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Persuasive Essay On Concussions

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The hardest part of being an athlete isn't always the physical part, but instead it is the mental aspect of it. When your coach tells you to "get your head in the game," or "pull it together kid." These things are all common when you play a sport, and you hear them quite a bit. But what are you supposed to do when your head isn't in the game? What are you going to do when you just got knocked down so hard you blacked out; your coach wakes you up and tells you to get back out there. You try to shake it off, but your mind is blurry and you can't really remember what you were trying to do. All of these thing are very familiar to those who have just suffered a concussion. Returning to play prematurely will make the affects even worse, increasing symptoms and …show more content…
"Am I hurt? Does anything feel broken? Why do I feel funny?" It seems laughable at, but it really is true; a brain will check its body to feel anything that could be wrong. "A concussion is a brain injury characterized by an onset of impairment of cognitive and/or physical functioning, " defined by an excerpt from the Virginia Board of Education. The problem with concussions is that they are known as invisible menaces, with no visible damage to the naked eye, and you feel like you can just shake it off. However, a concussion is much more serious than people realize, with damage ranging from migraines to mood swings and severe depression. These injuries cause blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, memory loss, slow reaction time, and can even lead to an increases possibility in suicide. A concussion should be followed- up on, and taken very seriously. Concussions target specific parts of the brain that mess with motor functions and emotions, and the affects of these mood swings and loss of feeling can last from a week to many years, depending on the severity of the injury, including returning to the sport early and making it last

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