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Personal Career Assessment

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Many factors can shape and influence the career paths we choose, it can begin with how our family shapes our perceptions. I grew up in south Florida in the Ft Lauderdale and Miami area. At the age of ten years old I was sent to the United State to live with my extended family members. Before coming the U.S. from Haiti my family consisted of my mother and me. My father was there, but he didn’t play a very integral part in my life except providing financial support. Many factors have influenced my career path, but my parents didn’t play any role with me choosing a career.
Both of my parents only had a middle school education. When my father got older he when back to school and earned his high school diploma. Around the time that he got his high school diploma he had several successful businesses, one of …show more content…
However, I came to understand no matter which career evaluation I take, its purpose is not to tell me a specific career to pursue. All a career evaluation does is suggests ideas about careers I might want to explore further. Although, some of the suggestions by the assessment had some inconsistency overall they all make sense. I do agree with the use of assessments for career and personal development. Nevertheless, too much of a good thing can be bad, do not fall prey of doing so much testing that you're not taking any other useful action towards choosing your career. Keep the number of tests you, complete to a minimum. There are many other ways to explore career options, like reading books, interviewing people in that field, or job shadowing.
After the Future Day Fantasy assessment, I learned that there is not a single perfect career for me. There are many careers that have the potential to meet my career goals, and there are several ways to find a meaningful career path. I think the right career choice requires the willingness to balance disadvantages with the

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