...Source: Twelve Years a Slave: Narrative of Solomon Northrup (Auburn, N.Y., 1854) The purpose of Solomon Northup’s book was to share his detailed account of his experiences of his enslavement to rescue from 1841 to 1853, Twelve Years. Solomon Northup was born a free man in 1808 to an emancipated slave named Mintus Northup, who was originally enslaved to the Northup family in Rhode Island. Solomon grew up working on a farm alongside his father had many valuable skills. He was a farmer, carpenter and raftsman who could read, write and play the fiddle/violin. He married a cook of mixed race, Ann Hampton when he was 21 and fathered three children. He described the beauty of the free life he lives and how much he enjoys spending time with his family and earning a living through his many trades. In 1841, he and his family were living in Saratoga Springs New York where he was approached by two men who offered him generous wages as a Violin player in the circus, Solomon didn’t object and left with them immediately thinking he would be back very soon before anyone could miss him. Before leaving New York for the circus show, they insisted he gathered his free papers then travel with them to Washington D.C where those two men gained his trust, took him to a bar to have a few drinks and then drugged his drink which left him staggering, barely coherent, and violently ill. He awoke the next day, shackled in pitch darkness in a slave pen robbed of his free papers. “Alone, in utter darkness...
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...GRADE 9 Learning Module MUSIC (Qtr 1 to 4) Compilation by Ben: r_borres@yahoo.com MUSIC LEARNER’S MATERIAL GRADE 9 Unit 1 To the illustrator: Using the blank map of Europe, place pictures of ALL the composers featured in EACH UNIT around the map and put arrows pointing to the country where they come from. Maybe you can use better looking arrows and format the composer’s pictures in an oval shape. The writers would like to show where the composers come from. I am attaching a file of the blank map and please edit it with the corresponding name and fill it the needed area with different colors. Please follow the example below. (Check the pictures of the composers and their hometowns in all the units.) Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Music Page 1 MUSIC LEARNER’S MATERIAL GRADE 9 Unit 1 Time allotment: 8 hours LEARNING AREA STANDARD The learner demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and processes in music and art through appreciation, analysis and performance for his/her self-development, celebration of his/her Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and expansion of his/her world vision. key - stage STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of music and art of the Philippines and the world, through appreciation, analysis, and performance, for self-development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision...
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...fantastic, Holmes is known for his astute logical reasoning, his ability to adopt almost any disguise and his use of forensic science to solve difficult cases. Holmes, who first appeared in print in 1887, was featured in four novels and 56 short stories. The first novel, A Study in Scarlet, appeared in Beeton's Christmas Annual in 1887 and the second, The Sign of the Four, in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine in 1890. The character's popularity grew with the first series of short stories in The Strand Magazine, beginning with "A Scandal in Bohemia" in 1891; additional short-story series and two novels (published in serial form) appeared from then to 1927. The events in the stories take place from about 1880 to 1914. All but four stories are narrated by Holmes's friend and biographer, Dr. John H. Watson. Two are narrated by Holmes himself ("The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier" and "The Adventure of the Lion's Mane"), and two others are written in the third person ("The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone" and "His Last Bow"). In two stories ("The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual" and "The Adventure of the Gloria Scott"), Holmes tells Watson the story from memory, with Watson narrating the frame story. The first and fourth novels, A Study in Scarlet and The Valley of Fear, include long passages of omniscient narrative of events unknown to either Holmes or Watson. Contents [hide] 1 Inspiration for the character 2 Fictional character biography 2.1 Early life 2.2 Life with Watson ...
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...ANALYSIS OF THEME IN METAMORPHOSIS THEMES ANALYSIS The theme of "The Metamorphosis" is modern man's sense of isolation. Driven to work long hours in meaningless jobs around people who do not care about others, just like Gregor, mankind seems to live a meaningless and ineffectual existence. Although Gregor's metamorphosis is actual and physical, Kafka implies through his change that all too often mankind is forced into an insect-like existence, no better than the bugs at the bottom of the natural order. When mankind tries to rise above their insect status and connect with humanity, as Gregor did when he emerged from his room to see his sister and listen to the violin, they are cruelly driven back into isolation and alienation. Through Gregor, Kafka presents a totally tragic view of man's existence. Kafka also shows that mankind is driven by materialism, often to the exclusion of developing human relationships. Modern life demands that a person have a job to earn money to fulfill materialistic desires. The materialistic mind-set usually enslaves the individual and transforms him into a beast or insect who does not have time to care for others. Gregor is the perfect example. He hates his job as a salesman but endures it in order to provide material things for his family. In order to have and give financial security, he sacrifices a social life, companionship, pleasure, and dreams. His life is miserable, and he counts the days until he can quit his job. Ironically, the people...
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...options would you recommend regarding these areas of functioning and why? WAIS IV RESULTS: VERBAL COMPRENSATION: 115 PERCEPUAL REASONING: 124 WORKING MEMORY: 110 PROCESSING SPEED: 128 RORCHACH RESULTS: 1. A bug. That’s it. W F+ AD(ANIMAL DETAILS) 2. A dead bug. … be it’s bleeding. That’s it. W FMC (SPECIAL PHENOMENUS=BLOOD) 3. A praying mantis, it’s got the big eyes in the center. Legs come in from the sides. WF+ (AD ANIMAL DETAILS) 4. A woman giving birth, her feets are up, and the baby’s coming out. That ‘s what I looked like when I gave birth. WM 5. A butterfly. WF+ POPULAR 6. Ones of those animal skins that’s been flatted out. WF+ POPULAR 7. Pelvic bone. It ll the x-ray when I stress fractured my pelvic...
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...pictorial, plastic, and building)– and to the so-called “minor arts” (everyday, useful, applied, and decorative arts) • The word “art” is derived from arti, which denotes craftsmanship, skill, mastery of form, inventiveness. • Art serves as a technical and creative record of human needs and achievements. The word 'art' is often used in our daily lives. However, when we scrutinize the word in depth, defining what is art may not be as straight forward as it appears to be. SOURCE: Atkins, R. (2010). Art Speak; A Guide to Contemporary Ideas, Movements and Buzzwords. In this module, we are dealing with the subject of aesthetic visual arts, which includes painting, sculpture, photography, and so on. Aesthetic art, in my opinion, is something...
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...Scott Hicks is the epitome of ingenious when it comes to channelling his creativity into his wonderful creations. Some attributes of Hicks directorial style demonstrated in my chosen visual text Shine include camera work, music, and the terrifyingly subtle use of lighting to develop the atmosphere and create apprehension in the audience. On the contrary, Stephen Chow’s ostentatious special effects, camera work, lighting and sound in Kung Fu Hustle in no way waned to present the same ideas and rivet the audience on to the end of their seats to witness the anticipated metamorphosis of antagonist to protagonist. In Shine, Hicks’ concoction of multiple cinematic techniques effectively portray the idea of the change and the transition from the suppression of the individual to the strength of the individual. Hicks’ use of specific techniques helps the audience learn more about Peters Authoritarian mindset and further develops the oppression felt by David’s character whilst portraying the idea of change. This enables the audience to understand the more complex underlying themes in the film and makes the audience more aware to the specific role of each character in the film and how they are all intertwined with each other at a deeper level. Consequently, it successfully challenges us, the audience, to consider how we might have felt in David’s situation and helps us draw conclusions about the nature of relationships and family dynamics. A scene, in Shine, that Hicks uses cinematic...
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...Moldenhauer Archives at the Library of Congress | Table of Contents Music History from Primary Sources An Introductory Essay Alfred Mann A vellum leaf, 22 by 17 cm., from a prayer book. The letter forms of early Gothic script suggest the twelfth century, or a period even earlier. Neumes (marked in red) are placed above the first four lines of the Latin text. The entire page is richly illuminated in black, red, and blue, with a heavy gold layer decorating the initial A for the phrase beginning "Adoro te." The leaf was obtained for the Moldenhauer Archives from the music dealer and publishing firm Schneider, Tutzing. The Art of Musical Notation In its primary sources, music merges with the representational arts. Oral tradition has played a fundamental role in all ages, but in its formal sense, history--and the history of music--begins with the visual record. Musical notation, having emerged on a wide scale in all civilizations, produced in itself a highly individual record of artistic endeavor. The medieval monks who compiled the missals and other liturgical books for the service of worship rose from their function as scribes to artists in their own right; among the greatest documents of Baroque art are the holographs by Bach; and an entirely novel phase in artistic musical score design was initiated in the twentieth century. The primary sources of music reproduced in this volume rely on various aspects of the graphic arts, but foremost among them stands the representation...
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...title by indie studio The Fullbright Company. Love, loneliness, secrets, desperation, sexual identity, growing up, acting out — it’s all there, hidden under beds and shoved into closets. I saw my childhood in there, and my adulthood, too, and the messy, complicated things I feel toward my family. It left me feeling raw, and clean, and quiet. It’s just a house. It made me cry. The year is 1995, and twenty year old Katie has just returned home from a year abroad. Not that the house is a home she knows. Her parents moved while she was away, and the house is as unfamiliar to Katie as it is to the player — after all, you are one and the same. No one is there to greet you. The door is locked. The house is empty. The only acknowledgment you are given is a note written by your younger sister, Sam. She apologizes for not being there. She asks that you not go digging around for answers. She says she’ll see you again one day. And that’s it. There’s no quest log, no directions, no arrow pointing you toward something of use. Gone Home hinges on the assumption that curiosity alone is enough to drive the player onward. It certainly was for me. The farther I went into the house, the more anxious I was to learn what had happened there. Why had no one been there waiting for me? Was Sam hurt? Were my parents hurt? Was I in danger? Was I really alone? A storm raged outside, drumming on...
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...Poets | Percy Bysshe Shelley | John Keats | Summary | Lesser Writers | THE GREAT WRITERS OF 1798-1830. THE CRITICAL REVIEWS. As we look back to-day over the literature of the last three quarters of the eighteenth century, here just surveyed, the progress of the Romantic Movement seems the most conspicuous general fact which it presents. But at the, death of Cowper in 1800 the movement still remained tentative and incomplete, and it was to arrive at full maturity only in the work of the great writers of the following quarter century, who were to create the finest body of literature which England had produced since the Elizabethan period. All the greatest of these writers were poets, wholly or in part, and they fall roughly into two groups: first, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey, and Walter Scott; and second, about twenty years younger, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and John Keats. This period of Romantic Triumph, or of the lives of its authors, coincides in time, and not by mere accident, with the period of the success of the French Revolution, the prolonged struggle of England and all Europe against Napoleon, and the subsequent years when in Continental Europe despotic government reasserted itself and sternly suppressed liberal hopes and uprisings, while in England liberalism and democracy steadily and doggedly...
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...SPM ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1119 SMART MODULE 2 2011 [pic] SPM ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1119 SMART MODULE 2 2011 Patron En. Mansor bin Lat Director of Kedah Education Department Advisor Tn. Hj. Asmee bin Haji Tajuddin Head of the Academic Sector Coordinator Pn. Hjh. Zaliha bt Ahmad The Principal Assistant Director (English Language) Committee Members Pn. Wan Aisyah bt Haris (Assistant District Language Officer for Language, Kota Setar) Pn. Hjh. Fadzillah bt Selamat (Assistant District Language Officer for Languages, Kubang Pasu) En. Yong Kooi Hin (Assistant District Language Officer for Languages, Baling Sik) En. Nordin bin Mohd. Noor (Assistant District Language Officer for Languages, Padang Terap) En. Azmi bin Othman (Assistant District Language Officer for Languages, Kuala Muda Yan) En. Nagaiah Velu (Assistant District Language Officer for Languages, Langkawi) En. Md. Zahir bin Husin (Assistant District Language Officer for Languages, Kulim Bandar Baharu) Pn. Nadia Normala Vimala bt Abdullah (Assistant District Language Officer for Languages, Pendang) Cik Farha bt Sobry (Assistant District Language Officer for English (Secondary), Kuala Muda Yan En. Oslan bin Yum (Assistant District Language Officer for English (Secondary), Kubang Pasu Panel of Smart Module 2 2011 (SPM 1119) 1. Pn. Farah Ikhmar bt Jafri (SMK Sik) 2. En. Lim Swee Teong (SMK Simpang Kuala) ...
Words: 34178 - Pages: 137
...any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data Tyson, Lois, 1950‑ Critical theory today : a user‑friendly guide / Lois Tyson.‑‑ 2nd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0‑415‑97409‑7 (hb) ‑‑ ISBN 0‑415‑97410‑0 (pb) 1. Criticism. I. Title. PN81.T97 2006 801’.95‑‑dc22 Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the Routledge Web site at http://www.routledge‑ny.com 2006001722 I gratefully dedicate this book to my students and to my teachers. I hope I will always have difficulty telling you apart. Contents Preface to the second edition Preface for instructors...
Words: 221284 - Pages: 886
...Battcock and Robert Nickas All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast. Published in the United States by E. P. Dutton, Inc., 2 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 79-53323 ISBN: 0-525-48039-0 Published simultaneously in Canada by Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited, Toronto 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 First Edition Vito Acconci: "Notebook: On Activity and Performance." Reprinted from Art and Artists 6, no. 2 (May l97l), pp. 68-69, by permission of Art and Artists and the author. Russell Baker: "Observer: Seated One Day At the Cello." Reprinted from The New York Times, May 14, 1967, p. lOE, by permission of The New York Times. Copyright @ 1967 by The New York Times Company. David Bourdon: "An Eccentric Body of Art." Reprinted from Saturday Review of the Arts 1, no. 2 (February 3, 1973), pp. 30-32, by permission of Saturday Review of the Arts and the author. Cee S. Brown: "Performance Art: A New Form of Theatre, Not a New Concept in Art." Copyright @ 1983 by Cee S. Brown. Printed by permission of the author. Chris...
Words: 38936 - Pages: 156
...HUMANITIES 1 (RESEARCH PAPER) HISTORY OF PAINTINGS AND ARTISTS IN THE WORLD ADRIAN M SITCHON PROF. PEREZ 4TH YEAR/BS.HRM/NS (SUBMITTED BY) TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION HISTORY BODY * EASTERN PAINTING * WESTERN PAINTING * 20th-CENTURY MODERN * AND CONTEMPORARY DEFINITION OF TERMS * FAMOUS PAINTERS * AND BIOGRAPHY * Paintings of famous painters CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATION REFERENCE INTRODUCTION: Painting can be done in a variety of media. For example, Oils, Watercolour, Acrylics, Gouache and Tempera. Paints are made from a pigment, and a binder. Binder is relatively cheap, while pigment is much more expensive. Pigments are a colored powder, made from organic or inorganic materials. (This is different than a colorant, which dyes or stains a color.) All paints use the same basic pigments, but the binder changes. The binder for acrylics dries quickly and the paint is more like a plastic than oils which have an oil based binder and dry slowly. Oil Paints are often built up in layers or glazes. The other paints---Watercolour, Acrylics, Gouache, and Tempera---are water-based, meaning the paint can be diluted with water and clean-up can be done with soap and water. Oil paints, on the other hand, require paint thinner to clean brushes. The number and variety of painting techniques is endless. Besides quality of paint, factors affecting color quality include: paint opacity, glossiness of painting surface...
Words: 4942 - Pages: 20
...Instructor’s Manual to Accompany The Longman Writer Rhetoric, Reader, Handbook Fifth Edition and The Longman Writer Rhetoric and Reader Fifth Edition Brief Edition Judith Nadell Linda McMeniman Rowan University John Langan Atlantic Cape Community College Prepared by: Eliza A. Comodromos Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey New York San Francisco Boston London Toronto Sydney Tokyo Singapore Madrid Mexico City Munich Paris Cape Town Hong Kong Montreal NOTE REGARDING WEBSITES AND PASSWORDS: If you need a password to access instructor supplements on a Longman book-specific website, please use the following information: Username: Password: awlbook adopt Senior Acquisitions Editor: Joseph Opiela Senior Supplements Editor: Donna Campion Electronic Page Makeup: Big Color Systems, Inc. Instructor’s Manual to accompany The Longman Writer: Rhetoric, Reader, Handbook, 5e and The Longman Writer: Rhetoric and Reader, Brief Edition, 5e, by Nadell/McMeniman/Langan and Comodromos Copyright ©2003 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Instructors may reproduce portions of this book for classroom use only. All other reproductions are strictly prohibited without prior permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Please visit our website at: http://www.ablongman.com ISBN: 0-321-13157-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - D O H - 05 04 03 02 CONTENTS ...
Words: 78100 - Pages: 313