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The Overabundance Of Power

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In today's day and age the United States Government has many issues worth debating. Of these, one of the hottest controversies is whether or not our national government has an overabundance of power. Should more power go to the states? Or is it more beneficial to our country to have everything run through one cohesive and influential system? As the United States has progressed through history opinions on this matter have fluctuated, and opposing opinions can be seen within political parties.
The beginning of our government was founded in the works of the Articles of Confederation. This document gave most of the legislative power to the state governments, but laid the groundwork for unity among the original colonies. After realizing that …show more content…
Trump has gave a bit more freedom to the states, such has how funding is given to certain organizations. I believe this is a good thing mainly due to the states having a more local and ideal look for itself.I feel like as citizens we have the perfect amount of government support we get and the perfect amount as states. Of course my opinion is different to others mainly due to the fact that i'm a middle class citizen and maybe people that are not as wealthy do need more support. I believe a person's lifestyle can really affect their decision for this. One of the main issues on the government's power is if it has the right to spy on us like they do. One of the main points people bring up is that it may infringe on our constitutional rights. . The NSA which was founded by henry truman in the 1950s is own of the biggest complaints of spying. In recent times it has greatly picked up such as these agencies being able to even go into your phone and see what they are up to. I believe we do need security on this matter but only if there is reasonable cause to …show more content…
I think this is the reason alcohol was banned and brought back. I think President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the best president to use as an example as a person who did not have enough power. I really think he could have done more if he had more availability to extend his new deals and maybe end the depression sooner. The new deals really did change the face of america though. It gave people more jobs helped people that were really struggling and overall actually end the depression. Many of these new deals were setback or just did not work mainly due to the conservative uproar they were giving. If the government had more power I really think there would be a lot less complaining and a lot more doing, which in this case i believe would have truly helped the american people. Some of these deals are even still going on today such as social

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