...TOURISM CO-OP WORK EXPERIENCE REPORT On completing the 500 hours of your co-op work experience, you are asked to submit a written report. Inadequate reports will require re-writes before credit is assigned for TOUR 140. Report due: September 10, 2014 – Wednesday by 5pm. Turn in to Christy Dodds in CE318. Mandatory co-op debrief workshop: September 15, 2014 – Monday 6-9pm (LB322) Report Objectives 1. To allow students to re-visit original work objectives and evaluate them against their actual work experience. 2. To provide documentation of the co-op work experience to assist faculty in evaluating the work placement. 3. To provide a resource to assist future students in their co-op job search. 4. To provide faculty the ability to become familiar with your work term learning experience. Report Evaluation Criteria Your report should: Follow standard report format – the body of the document should use 12 point Ariel or Calibri only, use 1.5 spacing, set your margins to 2cm or 1” on all sides, include a table of contents and a cover page, include page numbers. Be factual and accurate; source if you are using information that is not your own Be free of spelling errors and typos Be between 5-8 pages in length. The Real Story The work term report is meant to do several things. It is a legacy piece long engrained in the community-based culture of the School of Tourism Management. First, your report out of the company/organization that you worked for, as well as the personal on-site...
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...Student ID: 1500119 BUSM1813: Law, Ethics and Sustainability Tutor: Doug Wotherspoon My wife and I recently moved to a village. Since our move there we have become very friendly with our nearest neighbour, who is an organic dairy farmer living with his wife and son. Ever since moving here the farmer has been very helpful in welcoming us to the neighbourhood, He has offered and done some work around the house and garden. I have been aware that he and his family are finding it particularly difficult in making ends meet, due to the fall in the price of milk. We recently had a conversation where the farmer has confided in me saying he has plans to sell some of his dairy herd. After further questioning, the farmer admits to use the money from the sale to convert one of his barns into accommodation suitable for the intensive rearing of chickens, this is where I am faced with an issue of ethics. The farmer plans on applying for a loan from the co-op bank of which I am a member, and saying that he intends to purchase solar panels with the loan. However, he intends to use all the money from the loan to buy a flock of chickens. Being a member of the Co-op and currently seeking to be a part of the Co-op council, I am faced with a dilema. In this case study I will be discussing and evaluating three different ethical theories to help make a final decision as to what is the best solution to this problem. I will be using ethical egoism, utilitarianism and ethics of right and justice...
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...HUMAN RESOURCES IN IBM The men and women around the world employed by International Business Machines have always been its paramount priority. For example, IBM’s founder, Thomas J. Watson, told employees in October 1926: “They say a man is known for the company he keeps. We say in our business that a company is known by the men it keeps.” The value placed on IBM employees was codified in one of IBM’s three fundamental principles. In 1969, IBM Chairman Thomas J. Watson, Jr., wrote to his management team: “Our basic belief is respect for the individual, for his rights and dignity. It follows from this principle that IBM should: help each employee to develop his potential and make the best use of his abilities; pay and promote on merit; and maintain two-way communications between manager and employee, with an opportunity for a fair hearing and equitable settlement of disagreements.” IBM managers historically have devoted more time to their people than to the company’s products or anything else. As Tom Watson said in 1957: “There are many things I would like IBM to be known for, but no matter how big we become, I want this company to be known as the company which has the greatest respect for the individual.” Over the years, IBM has implemented a number of innovative programs, policies and practices that demonstrate and sustain respect for its employees. Among them are the “Open Door” policy, the Speak Up! program, comprehensive employee opinion surveys, and effective...
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...When and how to co-create with customers? Content 1. Appendix D: Transcript symbols1. Introduction 2 2. Description of the Cases 3 2.1 ‘Mensen Zeggen Dingen’ (MZD) 3 2.2 HEMA Design Competition 4 3. Method 4 4. Findings 5 4.1.1 Analysis MZD 5 4.1.2 Analysis HEMA 7 4.2 Advantages of Co-Creation 8 4.3 Disadvantages of Co-Creation 9 5. Conclusion 10 6. Managerial implications and further research 10 References 11 Appendices 12 Appendix A: Transcription interview MZD (In overleg met docent) 12 Appendix B: Transcription Interview Price Winner Design competition HEMA 13 Appendix C: E-mail correspondence HEMA 18 Appendix D: Transcription symbols 20 1. Introduction Nowadays, there is an increasing demand for innovative products. Innovative products have several benefits. One of these is that it facilitates the enhancement of an organisation’s market orientation. Besides, it is needed in order to differentiate itself from their competitors. Lastly, innovation is required in order to achieve long-term performance which ultimately leads to the survival of an organisation (Lecture 1, 2015). Due to this increasing demand, organisations choose more frequently to involve their consumers in the new product development (also known as co-creating). In this report, co-creation was defined as: ‘Any collaborative activity in which one or more customers actively contribute to a new product development process’ (O’Hern and Rindfleisch 2009, p...
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...needs of globally mobile students’ (IBO 2012 p.3), allowing them to gain a recognised qualification to allow them access to further education in universities around the world. Beyond these very broad objectives the initial programme was based on three fundamental principles, which outlined the IB’s approach to learning: * to provide a broad education, establishing the basic knowledge and critical thinking skill * to develop international understanding and citizenship * to provide choice within a balanced curriculum to allow the students interests to be fulfilled (ibid). The aim as Peterson has suggested was to not to just provide a place for the ‘acquisition of general knowledge, but the development of the general powers of the mind to operate in a variety of ways of thinking’ (IBO 2012 p.4). This is expressed further in the IB’s Mission Statement which states its desire to create a better world through education, which it claims can best, be achieved through international-mindedness. It adds to this by stating that ‘the International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect (ibid). As with the other programmes, the PYP and MYP, the DP ‘promotes the education of the whole person, emphasizing intellectual, personal, emotional and social growth’ (IBO 2008 p.2) which it claims would encourage the student to become an ‘active compassionate...
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...administrators, career center staff, and students. Campus recruiting is becoming more competitive. Winning companies will have a strong product offering and be able to adapt their recruitment practices to the needs of new college graduates of Generation Y. Along with on-campus recruiting tools, such as career fairs and interviews, employers can also work experimental education programs into their college recruitment efforts. These include internships and co-op programs. Employers have long since rated these as some of the most effective college recruitment methods. This report includes ideas about how to conduct a successful campus recruitment and relations campaign, how to select the right campus, benefits of hiring new graduates, and how to build your brand. The report also describes current campus recruiting trends and challenges in campus recruiting. Effective Campus Recruitment Programs The Recruitment Process The campus placement office usually coordinates the recruitment process. The recruitment season typically extends from mid-October to mid-March. However, because of increased competition, campus recruiting is becoming a year-round activity. Campus Selection One of the first steps in developing a campus recruitment program is to select the right campus with which to build a relationship. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), employers should target only campuses that “produce both the type of students that best fit into its corporate...
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...I was employed as an administrative assistant from December 2014 to December 2015 in Ocean World Shipping (Hong Kong) Limited . During my 1-year internship, I have gained so many experiences and opportunities. I believe those will shape and influence my professional life while fostering personal growth and development. My internship would not have been possible without the contribution and collaboration of others. My sincere gratitude: to the Executive Director of Ocean World Shipping (Hong Kong) Limited , Miss. Choi for endorsing my application for internship; To my company supervisor, Bernard Fung for his technical support and constant supervision; To my student supervisor, Jendy Leung for her enthusiastic help; To co-op department, for...
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...do I get in line for someone like that?” Well what I have just described is a co-op student. I have my usual 2 co-op students already reserved and they will be starting in 3 weeks time. And let me tell you my whiteboard is filling with initiatives and ideas for these two to deal with. And with two facility management related college programs in the area (at Humber College and at Conestoga Collage) there are co-op students looking for jobs in the facility management field. If you want the contact information use the membership CD just sent to you and on the opening page are the hyperlinks for both of these institutions. This is the third year that IFMA Toronto has produced the membership CD rather than published a membership roster. There are, of course, issues with this year’s CD as there have been with every membership roster created in history I believe. Some of the problems are related to getting updated information about member. As an example when people renew their membership and if it is tardy the membership listing we acquire from Houston does not contain all of our known members. Other issues like which sponsors get listed on the CD are also rather contentious, but similarly to the membership list there needs to be a publishing date and time. On the positive side, this is the first year that the CD was mailed to all on the membership list rather than to have the CDs at every event for personal pick up. I would...
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...document. Note: Program map information located in the faculty sections of this document are relevant to students beginning their studies in 2014-2015, students commencing their UOIT studies during a different academic year should consult their faculty to ensure they are following the correct program map. i Message from President Tim McTiernan I am delighted to welcome you to the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), one of Canada’s most modern and dynamic university communities. We are a university that lives by three words: challenge, innovate and connect. You have chosen a university known for how it helps students meet the challenges of the future. We have created a leading-edge, technology-enriched learning environment. We have invested in state-of-the-art research and teaching facilities. We have developed industry-ready programs that align with the university’s visionary research portfolio. UOIT is known for its innovative approaches to learning. In many cases, our undergraduate and graduate students are working alongside their professors on research projects and gaining valuable hands-on learning, which we believe is integral in preparing you to lead and succeed. I encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities to become the best you can be. We also invite our students to connect to the campus and the neighbouring communities. UOIT students enjoy a stimulating campus life experience that includes a wide variety of clubs, cultural and community...
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...order tions and supply winners and or chain strategy. der qualifiers. See how strategy is implemented through operatio Introduce the co ns and supply ch ncepts of risk as ain activities. sessment and mi Show how prod tigation. uctivity is me asured and ho supply chain pr w it relates to ocesses. operations and Chapter Outlin e 25 Mi ssi on St at em en ts wi th As pir at ion s be yo nd Ma 26 A Su sta ina kin g a Pr of it ble Op er at ion s an d Su pp ly Ch ain St rat eg y 28 W ha t Is Op er at ion s an d Su pp ly Ch ain Competitive Dim St rat eg y? ensions The Notion of Trade-Offs Order Winners and Order Qualifi ers: The Marketing–O perations Link Operations and Sustainability defi ned Triple bottom line defined supply chain str ategy defined Operations eff ectiveness defi ned Straddling defi ned Order winner defi ned Order qualifier defined e Ris k As so cia system maps defi ned te d wi th Op er at ion s an d Framework Su pp ly Ch ain St rat eg ies 37 Pr od uc tiv ity Supply chain risk Me as ur em en defined t Risk Managem ent 33 St rat eg ies Ar e Im ple me nt ed Us ing Op IK EA ’s St rat eg er at ion s an d y Su pp ly Ch ain Ac tiv iti es — 35 As se ssi ng th Activity- 39 Su mm ary 43 Ca se : Th e Ta o of Tim bu k2 Productivity defi ned WALKTHROUGH xvii Opening Vignettes Each chapter opens with a short vignette to set the stage and help pique students’ interest in the...
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...of your own happiness, and that more good things will happen to you in the “Future”. It is itself the quality of hopefulness and emphasizing the positive part of the situation. Happiness From Ancient Greeks and Buddhists to modern philosophers and politicians, thinkers have challenged the meaning of happiness. Over the last 15 years, psychologists have importantly contributed to this discussion by empirically investigating measures, behavioral supplement, and determinants of happiness. However, there are as many definitions of happiness as the number of people studying happiness. Definitions (According to Seligman) we can experience three kinds of happiness: 1) pleasure and gratification, 2) embodiment of strengths and virtues and 3) meaning and purpose. . “The experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.”(Sonja: 2007) Research studies show that our lasting level of” happiness” (H) is determined by our happiness set point (S), life circumstances (C) that are influenced by aspects of temperament and character such as depression and sleep quality and intentional or willing activities (V). “Martin Seligman” proposed an equation for happiness: H = S + C + V. Optimism Optimism is a trait that should become more common, judging by Winston Churchill’s famous quote that “a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;...
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...THE EVOLUTION OF MENTORING By: Patrick Delaney Mentor was first documented in Greek mythology. Mentor was with whom Odysseus trusted to run his household and see to his son’s education when Odysseus went off to fight the Trojans. Many things have changed in the three thousand years since. Mentoring has evolved from the traditional one-on-one relationship to eMentoring. This paper will look at the different types of mentoring relating to leadership and how it has changed over the years. Mentoring is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the psychosocial support perceived by the recipient as relevant to work, career, or professional development. Mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and during a sustained period of time, between a person who is perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or experience (the mentor) and a person who is perceived to have less. There are two broad types of mentoring relationships: formal and informal. Informal relationships develop on their own between partners. Formal mentoring, on the other hand, refers to a structured process supported by the organization and addressed to target populations. Traditionally, mentoring was a formal one-on-one face-to-face relationship between an older more experienced person and a young person with no experience. At one time, the term 'apprentice' was commonplace in various trades, most commonly in blue collar industries; however, apprenticeships...
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...Chapel Elementary School in the middle of the school year. She continued at Crumly Chapel all the way through fifth grade and moved on to middle school. She started sixth grade at Bottenfield middle school, where she decided to join the band and play the clarinet to mingle and gain a variety of friends. Seventh grade was a rough year for her because this is when she became aware of her strength and voice. With this awareness, Victoria soon realized that her words and actions could get her in trouble. She had to tone down her boldness to avoid behavioral disciplinary actions so that academically she wouldn’t suffer. Victoria decided to join the math team in eighth grade, to have extracurricular activities because she was never athletic and joining any sports team was not an option. Victoria started high school at Minor High School in Adamsville, Alabama. Ninth grade, freshman year was an eye opener for her because she was a teen becoming a young adult. In high school, she kept her grades as much as possible. At the age of 17, she got her first job at McDonald’s, because she had the opportunity to do co-op and leave school early on certain days to work and receive an academic credit. While working at McDonald’s her job was to provide customer service, prep food, provide customers will quick and accurate service and master using a point of sales system. With working at a fast-food restaurant for over a year, she was able to build a great level of work ethics that she could carry throughout...
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...heritage banks include JPMorgan and Co., The Chase Manhattan Bank, Bank One, Manufactures Hanover Trust Co., Chemical Bank, and The First National Bank of Detroit (JPMorgan.com). JPMorgan predecessors were the introducers of the first automated teller machine (ATM). The ATM revolutionized banking by allowing customers to conduct transactions from almost any ATM in the world. The Chemical Bank was the first bank in the country to allow customers to withdraw cash 24 hours a day. The Chase Manhattan Bank introduced the Chase Money Card, the first Visa debit card offered by a bank in New York. The predecessors were also the first to develop one of the earliest online home banking services. Today, JPMorgan Chase is one of the largest bank holding companies in the United States. JPMorgan is a leader in asset management, investment banking, private banking, treasury and securities services, and commercial banking. The company services large franchises, corporations, institutional investors, hedge funds, governments, health care organizations, educational institutions, and individuals. JPMorgan has over two trillion dollars in assets and has over five thousand branches in several states. JPMorgan Chase is also one of the top lenders and credit card issuers. The company operates globally in over one hundred different countries (JPMorgan.com). The company has subsidiaries JPMorgan Private Bank and investment manager JPMorgan Asset Management. Product strength, capital, and character, has...
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...sounded crazy, well I guess that speaks a little bit about my personality. I am the first born out of two children. Many first borns possess traits such as organization, intelligence, ambition, imagination, confidence, and most importantly responsibility. However I don’t possess most of these traits. Maybe that gives a little foreshadowing to my self-esteem, which I’ll admit isn’t quite at the top of the pack. However with the knowledge I’ve gained throughout the course I hope to change these qualities, along with other qualities that are preventing from going deep within me, and discovering more things about me. Through changing these qualities it will in turn benefit me in the future. I like to refer to myself as a student athlete, and in turn believe that education must come first in life as it is the keys to open many doors in life. I am that person that tries to get involved with as many things as possible, and in turn believe that more transferable skills can be gained by a well-rounded individual. Being a part of BMBA (Brampton Minor Basketball Association) coaching staff, Mississauga Knights rep basketball program, Teen Library Council, School badminton and chess teams, Concert Band, being an...
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