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Persuasive Animal Abuse

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About six years ago, a neighborhood dog wondered up, hungry. Of course my grandmother fed her, and she kept coming back. We began to notice that she was very skittish. We found her owner and returned her to him every time she wondered up. But we noticed that she was not being
Dog fed, she was having to stay outside on a chain with no shelter, and that she was getting abused every time she ran away. So my grandfather went to owner and asked if he could have her, and of course the owner said no. My grandfather had to buy the dog to get her out of abuse and neglect. The dog was then named, “Peaches.” She got to come live with us, and got treated the way all dogs should be treated. She was fed, groomed and especially loved. You could tell she loved …show more content…
Pounds are not a great place for any animal to be because it is a place where more animals go, than people think. They are treated fairly until another animal comes in and they have to make room for the new animal. That means that an older animal has to be put down to sleep and no one wants that when everyone knows that dog or cat could have a loving home. “Four to five million dogs and cat are killed in shelters each year in the United States (Rescue).” “Each year thousands of animals are abused and neglected in America. Millions that end up in shelters are killed (Rescue).” RSPCA or also know as, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty or Animals, destroys HALF of the animals that are rescues but yet thousands are completely healthy (Craven). There are also people who foster animals to help them from being put down in a pound or shelter for no other reason than, for them taking up space. There are two types of terms. Short term and long term fosters. A short term foster keeps a go for two-four weeks (Hope). “Each for must receive their vaccinations and be cleared by a vet no less than seventy-two hours prior to transport (Hope).” A long term foster keeps animals until they are adopted through the organization they are at (Hope). “All dogs over the age of three months are spayed/neutered, vaccinated and micro-chipped. (Hope).” Puppies are under three months are under a contract for spay/neuter but they are vaccinated and micro-chipped (Hope). Animals being in shelter is better than animals being in the pound. For animals to be in the pound is basically not even giving them a chance to live. Putting them into a shelter, is like giving them a chance of getting adopted and having their up to date shots and everything they

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