...Personal Responsibility Final Draft Jordan Chase GEN/200 March 27, 2012 University of Phoenix Personal Responsibility Rough Draft "You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself" (Rohn, n.d.).The only person who can better you is yourself and if you do not take action in your own life no one else will. To achieve a successful lifestyle, and reach goals, one must have personal responsibility to make this happen. With a schedule and proper balance of time I can make my family proud and provide a better life for them by obtaining a degree and higher education. To me personal responsibility is making sure you are bettering yourself in any way possible and be self-driven enough to recognize an area of your life that needs attention and act on it. In the Marine Corps one value they believe in is their leadership trait “To know yourself and seek self-improvement” (Scott, 2007). Constantly self-evaluate and focus on yourself both good and bad. Then try to figure what areas of your life need some work and set some goals. Goal setting is a huge aspect of personal responsibility. If you do not set goals you will not have anything to strive for and without a deadline, no motivation to achieve it. You must have something to work toward but at the same time keep the goal realistic and timely. Goals do not have to be personal but professional or academic as well. If you allow goal setting in all three...
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...Personal Responsibility Mario Kinsey- 9047095225 GEN/ 200 December 3, 2012 John Grattan Personal Responsibility Rough Draft Personal responsibility is self-explanatory, being responsible for OUR own actions. By definition, accountability is defined, “the quality or state of being accountable; especially: to account for one’s actions.”(“Merriam-Webster,” 2012). You take responsibility for your own actions and accepting whatever comes with the actions you choose. Personal responsibility goes lock and key with college success. College success in my eyes is a definition that would have to be given by each student because it depends on what they are trying to accomplish while attending school. If you hold ourselves accountable for our actions then you give ourselves a better chance to be successful. Also the actions you choose, affects everyone around us as well. If you decide not to write your term paper, then you have to deal with the fact that you may fail. If you decide not to do your part of group assignments, not only but also, do you have to deal with the outcome, but your choice not to do your part, it affects those in your group. You must accept the consequences of our choices. Every person has a choice and has the authority to make his own decisions. For example, Tony has a Final term paper due that carries 80% of his final grade. Tony decides not to do his final paper and goes to class. His professor asked everyone...
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... Introduction Ramell Miles wrote a paper on “Personal Responsibility” for a class she had recently taken. In this paper the first discussion is how the topic selected, including research sources, organization, composition, and approach. The next discussion will be about selecting appropriate topics for the audience, analyzing the audience, and source credibility for a particular audience. Finally, conferring with the book Research Matters will examine various strategies, such as organizing drafting and revision and how to use them in other writings. Previous Paper Written The subject for the aforementioned research paper was already decided by the professor. The process of locating good sources began with an Internet search for the topic of “Personal Responsibility’, including a definition of the title, the correlation between it and college success and one’s process to attain achievement in college and through life. The paper was organized by writing an outline based on the criteria given from the professor. The composition of the paper began by answering the questions in short answer form. Next, each answer was expounded upon by supporting documentation as well as personal thoughts. Then it was checked for word court, grammatical and spelling errors before utilizing Write Point, which advises the writer of language...
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...SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE HEALTH, EXERCISE SCIENCE, AND ATHLETICS Principles of Healthful Living Fall 2015 Class: HLTH Instructor: Dr. Akili Section number:101-44 Office Hours: By Appointment Class Location: H-312 Prerequisites: NONE Units: 3.0 Class Hours: T, TR 5:10p.m.-6:35 p.m. Phone: e-mail: sakili@swccd.edu Course Description: Addresses contemporary public health issues and development of holistically healthy living. Provides an overview of epidemiology, chronic and infectious diseases, environmental health, injury prevention, chemical dependency, nutrition, health policies and promotion, global health, body composition, fitness, psychological wellness, fertility, sexuality, emergency preparedness, disaster response, conflict resolution, and end of the life cycle. Text: Insel, P. & Roth, W. (2011). Core concepts in health. 13th ed. brief. New York, NY: McGraw- Hill. ISBN: 978-0-07-8028533 MHID: 0-07-802853-1 Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Identify present health condition that may develop into disease and modify them as necessary. 2. Identify causes and health consequences...
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...LP 6 Cause and Effect First Draft Tina Clouse 5/13/14 Being a college student is truly an exhilarating, exciting, but also tiresome choice, I have made the decision to go back to college for the third and final time. It truly does seem as though it has gotten harder and harder to be a student over the years, and now I have the opportunity to reflect upon why this seems to be the case. After taking somewhat of a hiatus from school, I was given the idea from above, the strength from within, and the support of my family, friends, and co-workers to go back to college for my masters in what I have finally found to be my true passion. As a social case worker I will have the opportunity to work with battered and abused woman and children, and be given the opportunity to help law enforcement prosecute those you have offended. Being a single mother of five wondrous children and the opportunity to be the mother figure in so many other children’s lives has given me the foresight, the working knowledge as well, as the wisdom and compassion to help woman and children who have been victimized. The reason that I made this decision to go back to school to receive my masters degree comes from a multitude of facets. From all of my children supporting me emotionally, my fiancé supporting me in every way that a man should, to the support from the rest of my family friends, I felt as though it was more simply put, just my calling to do this. Although there are so many positive outcomes...
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...Name Course Date Instructor Personal Responsibility Essay Draft My opinion, personal responsibility means taking responsibility for my own actions, knowing willingly that, with the responsibility of my own actions, comes the accepting that any action taken has consequences, and with those consequences, could directly or indirectly affect myself and the people around me. Adding personal responsibility into my education will allow my success as a student. Making sacrifices within your personal life will allow the time needed for a better education. Making an outline of your personal responsibility for your education would be a good start for your quest to be a great student. This is a good article from one of the world's leading authorities on personal responsibility. He teaches how a person can take personal responsibility and turn life around to be successful in life, both personal, and business. This is an exceptional resource for accepting personal responsibility. Within this article the reader will find questions answered. The acceptance of personal responsibility, failing to accept personal responsibility that resulted with negative consequences, beliefs of the people who have not accepted personal responsibility, the behavior traits that need to be developed in order to accept personal responsibility, and the steps accepting personal responsibility. The consequences you make with personal responsibility will affect you as a person; it could make you...
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...Personal Responsibility Essay GEN/200 Month Date, Year Professor Week 5: Personal Responsibility Essay: Final Draft To achieve academic success, students must practice personal responsibility through effective time management and communication. Personal responsibility also can be referred to as Accountability that is defined by Merriam-Webster as “the quality or state of being accountable; an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions.” http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/accountability. In my own words, being responsible is the same as being honest with oneself and possessing the honor and integrity to own up to all your decisions and accepting each consequence if one decides whether or not to follow through. Eleanor Roosevelt was quoted for saying; “In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/personal-responsibility. I agree with Eleanor Roosevelt because I control my own destiny. It is up to me to know the difference between right and wrong and make a wise decision. I know that any decisions I make will come with results. Results that I must maintain a focus mind on no matter what the consequences may be as well as understanding how it could affect the ones around me. A preliminary plan to practice personal responsibility in my education would be time management...
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...|[pic] |Syllabus | | |College of Humanities | | |US/101 Version 5 | | |Introduction to University Studies | Copyright © 2011, 2010, 2009 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description The essential information, skills, tools, and techniques necessary for academic success and personal effectiveness at University of Phoenix are introduced in this course. The course develops and applies practical knowledge and skills immediately relevant to first-year university students. Course topics include goal setting and working with personal motivation, understanding and using university resources, developing efficient study habits, making the most of personal learning styles, and how best to manage time and reduce personal stress levels. Policies Students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document...
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...Registration System Vision Version 1.0 Revision History |Table |Version |Description |Author | |1/Dec/98 |Draft |Initial Draft |Sue Gamble | |13/Dec/98 |1.0 |Minor revisions following Peer Review. |Sue Gamble | | | |Added performance requirements. | | | | | | | | | | | | Vision 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to define the high-level requirements of the Wylie course registration (C-Registration) system in terms of the needs of the end users. 1.2 Scope This Vision Document applies to the Wylie course registration system, which will be developed by the Wylie College Information Systems (IT) department. The IT department will develop this client-server system to interface with the existing course catalog database. The C-Registration System will enable students to register for courses...
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...activities. Course Goals At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: * Understand International Financial Markets and Flow of Funds * Explain changes in Foreign Currency and Exchange Rate Fluctuations * Analyze Variability of Currency and Long Term Capital Budgeting * Manage Economic Exposure and Translation Exposure * Discuss Country Risk Analysis Required Resources Required Textbook: Madura, J. (2012) International Financial Management,11th Ed. Cengage. ISBN 9780538482967 Compliance with Federal Law: For information on the authors, titles, retail prices, ISBN numbers and other details regarding the textbooks, please visit the college website at http://bookstore.berkeleycollege.edu. Participation And Tardiness Berkeley College requires instructors to take attendance. Students are expected to attend and participate in all of the classes. Regular attendance and participation in the discussions are very important. The...
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...curriculum introduced in ENGL 101. Students will produce at least 5000 words of researched writing during the semester. Notes: No duplicate credit for ENGL 102 and ENGL 106H. Prerequisite: ENGL 101 or equivalent. Lec. 3 Cr. 3. Gen. Ed. 1a, 2, 3, 7. Writing Enriched Course. Texts & Materials A topic reader specified in your instructor’s syllabus for your section of the course. Costello, Rita D., et al, eds. McNeese State University Composition and Rhetoric Guide, 2013-2014. Sulphur, OK: Fountainhead, 2013. Print. Maimon, Elaine P., Janice H. Peritz, and Kathleen Blake Yancey, eds. A Writer’s Resource: A Handbook for Writing and Research: Special Edition for McNeese State University. 4th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill, 2012. Print. Portfolio folder College dictionary Scantrons and examination booklets Student Learner Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to do the following: 1. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and work independently on individual research projects* 2. Write three 1000-word documented texts and one 2000-word documented essay (approximately 5000 words not including journals). Essays should demonstrate the elements of good academic writing and an understanding of the rhetorical principles of audience, purpose, and content* 3. Explore writing in...
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...* ------------------------------------------------- Course Information: Course Description: Exposition and argument, emphasizing critical thinking in response to electronic and print texts. Focus on exploring, developing, and communicating ideas in a voice appropriate to the audience. Students strengthen skills through pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing. In-class and out-of-class essays required. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in ENGL 098 taken at 5 credits or recommending score on the writing skills placement test for ENGL 101. | Credits: 5Item #: 2806Class Hours/Locations: 9:00-9:50JSH 248 | ------------------------------------------------- Instructor Information: 0 1 Instructor: Sharla Yates, MA in Writing 2 Office Hours: by appointment only 3 Phone: 503-750-9552 (Last Resort) | 4 E-mail address: syates@clark.edu (Best) 5 Mailstop: FHL 222 6 Office Location: FHL 112 | * ------------------------------------------------- Text & Materials Needed: Required Text: * Hacker, Diana, Ed. Rules for Writers. Boston: Bedford, 2008. * Everything’s an Argument 5th edition. Boston: Bedford 2010. Required Supplies/Materials: You will need daily access to a computer and a printer, both must function properly. You will need access to the Internet. You will receive all assignments, announcements, grades, additional reading materials, videos, handouts and due dates on...
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...Continuing Academic Success GEN/201 09/29/14 Felicia Pettway Continuing Academic Success It was a big decision for me to continue my path to higher education without giving up. Personally, it took me 4 years of community college to finish with my general education program because of the obstacle that came through my path. Being in school my whole life, honestly speaking I was just about ready to give up because of the stress and pressure. Knowing how far I was to my goal and a little help from my family I was able to make a decision to not give up and peruse my goal and attain my diploma. Persistence is key and in knowing that I am going to strive to finish my goal. Setting Goals Setting goals is key when it comes to achieving them. It is crucial to set realistic goals that you know you can accomplish as opposed to setting unrealistic one that you know is far from reach. The University talks a lot about setting goals and achieving them. According to University of Phoenix Goal Setting and Time Management (2014), S.M.A.R.T. goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. One personal goals that I set forth for myself is to obtain by Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Management. That will enable me in my career to move the corporate ladder and acquire the position I see myself in. The Writing Process Good writing is essential for success in school and the 21st Century workplace. Writing is a combination of skill that is best...
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...management: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling that are applicable to managing entrepreneurial or intrapreneurial ventures. This course prepares the students for real life business operations and teaches them practical application of theoretical learning. Course Prerequisite Purpose I Constructive Action Required Textbook: Stutely, R. (2007). The definitive business plan: the fast-track to intelligent business planning for executives and entrepreneurs. Financial TimesPrentice Hall. ISBN: 978-0273710967. Other Required Readings: h Handouts, New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Internet and other supplementary materials. Assessments ASSIGNMENTS | Points (or % of Grading) | Final CA & Business Plan | 60% | Mid Point Assessment CA Draft | 20% | Progress...
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...1220-C1607 – Composition II Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:00 PM to 5:25 PM August 20, 2013, to December 12, 2013 MCC Center Campus B-112 Instructor: Sharon Cicilian Email: cicilians@macomb.edu Phone: 586-286-2145 Mailbox: B-111 Office Hours: By appointment only Required Texts and Materials McMahan, Elizabeth, et al. Literature and the Writing Process: Backpack Edition. Boston: Pearson, 2011. Print. ISBN: 978-0-205-73072-8 Schwartz, Linda Smoak. The Wadsworth Guide to MLA Documentation. 2nd ed. Boston: Cengage, 2011. Print. ISBN: 978-1-111-34737-6 Students will also need a notebook for note taking, college-ruled, loose-leaf paper for assignments and quizzes, and black or blue pens. It is also strongly recommended that students purchase a folder or binder to store their course materials in. Required and suggested materials can be purchased at the Macomb Community College Bookstore. Course Description Prerequisite: ENGL-1180 or ENGL-1210 No credit after ENGL-1190. The focus of this course is the writing of critical essays based upon readings in literature, and the further development of writing skills learned in ENGL-1180 or ENGL-1210. The course places extensive emphasis upon research. Students who have completed ENGL-1190 successfully should not take ENGL-1220. Students will not receive credit for both. (3 credit hours) Course Outcomes Outcome 1: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to discuss the significance of imaginative writing in essays...
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