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Safe Winter Road Research Paper

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According to Safe Winter Roads, 2011 article “more than 116,000 Americans are injured and over 1,300 are killed on snowy winter roads”. So its important that people living in snowy areas take the necessary precautions to stay safe when driving in the snow.
In order to be safe on snow covered roads drivers should always make sure that their gas tank is at least half way full and that their cars are equipped with working windshield wipers, a defroster, heat, properly filled tires, and antifreeze according to AAA’s Winter Driving Tips. Drivers should also wipe off their cars and lights to increase the visibility of their cars for other drivers. All this is important because it increases visibility for the driver and ensures that their car is equipped to go through snow or ice. Drivers should also allow more time when traveling place to place. This is because car tires do not have the same grip on snow as they do on dry pavement, meaning that slowing down, accelerating, and even turning could result in slipping or loss of control. In order to stay in control of your vehicle it is best to allow more time before doing any of those maneuvers, this also means increasing the following distance from 3-4 seconds to 8-10 second which AAA’s Winter Driving …show more content…
This is because cruise control will keep you accelerating if your tires lose traction on the winter roads and cause you to skid (Tchir, 2018). Having your foot on the pedal allows the operator to feel when the wheels are starting to skid and react by taking their foot off the pedal (Tchir, 2018). Drivers should also refrain from using their breaks or over correcting when their car is skidding in order to gain back control of their vehicle. It is also important for drivers to know their breaks. According to AAA Winter Driving Tips, the best way to stop is with threshold breaking. This is where you use the ball of your foot to apply steady

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