organizational...
Words: 1541 - Pages: 7
...The Finale: Growing American Widget Staff HRM 531 Human Capital Management May 20, 2012 The Finale: Growing American Widget Staff This proposal is to introduce Spectral Staffing Services; our consulting services offer quality leadership to any organization Spectral Staffing Services, Inc. understands locating and establishing the right person for American Widget can require valuable time. Our interim managers have a diverse knowledge within their arenas, and have the support of a team of professionals who will conduct valuations by examining data through benchmarking, performance, and detecting any administrative gaps that inhibit optimum performance. Grounded on data and administrative primaries our interim manager will develop actions plans, and begin the application of performance approaches. Spectral Staffing interim manager can also support in staffing and employing as well as ease the change process by providing training and mentoring for new employees. Identification of an operational gap By conducting a gap analysis, we can compare expectations with current levels to identify if an operational gap exists within an organization. Use of the gap analysis tool to assess operational excellence in areas that include: * Human resources * Information technology * Business direction and processes Through the “identification and extrapolation of key learning issues from the literature and empirical findings, organizations can better improve their business...
Words: 2115 - Pages: 9
... Introduction This document will reveal various approaches management within law enforcement has taken in order to resolve common concerns within the workforce. These examples incorporate Employee Assistance Program, Organizational Reward System, Wrongful Discharge, and Performance Improvement Plan. Within the examples, the information will be made known is the quandary, the steps taken in the approach, and how the approach will be most successful. Employee Assistance Program Approach The issue is the employee needs support with his/her medical invoices after having cancer treatment and being hospitalized for two months. The approach to this problem will be through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). An Employee Assistance Plan is an employee benefit that covers all or part of the cost for employees to receive counseling, referrals, and advice in dealing with stressful issues in their lives. These may include substance abuse, bereavement, marital problems, weight issues, or general wellness issues (Reh, 2012). This approach will assist law enforcement employees and their relatives with life challenges before the concerns affect their home life as well as their work performance. In order for the employees to receive assistance, he or she will need to inform the organization that assistance is needed. Once upper management and Risk Management are notified and the employee provides the organization with the accurate documentation, the agency will initiate...
Words: 1409 - Pages: 6
...Organizational Quality Improvement Plan Part 1 HCS/588 June 3, 2013 Organizational Quality Improvement Plan Since the Institute of Medicine’s report “To Err is to Human” enacted in 2000, effort has been made to improve the quality of health care. To implement correctly a quality improvement plan (QIP) the perception of the organization culture and the stakeholder’s culture need to be explored (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2013). Quality improvement plan improves quality and efficiency of services to the highest levels rendered. In the United States, for example, consumers have the right to choose, bargain, and express their dissatisfaction or concerns about a product or service. The economy is based on consumerism and the opinion of the consumer is valuable. In the health care arena, consumers have the right to choose the right providers when they looking for medical attention. They have the option to choose the one that can accommodates their needs. This also can create competition in an open market. Competition is very good because it helps competitors to improve the quality of their goods and services. In this paper, a quality improvement plan will be developed for Mary Washington Hospital, the difference between performance measurement and quality improvement will be addressed along with the organization mission and goals. The role of the stakeholders, and which external quality indicators are available will also be discussed in this...
Words: 1501 - Pages: 7
...QI Plan Part II- Quality Data Collection Quality data collection is an important tool used in health care organizations to collect data, using those data as information. Based on those results, the findings used for strategic planning, management, and effective decision-making plans. Data collection has been an important method and tool as an important quality for improvement in hospitals and health care organizations. Quality improvement is a process of measuring and improving services that can help leaders understand the direction of quality the organization needs. This paper will include areas of potential quality improvement for the St. Joseph hospital that was selected during the QI plan part one previously. The paper will also discuss the areas of potential improvement for the organization, data needed to monitor improvement in performance areas, data collection tools used for performance information, and contrasting those tools. Also tools to measure and display QI data are also identified with types of information each tool measures and displays. Finally, the tools will also be compared and contrasted as well as describing how helpful they are for healthcare organizations. Areas of Potential Improvement for the Organization Quality improvements in hospitals are an essential in maintaining patient satisfaction and services for better performance. The process is to advance the quality of care and outcomes for patients using the services offered at the facility (Walker...
Words: 1936 - Pages: 8