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Personal Narrative: The Money Pit

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If you have ever lived through home construction or renovation, then you know what a nightmare it can be. I remember watching a comedy movie many years ago, called "The Money Pit." It was about a house that a young, energetic couple bought with a plan to renovate. It starred Tom Hanks and Shelley Long. They bought the house for a ridiculously low amount (though unfortunately, with borrowed money) with the idea of it being a fixer upper. They certainly got more than they bargained for! Their dream house soon turned into a real life nightmare. There were electrical mishaps, structural cave-ins, and plumbing fiascos galore. I laughed until I cried.
In real life, however, things are not so funny. I can relate all too well to the movie, and the house. But in my case, the tale would be considered a tragedy, instead of a comedy. From the time we originally built our house, over 25 years ago, until this day, there has been one calamity after another. It might have something to do with the people my husband hires …show more content…
I began to think that perhaps things were improving. I had been so embarrassed about the house, both inside and out, for so long, that I had almost lost hope. I kept telling myself that we would do the outside first, and then step by step, the inside would also be addressed. In preparation for this, I cleaned every room from top to bottom, and was quite proud with what I had accomplished. My daughter moved out after graduation, and I redecorated her room with a Victorian theme. The family room furniture was given new slipcovers, and a guest bedroom was also redecorated. Our next big project was to be the downstairs bathroom renovation. (But that would have to wait until the upper and lower patio decks in the back of our house were demolished, due to rotting wood, structural damage, and a problem with leaks. Then we were going to build new

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