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Submitted By tafia
Words 809
Pages 4
CASE STUDY: Xerox Revamps Performance Appraisal System

Xerox Corporation was faced with a problem its performance appraisal system was not working. Rather than motivating the employees. Its system was leaving them discouraged and disgruntled. Xerox recognized this problem and developed a new system to eliminate it.

|The original system used by Xerox encompassed seven main principles: |
|The appraisal occurred once a year. |
|It required employees to document their accomplishments. |
|The manager would assess these accomplishments in writing and assign numerical ratings. |
|The appraisal included a summary written appraisal and a rating from 1 (unsatisfactory) to 5 (exceptional). |
|The ratings were on a forced distribution, controlled at the 3 level or below. |
|Merit increases were tied to the summary ration level. |
|Merit increase information and performance appraisals occurred in one session. |
|This system resulted in inequitable ratings and was cited by employees as a major source of dissatisfaction. In fact, the Reprographic

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