...question “what is a person,” is a question that many use to argue points of contention. In cases relating to abortion, capital punishment, or even animal rights, this question is posed to create a line; on opposite sides of this line lay the differences between “persons” and “not persons.” However, it is not practical, nor is it possible to have one unified definition that defends or refutes any of these points. It is important to note that although this question can be answered for individual points, it is not a question that can be answered with the same boundaries for all points collectively. Although a case by case basis can be given, a unified answer lies in the fact that the all points can collectively be answered ethically. As defined by Mary Warren in her argument that abortion is an ethically acceptable action, a person is a being that fulfills five characteristics: consciousness, reasoning, motivation, capacity to communicate, and the concept of self (the ability to see oneself as an entity). She concedes that there are cases in which a person may be considered a person if that being has several of these characteristics, but also states that in these marginal cases, the greatest benefit to society is that personhood is defined to ethically condone the most moral actions. For example, in the case of a mentally retarded human being who most likely has consciousness, motivation, and communication skills, that person should be considered a person as this person has lived and...
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...Being a good person means having a good personality. Psychology studies personality based on theories of individual differences. One emphasis in this area is to construct a coherent picture of a person and his or her major psychological processes. Another emphasis views personality as the study of individual differences, in other words, how people differ from each other. A third area of emphasis examines human nature and how all people are similar to one other. These three viewpoints merge together in the study of personality. Basically it’s having a good personality is what makes you a good person. Almost every individual struggles to achieve the status of a good person, a good person being a person who doesn’t see the negative in others, a good person being who has good morals and who has a sensitive approach to other’s feelings. Being a good person means to be that exact person everyone wants to talk and wants to be around. Having the qualities of a good person is what I want to be like when I grow. That’s one of many quality I want to have. As I grow up into a separate responsible individual, I want to be represented as a confident, responsible, trustworthy individual. Confidence is the key to make people more appealing in public. Confidence is what makes you a strong individual, a strong individual who is ready to face the world. That’s the type of a person who is attractive in the community and being confident leads the person to become a leader in his society. That’s...
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...It is said that the conception of evil is controversial. The definitions of evil are explained differently in both ordinary and in a particular field such as ethics. The questions we mostly concern about are whether or not there are actual evil persons and how they look like or the reasons make them become evil persons. In this essay, firstly I will discuss two main factors including circumstances and luck, which are concerned as have essential influence on people’s attitude and behaviour in order to perform actions. Secondly, I will demonstrate whether evil persons should be condemned or blameworthy. Finally, I will indicate another factor which was mentioned in Russell’s article is subject’s autonomy because I think it can be considered as the significant factor in order to decide whether a subject is evil person or not. Before discussing the two factors, circumstance and luck, it is important to understand what evil persons and evil actions are in different accounts. It can be said that there is a relation between evil action and evil person. But what we are judging here is evil action, not evil person though evil action can make an even ordinary person become an evil person and it seems that only evil persons can carry out evil actions. According to psychological thin account, evil action is considered as evil if it is culpable wrong and connect to the extreme harm, whereas psychological thick account adds another point to this, is evil action also encounter with the combination...
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...Being a good person means having a good personality. Psychology studies personality based on theories of individual differences. One emphasis in this area is to construct a coherent picture of a person and his or her major psychological processes. Another emphasis views personality as the study of individual differences, in other words, how people differ from each other. A third area of emphasis examines human nature and how all people are similar to one other. These three viewpoints merge together in the study of personality. Basically it’s having a good personality is what makes you a good person. Almost every individual struggles to achieve the status of a good person, a good person being a person who doesn’t see the negative in others, a good person being who has good morals and who has a sensitive approach to other’s feelings. Being a good person means to be that exact person everyone wants to talk and wants to be around. Having the qualities of a good person is what I want to be like when I grow. That’s one of many quality I want to have. As I grow up into a separate responsible individual, I want to be represented as a confident, responsible, trustworthy individual. Confidence is the key to make people more appealing in public. Confidence is what makes you a strong individual, a strong individual who is ready to face the world. That’s the type of a person who is attractive in the community and being confident leads the person to become a leader in his society. That’s...
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...Sakadavitou Room: Kirirom ID: 76244 Date: 29, December, 2014 WR-8 My Ideal Person Some people were born in a rich and happy family, but some other were born in a poor and unhappy family. For me, my parents are the most important people in the world. They did not give me birth, but they also provide me the knowledge and many other. But a person who always help and support me is my father. My father is a person who is intelligent in the family. He is a good leader and active person. He controls all members in the family very well. He is a strong and serious person. If he want to do something, he tried his best to do it untitled he succeeds. My father always care about me because when I go to school or enjoy my friend's party ,he always tells me not to come back too late and be careful with driving. He is a person who is honest and reliable. I remember when I was studying grade 12, he had promise to buy me a new motorbike if I passed pass the final exams and got grade A or B. After I passed and grade B, he bought me a new motor bike .I was really happy that he respect his promise. He is a supportive person too. For example, when I have some problems about my works or my friends, he always give me words of wisdom and good advice. He always support and make me happy whenever I met problems, or I'm upset because of something. However my father is also a person doesn't has all kind of good behaviors too. When he drunk he like too much and finds some problem...
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...Challenges can occur at any level on the spectrum that we classify as life. Whether it be physical, mental, or spiritual, everyone has to deal with them at some point. However, people may also choose to run from them or face these challenges head on. While Person A may struggle with these challenges only occasionally, Person B faces these challenges on the daily or even hourly basis. And as unfortunate as it is, I identify with Person B. Anxiety is one of the main mental illnesses that I struggle with on a daily basis. Anxiety is like having someone beside you telling you that you forgot to do something even though you did it or reminding you that you're not good enough for someone or something. It is as if it is taking control of your brain and shoving fear and worry to the front of your mind. Anxiety is not something that is scheduled to appear, it just happens to appear at the most inconvenient times. It is also uncontrollable, even though medications may suppress it for a while you can never know when anxiety will occur. Unfortunately, every word that I speak or action that I take is shortly followed by anxiety, causing me to live in constant fear. However, that's just one of the daily challenges....
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...Everyone has at least one person who has made a difference in their lives.Sometimes in life, we meet people that could change our lives around. For some people, it may be a family member, a teacher, a pastor or a friend. There are many people in my life who have had an influence on me rather it was good or bad. I must say that the most influential person in my life was a complete stranger. Life is full of positive and negative things. Sometimes I would wake up feelings like nothing in my life was going right. I've felt this way since I was about 15 years old. At that age, I packed my things and attempted to run away from home. Along with feeling somewhat neglected by my mother. My life was full of negative things. I dropped out of school at...
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...1.1 – Person-centred care is a way of thinking and doing things. It means putting the individual and their families at the centre of decisions and seeing them as experts, working alongside professionals to get the best outcome. Person-centred practise is all about having a focus upon individual’s needs. Every individual has different needs, wishes, choices, likes and dislikes. We must treat everyone fairly and respect their dignity and privacy at all times. We cannot stereo-type or tarnish everyone with the same brush even if they have the same religion, disability or alike in any other way. Despite what they may have in common, every single person is an individual and should be treated like one. 1.2 – All approaches to person-centred practice work well and personally I don’t think there is a particular ‘best approach’. When used correctly, every approach will have the same benefits and outcomes. Also different approaches would work better in some work placements than others the same as work better with some individual’s than others. Below I have compared just a few different types of approaches: Essential Lifestyle Planning. (ELP). This plan looks at: - what people like and admire about the individual - what is most important to the individual - the communication - how to provide the support - identification of successful methods - how to solve problems and/or overcome any barriers ELP is a good for a day to day basis. It’s a good way to start to get...
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...A person who I admire A person who I admire is an interesting topic. I believe you can admire more than one person. A typical admiration I have seen is when people boy, are admiring a very famous singer, actor etc. although it is typical, it is still a good admiration because you can use that person as your role model or idol. Fx. If your role model is a sportsman, then you can admire his performing skills, and maybe learn something from him or her. But trough my life I have admired many persons, friends, older people, teachers, etc. All these people have given me experiences and personal abilities which I have acquired with help from them. My opinion is that I cannot admire one person specially. When I admire someone I respect the person’s character. After my experience I also admire someone when I am in his presence. A person who can change a bad day to a good day, fx my mother. My mother is defiantly one of my top 3 list over admired persons. Just imagine without your mother you would not exist. Everyone should admire how housemothers are struggling to raise there children’s. I am indeed of her proud of my mother, it is because of her that I am that what I am today. When I always have been in a bad mood my mother opened up my minds to look at things in a different perspective. Fx when I has had a problem she shared her experiences with me and learned me to tackle every situation. Another important person who I likes to admire is my father. A father and a mother is an admirable...
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...bad. They understand they are in control of their actions and emotions. They know their strength is in their ability to manage the way they respond. 3. Shy Away from Change. Mentally strong people embrace change and they welcome challenge. Their biggest “fear,” if they have one, is not of the unknown, but of becoming complacent and stagnant. An environment of change and even uncertainty can energize a mentally strong person and bring out their best. 4. Waste Energy on Things They Can’t Control. Mentally strong people don’t complain (much) about bad traffic, lost luggage, or especially about other people, as they recognize that all of these factors are generally beyond their control. In a bad situation, they recognize that the one thing they can always control is their own response and attitude, and they use these attributes well. 5. Worry About Pleasing Others. Know any people pleasers? Or, conversely, people who go out of their way to dis-please others as a way of reinforcing an image of strength? Neither position is a good one. A mentally strong person strives to be kind and fair and to please others where appropriate, but is unafraid to speak up. They are able to withstand the possibility that someone will get upset...
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...S0457566 Modern America and the Diminishing Individual In his essay “Modern America and the Diminishing Individual”, Peter Cooper talks about how today there is an absence of genuine compassion for one another. Copper opens his essay by stating “The impudence, indifference, self-centeredness, evidenced by some Americans are symptomatic of contemporary national malaise” (70). Which basically means that our attitude for “self” is like a sickness in our society today. He goes on to say “Individual significance in society commonly diminishes in direct proportion to the number of people” (70). He expresses that the reason for this being is that “Human behavior deteriorates when many people are crowded closely together, contending elbow to elbow for the same space without respite” (72). Where in which, Cooper then points the blame for our selfishness and carelessness on the Vietnam War by stating, “Vietnam War and its aftermath made a fundamental, enduring contribution to what we have termed modern America callousness” (72). Cooper continues his arguments by saying that “The quest for wealth and aggrandizement encompassing all,…for many as the meaning of life, or a substitute for meaning” (72) He says that this idea is natural to us and that we believe that “Those who possess wealth, power, and their trappings constitute the elite, and thus demonstrate superiority in the struggle for existence.” (72) Throughout his essay Peter Cooper thoroughly demonstrates why we as humans are...
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...The Plight of Missing Persons Naomi White Kaplan University CM220-15 Professor L McCuish December 15, 2012 The Plight of Missing Persons According to staggering statistics, there are close to 60,000 + Jane and John Does buried, cremated or lying in coroners offices across this country with no names; all scattered across a nation with no standard protocol for case sharing and identification (NamUs, 2012). These unidentified people are young and old, male and female, from all walks of life. They are someone’s mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, sisters and brothers. These bodies and spirits of our nations unidentified cry out for their names, proper burial, and many times, justice (Reitterer, 2012). The heartbreaking reality behind these statistics is a world no one wishes to be a part of. Well over 100,000 active missing person’s cases in this country at any given time. There is an estimated 60,000 sets of human remains unidentified throughout this nation. Hundreds of thousands of family members and friends living in limbo wondering what became of their loves ones. To the families of the missing, this situation has been called our nation's "Silent Mass Disaster; a problem of epidemic proportions" (NamUs, 2012). Families and advocates of the missing cry out for change within our communities and justice system and we must not allow their cries to go unheard. The Doe Network is an international non-profit volunteer organization created in 1999. Its focus...
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...Understand person centred approaches in adult social care setting 1.1Person centred values are based on individuality, Rights, Choice, Privacy, Independence, Dignity, Respect and Partnership. It is important to work in a way that embeds person centred values for the Following reasons: to meet the needs of the individual; to provide the best possible quality care service; to ensure a good quality of life of the individual; To treat the individual as you would want to be treated. 2.1In order to find out the find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of the individual I would need sources of information, this could include asking the individual, their family and friends or carers, other professionals such as GP, social worker; or by reading documents . In order to take into account the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual when planning care and support, I would need to follow the principles of person-centred care. This approach aims to see the person as an individual, rather than focusing on their illness or on abilities they may have. Person-centred care takes into account each individual's unique qualities, abilities, interests, preferences and needs. Person-centred care also means treating the individual with dignity and respect. A care plan is a written document that details the day to day requirements and preferences for care and support for the individual. Working with a person in a centred...
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...Can one person have multiple identities? No matter what you say or do, your identity will show who you really are. There can be many different views of one person’s identity, it is just the way you choose to view it. A man who lives on the “good” side of the city goes through a midlife crisis and decides to go to the “shady” side of town, when a police officer shows up and mistakens him for someone else because he was wearing old clothes and driving a nice car. In the story this is supported by the saying “Normally he goes clean-shaven into the world, but the promise of a saturday liquid with sunshine draws him first from his study to the backyard, from there to his front lawn.” (Pg. 1 W.D. Valgardson). Also, “he is driving a grey Mercedes Benz. Gangs of young men follow the car with their unblinking eyes.” (Pg. 1 W.D. Valgardson). The person you decide to be will show who you really are....
Words: 510 - Pages: 3
...Business Law Oweya Vincent Makaya University of Nairobi THE COMPANY AS A JURISTIC PERSON VERSUS RESPONSIBILITY FOF THE DIRECTOR’S ACTIONS. Introduction: For a very long time a company has been treated as a corporate entity or a juristic person. In fact the concept of limited liability stems from this premise. Despite being an artificial person a company is wholly a creature of human beings, by human beings and for human beings. It solely rely on humans to conduct and transact any business. This research paper seeks to examine the concept of juristic personality, its advantages and its relationship with its owners. It delves into how decisions are made by this juristic personality, its liabilities and liabilities of those running it. The paper shall seek to examine if this veil of juristic person exists permanently or it can be lifted. What are the consequences of lifting that gown of juristic personality? The Concept of juristic personality. Companies and corporations are said to be legal or juristic personalities. This arises from the incorporation process. A corporation is a word that is said to have been derived from a Latin word corpus which means among other things “body”. An incorporated body becomes what is known as a “corpora coporata” in Latin or corporate body. The idea of a juristic person in law refers to an entity recognized in law as an artificial person. What this means is the entity recognized is given rights and responsibilities that arise from...
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