...During my junior year of high school, I broke my leg playing soccer. This injury caused a variety of health issues, consisting of nerve damage, torn muscles, and mobility problems. With the intention of playing soccer my senior year, I worked assiduously to regain my strength and flexibility. Despite my efforts to achieve full flexibility, the ability to point my toe persisted as a challenge to overcome. My physical therapists recommended a stretching technique requiring me to kneel on the floor and push my heel to the ground. This did not work because of the severity of my tightened tendon. Pondering a solution to my problem, I designed a brace for my leg using drafting techniques I acquired from engineering classes I took during my junior...
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...Apply Knowledge of Basic Skills “This year you will be doing a lot of creative writing.” Mrs. Phelps introduced her class with at the start of my junior year. I had always been keen to free writing for the single reason that it was easy to fluff up and fabricate. As long as it was in MLA format and grammar was correct, I could not lose. I had discovered early on in my academic career that I was a decent writer; I could establish main points and a theme as well as apply proper grammar. It speaks for my writing that I was agitable to misusers of “there, their, and they’re” to say the least. The only criticism on writing prompts I would get were technical ones, like using apostrophes incorrectly or writing the number rather than spelling it. Yet, marked in red at the top of my first paper junior year was something I had not expected, nor seen before-- “Where is your voice?” My voice? I was not mute, so what kind of question was that? I thought about it all class period and looked for the flaw within the paper. All i had to work with was that obscure note and I thought about the question again and again-- I even began...
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...personal narrative You act white tell a personal narrative of multi-racial girl. The girl has more problems with her skin color because she is too shy to make friends. Three black girls deride her and cause some problems. She is only 8th grade's student and a small kid. These three girls give pressure that a kid can not easy to withstand. Their threaten and actions to her makes her so upset. What those girls has done to her makes her suffering a lot. When I read this article, my childhood also has some dark memories that I did not want it happened to me again. When I was 12 years old, this was the time to go to junior school in China. The Chinese education system force students to very hard and compete with each other. Students needs to study sine 6am till 10pm everyday to study all kinds of subjects. And most of parents want their children to go to top schooling their city in order to have a promising future. With a huge amount of students but limited best schools, not all the students can make their "best school" dreams come true. So the entrance exam is the only way to pick students who want to go to the best school. Fortunately, I was 1000 of 10000 students who passed the exam. However if i had a chance to chose again, i would rather not pass that exam. What I had experienced made me feel so upset and lonely. The Foreign Languages School, one of the best schools in my hometown, was a boarding school. Students only had 4 days off to home per month. I lived with my grandparents...
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...experience as reading out of a paper book does. I recently read a novel off of my tablet and even though I really enjoyed the book, I found myself to be more distracted and having to read sections over and over again. Many people feel gentrific for having tablets or smart devices they can read off of but in most cases...
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...disorders, in reference to my own experiences. I will compare my experiences to the writing of Almy and Genishi in Ways of Studying Children: An Observation Manual for Early Childhood Teachers and also the personal narratives of Mike Rose in I Just Wanna To Be Average, and Sandra Cisneros in Woman Hollering Creek. I will use these writings to show how it is possible for students to pass through their education, experiencing difficulties but never being diagnosed with a learning disability that they may have. Such experiences of students are important to note in order to better identify learning disabilities within schools in order to provide students with...
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...| Service Learning Experience | | | | I chose Teen Night at Fort Boise for my service learning project this semester. With the idea behind Teen Night being that there is an option for kids to get out, socialize and participate in many different experiences on a Friday night, in order to try to keep them from choosing activities that would be poor choices and possibly getting in trouble. Although this activity is open to any junior high and high school student in the area, I realized very quickly that most of the teens that attended could easily be labeled as “high risk” teens. Many of them have very stressful/negative settings at home. For some of the teens this was easily identifiable quickly. Others were very good at hiding their troubles. I enjoyed serving my service learning hours at Fort Boise, but, in a way, I wish I would have chosen an organization where I would have been able to get a little closer to the people, on a personal level. Teen Night was just more of group interaction (playing basketball, dodge ball, video games, etc.). There was one teen (Will) I was able to form a bond with that was, originally, very closed off. I later found out, from one of the other volunteers, there were concerns of suicide with Will. I will discuss this bond further into the paper, but I will say that connecting with Will was the highlight of my service learning. In an article from 1995 about the Adolescent Transition Project which was a study conducted in...
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...STUDIES IN PROFESSIONAL LIFE AND WORK Mike Hayler University of Brighton, UK Autoethnography, Self-Narrative and Teacher Education examines the professional life and work of teacher educators. In adopting an autoethnographic and life-history approach, Mike Hayler develops a theoretically informed discussion of how the professional identity of teacher educators is both formed and represented by narratives of experience. The book draws upon analytic autoethnography and life-history methods to explore the ways in which teacher educators construct and develop their conceptions and practice by engaging with memory through narrative, in order to negotiate some of the ambivalences and uncertainties of their work. The author’s own story of learning, embedded within the text, was shared with other teacher-educators, who following interviews wrote self-narratives around themes which emerged from discussion. The focus for analysis develops from how professional identity and pedagogy are influenced by changing perceptions and self-narratives of life and work experiences, and how this may influence professional culture, content and practice in this area. Autoethnography, Self-Narrative and Teacher Education Autoethnography, Self-Narrative and Teacher Education STUDIES IN PROFESSIONAL LIFE AND WORK The book includes an evaluation of how using this approach has allowed the author to investigate both the subject and method of the research with implications for ...
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...Narrative Essay Rough Draft Philosopher Suman Rai once said, “You are the sum total of your life experiences. The more you experience the more interesting your life story gets.” In other words, a person’s individual experiences ultimately bind together to create the collective soul of his or her beliefs and moral values. I have found that people learn life lessons and develop values more from their first hand experiences, than they ever could from being lectured. In example, it is from a personal experience in the seventh grade, that I learned to judge a person not on the quality of their appearance alone but rather by their words and actions. To begin, it is important to understand that I am a visual learner. I tend to process and rationalize...
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...call his name. In this poem, identity is not seen as something that is solid and concrete but as something that is situated and constructed by others, a glimpse of poststructuralist view on identity. Recently, language learning has been seen as participation and negotiation of self (see Higgins, forthcoming; Kinginger, 2004; Lam, 2000; Morita, 2004; Ohara, 2001; Pavlenko & Lantolf, 2000; and Solé, 2007 among others). The trend is resonated in the growing interest in language learner identity and the studies in narratives. In this paper, a case of heritage language learner will be investigated upon the theoretical frame of poststructuralism. Narrative inquiry will be used to analyze how she negotiates her learner identity. The purpose of this paper is two-fold: First, by looking at the struggle a language learner makes to acquire her heritage language, I reclaim the centrality of identity in defining heritage language learners. Second, to widen the horizons of narrative studies to the cyber space as it provides an ample source of easily accessible data and it has become one of the commonplace media of daily communication. Heritage Language Learners and Identity To refer to the Heritage Language Learners (HLLs), various terms have been implemented such as ‘native speakers,’ ‘quasi native speakers,’ ‘bilingual speakers,’ or, from the dissatisfaction with the prior terms, ‘home background speakers,’ and ‘heritage language speakers’ (Valés, 2005: p. 412). There has not yet been...
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...the employers with the employees. In my profess lifional life , the recruitment helps me to select right job in right place. An effective recruitment and selection process reduces turnover in my professional life.The recruitment helps the hospitals to fill the qualified personnals to provide qualified nursing care. It takes long time ,because first to notify the vacancies ,and then wait for applications to initiate the selection process.It is too costly ,because a lot of money has to spent for advertisement and selection process. 9.2 Social context: In the society,the recruitment agencies helps the candidates to select right job in right place.It meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce. It helps to identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates and increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job...
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...Significant Lifespan Factors Impacting Personal Coping Skills Catherine Manning Liberty University Abstract Human beings develop throughout their lifespan, as they make good choices to meet their physical, spiritual and emotional needs. While development is not sequential, it is progressive as the story of life molds and shapes the beliefs and choices of the future. When humans are compared and evaluated, what is it that influences one person to make good choices and another to make bad choices? The ability to adapt and handle times of crisis is a good indicator of a healthy, well-balanced life. It is an indicator that affects almost everyone. It takes skills that mature and develop over time. Are there life experiences that contribute to the positive handling of the stressors of a crisis? Personal experience and pertinent research points to three themes offering positive influence upon crisis adapting skills. First, a religious and spiritual foundation provides the context through which the crisis can be understood, analyzed and managed. Second, a positive, stable family situation allows for the development of the positive self-esteem necessary through which the impact of the crisis upon the individual can be managed. Finally, the satisfaction found in a career or a job can determine perspective and motivation in dealing with problems outside the workplace. Significant Lifespan Factors Impacting Personal Coping Skills Lifespan developmental psychology...
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...crisis is a good indicator of a healthy, well-balanced life. It is an indicator that affects almost everyone. It takes skills that mature and develop over time. Are there life experiences that contribute to the positive handling of the stressors of a crisis? Personal experience and pertinent research points to three themes offering positive influence upon crisis adapting skills. First, a religious and spiritual foundation provides the context through which the crisis can be understood, analyzed and managed. Second, a positive, stable family situation allows for the development of the positive self-esteem necessary through which the impact of the crisis upon the individual can be managed. Finally, the satisfaction found in a career or a job can determine perspective and motivation in dealing with problems outside the workplace. Significant Lifespan Factors Impacting Personal Coping Skills Lifespan developmental psychology (LP) is involved in the study of the individual’s development from conception or birth into old age. One of the assumptions of LP is that significant life events shape and transform the personality, thinking process and behavior of the individual. Lifespan research has expanded over the years, providing observations and analysis of the factors that are shared by many, the acute differences between individuals, and how the individual adapts to the life events (Baltes, Staudinger, & Lindenberger,...
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...Sexual Harassment in the Workplace EXPERIENCES OF WOMEN IN THE HEALTH SECTOR Paramita Chaudhuri Health and Population Innovation Fellowship Programme Working Paper, No. 1 This report is the result of a project entitled “Understanding Sexual Harassment in the Health Sector,” undertaken as part of the Health and Population Innovation Fellowship (HPIF) awarded to the author in 2004. The HPIF programme is administered by the Population Council, New Delhi and is a continuation of the MacArthur Foundation’s Fund for Leadership Development (FLD) fellowship programme that continued over the period 1995 to 2004. The Council is grateful to the MacArthur Foundation for its support to this programme. The HPIF programme aims to support mid-career individuals who have innovative ideas, leadership potential, and the capacity to help shape policy and public debate in the field of population, reproductive health and rights in general, with a focus on two priority themes – maternal mortality and morbidity, and the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people. Since the transfer of the programme to the Population Council through 2006, a total of 17 individuals have been supported under the HPIF programme. For additional copies of this report, please contact: Paramita Chaudhuri Senior Programme Officer Sanhita 89B Raja Basanto Roy Road Kolkata 700 029 Email: sanhita@cal.vsnl.net.in Phone: 033-24227965 Population Council Zone 5A, Ground Floor India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road...
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...WR 115 Assignment Essay One—Literacy Narrative 600-1000 Words Basic Prompt As you begin this essay writing process, reflect on your experiences and attitudes about reading and writing. Regardless of our backgrounds, our ideas of literacy often become deeply engrained as good or bad without much thought about to how these views have come to be. As a result, many of us have definitions of literacy–of reading and writing–that could benefit from a thoughtful and honest close self-examination. Choose a Topic: Please draw from the following as you develop your essay focus: • Narrate an early memory about writing or reading that you recall vividly. Then explain why this event is significant to you now. • Describe someone who taught you to read or write and explain this person’s significance in your life. • Identify a book or other text and explain its significance for you in your reading and writing. • Narrate an experience with a writing or reading task that you found (or still find) difficult or challenging. • Describe a memento and explain how it represents an important moment in your reading/writing development. Then Create a Narrative: Use sound writing and story-telling skills to organize and articulate your story. Make sure to stay focused on your one, main idea. Key Elements • Create a well told story. Bring your narrative to life by using concrete and vivid details. • Develop your main idea. (make sure you only have one main idea) • Develop the significance or affect of your...
Words: 2363 - Pages: 10
...WR 115 Assignment Essay One—Literacy Narrative 600-1000 Words Basic Prompt As you begin this essay writing process, reflect on your experiences and attitudes about reading and writing. Regardless of our backgrounds, our ideas of literacy often become deeply engrained as good or bad without much thought about to how these views have come to be. As a result, many of us have definitions of literacy–of reading and writing–that could benefit from a thoughtful and honest close self-examination. Choose a Topic: Please draw from the following as you develop your essay focus: • Narrate an early memory about writing or reading that you recall vividly. Then explain why this event is significant to you now. • Describe someone who taught you to read or write and explain this person’s significance in your life. • Identify a book or other text and explain its significance for you in your reading and writing. • Narrate an experience with a writing or reading task that you found (or still find) difficult or challenging. • Describe a memento and explain how it represents an important moment in your reading/writing development. Then Create a Narrative: Use sound writing and story-telling skills to organize and articulate your story. Make sure to stay focused on your one, main idea. Key Elements • Create a well told story. Bring your narrative to life by using concrete and vivid details. • Develop your main idea. (make sure you only have one main idea) • Develop the significance or affect of your...
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