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Persuasive Writing Techniques

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Tick. Tock. At one moment while writing, you are looking at a blank document on your computer. Two seconds later, you are looking at the tweet you were tag in on your phone. Time is passing by faster than you know it. You realize now, the deadline on submitting your writing is approaching. You panic. You start to write random sentences, hoping that it will all make sense towards the end. Writing is a piece of art, therefore it should not include a deadline for submission. A deadline should not exist. A deadline affects the process of crafting a writing piece by focusing on the time of submission rather than the formation and creation of the writing. Writing should be about expressing feelings or emotions towards a topic that stands out. It …show more content…
The art of writing comes to the writers on its own. Writers should not be forced to write something that is not quality work in such a short time. It takes time for the writer to think or get an idea he or she is passionate and devoted to write about. For an author, writing a novel takes a long time to complete. If the author is focusing more on getting the novel done, then the novel would not be a good turnout for the readers. The author would be focusing more on making sure the novel is right, then making sure the plot flows correctly and having a deeper meaning/purpose towards its …show more content…
It makes the writer to become more responsible. By this, a writer decides on how much writing he or she wants to write before submitting on time. Yet, as writer we sometimes like to cram everything in a short amount of time or even before the deadline. Even if the writer self-impose themselves to their own deadline, there is no guarantee they would have any writing work done. If a writer sets their own specific deadline date and no longer has the intentions in reaching it because the time is not right yet, then it does not change the fact that deadlines are useful. As writers, we should not write something that does not seem right or qualifies as a masterpiece. The writing itself would come to the writers on its

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