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Personal Statement: A Graduation Analysis

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My father always mentioned to me that man does not live to work. Rather, they work so that they may have the resources to live. In my case, I decided during the summer of my junior year that I would search for any job opportunities so as to gain the resources and experience to live in the world beyond education and schooling.

To my disbelief, I found that that world was much more difficult to enter than I had once imagined it to be. I discovered that the hiring process was affected only minimally by school performance and because of that, I found myself without a job, waiting for responses that always ended in a professional denial. In fact, I myself was in denial since I realized that most jobs- even those paying minimum wage- required prior experience that only employment could provide. The logic seemed unbreakable and for a time, I did not know what to do to progress, especially because at the time, I found myself wanting to emulate my parents who worked to support their family at ages quite …show more content…
Soon, I found myself with instructions to begin working on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5:30-11:00pm, which I joyfully accepted. Starting then, I worked with a sort of vigor that had been suppressed by numerous denials. Noticing my effort, I was soon in charge of a number of my less experienced counterparts. From my time there, I learned that the service industry was not all about accomplishing a job well- though it played a large part in it- rather, charm was a factor that distinguished a good worker from an exceptional worker and a mediocre worker from a below average worker. Using this knowledge, I opened up to customers, conversing and joking as I served them. I became a better worker in this way, yet I still had not learned every aspect of the industry, which led to my parting with Marble

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