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Personal Narrative: My Life In Guatemala

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My life has been divided into two geographical locations. The first one, traces back to a small town in the mountains, outside of Guatemala City where I lived for sixteen years. Although Guatemala is a green paradise, it was the insulated and forgotten green world that became my cage. For a time, I was hopeless, I thought about my present and my future as something inextricably tied to a rotten fate without opportunities for educational excellence. Growing up, I was surrounded by poverty. I was lucky to attend school. The school consisted of a simple concrete block building, that had no windows, doors, or even desks. School protected me from the devastating conditions and violence that surrounded me, thus, becoming what was the greatest part …show more content…
As a child, I always questioned everything, even my own existence. I remember lying on the ground of my grandparents' house, looking into the sky with tears that I always tried to hold back. In that moment I screamed from my insides; I screamed for help. While lying there, I also tried to grasp an unreachable world, which I hoped was waiting for me. At that moment I felt angry and frustrated because, regardless of individual's' skills or intelligence, the drabness of poverty makes it nearly impossible for them to actually reach their full potential. In such desperate conditions or state, each person do have dreams. Sometimes people have dreams of their own, and sometimes they may be borrowed dreams from others. Borrowed dreams are also a surfing mechanism to people as it helps them take one step at a time through the next day without ever thinking about dying. At least to me it was like this. I always borrowed my little sister’s dreams and she would also borrow my dreams as well as others. Just seeing her dreaming of being something better in the future, gave me the will to continue living and doing my best for him. Because this is what made so innocent, kind, as well as shine as if she were born from a different star and world that I didn't know about. Because of that, I survived. However, the poverty in Guatemala inspired dreams of a …show more content…
I felt small in this unfamiliar world; however, this new environment opened the doors of my prison. I remember my first day of high school, looking outside the window when I saw how the American flag was blown around by an imposing and unpredictable wind. As chills ran through my veins and my eyes followed the inconsistent movement of the flag, it propagated a sense of legitimate individuality within me and fostered an individually focused mindset. The big streets, the new language, and this country- my country- helped reach and excel the dreams that I, as a child, lost in an immense sky. As a result, sexist standards developed, where now women are degraded and thought of as important only because of procreation. For women education is not an option, most girls at the age of 14 already families and settling in their own homes. Inside me, I dreamed about reaching freedom from this oppression through access to academic and future career opportunities, which would assure the possibility develop individualism. However, the poverty in Guatemala inspired dreams of a different life without the means to actually reach them. The United States allowed me to detach myself from the loop of poverty which oppressed and degraded women. In this moment I really that my whole life I have been longing for freedom and individualism. Due to my hunger for the ideals of optimism and tenaciousness

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