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Personal Narrative: Growing Up In The Silver State

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I grew up in Carson City, Nevada. While I wasn't born there, I'll always consider it my home town and continue to have my fondest childhood memories there. Growing up in the Silver State was an experience I'll never forget; The winters were always cold and snowy, and the summers were always bearable. Even on the worst of days it was never a far drive to Tahoe for a swim. Everything you could need or want was in driving distance no matter if it was a beach day or a hiking trip out in the desert.
Living in California now, there are a lot of stark contrasts between the two neighboring states despite them sharing a border. For one, I had completely forgotten how commonplace it was to see a gambling machine inside a gas station, or a casino on practically

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Figyrative Language Shaped by Imagination in K. Mansfield's Short Stories

...Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova State Pedagogical University “Ion Creangă” Foreign Languages and Literature Faculty English Philology Department DIPLOMA PAPER Figurative Language, Language Shaped by Imagination in Katherine Mansfield’s Short Stories Submitted by: the 4th year student Paşcaneanu Mariana Group 404 Scientific adviser: Tataru Nina Senior Lecturer Chişinău 2012 Contents INTRODUCTION 2 CHAPTER I: SHORT STORY AS A FORM OF FICTION 5 I.1.Common Characteristics of a Short Story as a Form of Fiction. Its Plot and Structure. 5 I.2. Figurative Language. Definition. Function. 9 I.3. Imagery – Language that Appeals to the Senses 11 I.3.1. Simile, Metaphor and Personification. 13 1.3.2. Symbol and Symbolism. 26 I.3.3 Allegory. 30 CHAPTER II: LANGUAGE SHAPED BY IMAGINATION IN K. MANSFIELD’S SHORT STORIES 36 II.1. Figurative Language, Symbolism and Theme in "Her First Ball": 37 II.2. Katherine Mansfield – Techniques and Effects in A Cup of Tea. 41 II.3. Literary Colloquial Style in “Miss Brill” by K. Mansfield. 49 II.3.1. Lexical features—Vague Words and Expressions 49 II.3.2 Syntactical and Morphological Features 52 II.3.3 Phonological Schemes of the Figures of Speech 55 II.4. Simplifying Figurative Language in K.Mansfield’s Short Stories 60 CONCLUSION 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY 66 APPENDIX 70 INTRODUCTION Figurative Language is the use of words that...

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