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Persuasive Essay On Blood Pressure

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One in every three Americans is said to be plagued by hypertension. Despite this, the vast majority of us give little, if any, thought to our blood pressure levels. While this probably doesn’t seem like such a big deal at first glance, undetected high blood pressure can have disastrous results.

Many who suffer from high blood pressure visit their doctor on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis to have their blood pressure taken and ensure everything is running smoothly. While consulting a medical professional is certainly the number one way to stay on top of things, it is advisable to purchase a home blood pressure monitor so you can keep track of your BP every day.

Of course, finding the right blood pressure monitor for you might be a little …show more content…
However, the criticism of this kind of monitor is arguably more justified than it is for its wrist counterpart. While there are a few finger blood pressure monitors out there that are thoroughly impressive, the vast majority of them are inaccurate.

But I don’t want to be too negative or turn you off of finger blood pressure monitors completely. If you get a good one, you’ll have little to worry about. A quality finger blood pressure monitor, when used correctly, will give you accurate and timely readings. If you only need to monitor your blood pressure for a short period of time, a finger blood pressure monitor will suit you down to the ground. However, those who have frequent issues with their BP levels should definitely look to a wrist blood pressure monitor or…

Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor -

This is what most people think of when they imagine a blood pressure monitor. Upper arm blood pressure monitors always feature a cuff which - as you might have guessed - wraps around the upper arm in order to read the wearer’s blood pressure. This is perhaps the most reliable way of attaining an accurate estimation of one’s blood pressure, providing you get your hands (or arms) on a decent

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