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Systematic Synthetic Phonics

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Many have argued, that the most effective approach to teaching phonics is through the use of Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) (Brien, 2012; Glazzard & Palmer, 2015; Rose, 2006). SSP involves teaching letter sounds first, then teaching students to blend the phonemes together with the correct pronunciation to form the word. This approach allows students to strategically work out unfamiliar words, leading to a positive development of early reading standards (Brien, 2012). Among many phonic schemes, Read Write Inc. promotes SSP as the chief approach to be used by early readers when decoding a text. Whilst the emphasis of most of the teaching is on the ‘horizontal axis’ of The Simple View of Reading model( see appendix 2), appropriate acknowledgement …show more content…
Read Write Inc incorporates this in the daily sessions, ranging from 20 minutes to 35 minutes (See Appendix 1). As well as the length of the lesson, the pace of the session should also be quick, according to Perkins (2011). Consequently, the attached lesson plan encompasses quick succession onto each activity, from a quick starter activity to segmenting and blending activities (see‘Practice’ section of Appendix 1).

It has been argued that the main focus of phonics teaching should be grapheme-phoneme correspondences(GPCs) (Brien, 2012; Rose, 2006), this is shown in the attached plan (See Appendix 1) as the lesson concentrates on the GPC ‘oo’. This GPC is taken out of the set 2-speed sounds being of the latter GPCs of this set it lends itself to the most advanced level of the Read Write Inc scheme; set 3. The lesson follows the stringent planning which the school was provided with by the programme. The session was taught to a small group of 5 Year one pupils of mixed ability, who had no previous experience of this …show more content…
Therefore, it can be deemed absolutely necessary to recite and repeat previously learnt phonemes and graphemes in order to access it and build upon it. It has been demonstrated by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1971), that the duration of Short-Term Memory is between 15 and 30 seconds. This means that unless pupils recite the GPCs they learnt the day/s before their current session, they will have forgotten the learnt information. Peterson and Peterson (1959) extend the previous argument by showing in their study that the longer the delay, the less information recalled. The attached lesson plan instructs the teacher to review the previously learnt GPCs at the beginning of the session ( see Revise and Warm-up section of appendix 1) allowing the pupils to successfully build on their previous learning, rather than forgetting it over time (Brien,

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