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Personal Narrative: My Interview With Parent

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For the assessment and interview, I was with a seven-year-old with ASD and his mother and sister. It was the same child that I performed the BOT-II on. The therapist had warned me before that this might be a difficult mom to interact with. She told me she could come off as very intimidating and usually takes the lead for interviews. I am relatively comfortable with my interview skills with parents because of my experience at the Waisman Center with Sharon. I tried to stay calm because I knew I had the ability to interview a parent, but the therapist’s warning did make me nervous. This interview was also difficult because this family was not a new one to clinic. Instead of being able to go though an entire occupational profile or collecting a …show more content…
The mother was not resistant to me as a student, but generally was resistant to my questions because she had her own agenda of what she thought was important to discuss today. I was able to get a yes or no response to my questions but she would go off on tangents unrelated to those questions. The therapist was there to step in to further expand on the questions I had asked and to clarify what the mom thought was important. The interview went better than I had expected, although went relatively quickly. I typically think that I am usually pretty good with talking to people and have not usually been nervous during interviews at the Waisman Center. I have been lucky enough to interview parents that have been open to me as a student and have “gone easy on me”. This mom did not afford me the same coddling. I learned a lot from this experience in that parents are not there to make me feel better as a student and it is up to me to change my style in such an appointment. There was information I needed to gather from this mom, but her agenda was entirely different than mine and so I had to work to reconcile

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