Free Essay

Phonetic Phonemic


Submitted By DewaGandariani
Words 2718
Pages 11
INTRODUCTION 1. Background
Phonology is the study of phonemes of a language and vocabulary distribution. Based on the studies, phonology divided into phonetics and phonemics. Both use sound as an object of research. Phonetic is a field of linguistics that studies the sounds of language regardless of whether the sound has a function as discrete categories or not, while the phonemic is a sound of the language to discern the meaning of the word or function. Based on the study, phonetic called the sounds of language with phoneme.
Phonetics and phonology are related, dependent fields for studying aspects of language. Phonetics is the study of sound in speech; phonology is the study (and use) of sound patterns to create meaning. Phonetics focuses on how speech is physically created and received, including study of the human vocal and auditory tracts, acoustics, and neurology. Phonology relies on phonetic information for its practice, but focuses on how patterns in both speech and non-verbal communication create meaning, and how such patterns are interpreted. Phonology includes comparative linguistic studies of how cognates, sounds, and meaning are transmitted among and between human communities and languages.
Phonetics has concentrated on the three central components of the speech chain, where observation of what is going on is fairly straightforward. The three central components are articulatory phonetics is the study of the way the vocal organs are used to produce speech sounds, acoustic phonetics is the study of the physical properties of speech sounds and auditory phonetics is the study of the way people perceive speech sounds.
In any language we can identify a small number of regularly used sounds (vowels and consonants) that we call phonemes. Because of the notoriously confusing nature of English spelling, it is particularly important to learn to think of English pronunciation in terms of phonemes rather than letters of the alphabet and so does in Balinese. A phoneme may consist of several phonetically distinct articulations, which are regarded as identical by native speakers, since one articulation may be substituted for another without any change of meaning.

2. The Aims
This paper aims is to comparing between English phonology and Balinese. This paper specifically discusses about consonant in Balinese. In this paper, writer has explained more detail about Balinese, especially Balinese consonants. From this paper, writer hope, readers can understand more about Balinese consonants.

Description Balinese is a branch of the Sundik, Austronesian language and more specific than the Bali-Sasak subsidiary. The language is primarily spoken in the Bali island, the west of Lombok island, and a bit at the east of Java island. In Bali, Balinese has its own language usage levels, for example, there are called Bali Alus, Bali Madya and Bali Kasar. Bali Alus is to speak formally used for example in the traditional village meetings, woo women, or between low-caste people with higher caste. Bali Madya used in the middle-level officials with subordinates, while Bali Kasar speak used by the lower class of untouchables instance or between nobles with their servants. In Lombok, Balinese language mainly spoken in the vicinity of Mataram, while in the Java Island, Balinese, especially spoken in some villages in Banyuwangi regency.
Balinese has 18 consonants, there are : | Mouth | Teeth | Hard Palate | Soft Palate | Glottis | Plosives | p | b | t | d | C | ɟ | k | G | | | Nasal | m | n | ɲ | Ŋ | | | Fricatives | | s | | | h | | Lateral | | r l | | | | | Approximation | w | | J | | | |

Consonant is a sound that produce when the air out of the lungs mostly or entirely of the hindrance. Therefore, a great barrier obtained by the air all the way out it’s caused quite different between consonant phonemes and vowel phonemes. The differences between consonant and vowel in Balinese are: * In Balinese, vowels are always louder than consonants. * Balinese vowels and in English syllables can be and always is the culmination of a syllable, while the consonant phonemes cannot act like it.
Basic formations of consonants are generally divided into 3 types, there are : * Based on place of articulation : bilabial, lobiodental, dental, palatal, velar, and faringal; * Based on vibrate or absence of sound membranes, causing the term voiceless consonant phonemes and silent; * Based obstruction that occurs in the mouth, so that the resulting term consonant phonemes and shear.

Balinese also has some consonants cluster. Consonant cluster is a series of two or more consonants found in one syllable. There are list of consonant cluster in Balinese and it’s comparative between English: * Consonant Cluster / l /
These apikoalveolar consonants can be grouped with every consonants, besides nasal consonant and / y, r, l, w, h /. The distribution of this consonant is only in the beginning and middle of a word.
Balinese English
Word Initial: Plekor (hug) Please
Word Medial: Keplug (explosion sound)
Word Final: - People * Consonant Cluster / r /
This consonant can be grouped with most consonant phonemes, in addition to nasal consonants and / y, r, l, w, h /. Thus, these consonant phonemes have the same pair with consonant phonemes / l / which has been discussed above. Distribution is the same, to the beginning and in the middle, but no end.
Balinese English
Word Initial: Brag (thin) Press
Word Medial: Abra (handsome)
Word Final: - * Consonant Cluster / y /
This consonant clusters materialized in / by, py, dy, ky / and not obtained so much. The phoneme / y / only can be grouped with plosives consonants. The distribution is also not complete as consonant cluster /l/ and /r/ above.
Balinese English
Word Initial: tyang ( I )
Word Medial: satya (promise)
Word Final: - * Consonant cluster / w / Consonant clusters as consonant cluster / y / that can be included in a single consonant pronunciation, that called semi- vocal consonant . If the consonant cluster / y / can only grouped with plosives consonants, consonant / w / was only able grouped with plosives consonants like / pw , bw , tw , dw , kw , gw /.
Balinese English
Word Initial: Dwi (two)
Word Medial: Dadwa (both)
Word Final: - * A nasal consonant cluster (homogran) Nasal consonant cluster is different with consonant clusters. Consonant clusters are based on the consonants that can be clung to by consonant b and m, such as / l /. This is because the consonant / l / is able to be grouped with another consonant in the syllable unit. Similarly, consonant cluster / r / is able to form clusters with other consonants. Nasal consonant phonemes include consonant phonemes / m, n, ny, ng / has a pair of each consonants that has the same articulation area. For example, the consonant phonemes / m / to be covered by the articulation of the consonant phonemes / b, p /, which are both bilabial consonant phonemes. There are some nasal consonant clusters: * Nasal consonants cluster / m / : / mp, mb /
Balinese English Word Initial: Mbok (old sister)
Word Medial: -
Word Final: - * Nasal consonants cluster / n / : / nt, nd /
Balinese English Word Initial: Ntik ( bud )
Word Medial: -
Word Final: - * Nasal consonants cluster / ny / : / nc, nj /
Balinese English
Word Initial: Njek ( stirrup )
Word Medial: -
Word Final: - * Nasal consonants cluster / ng /
Balinese English
Word Initial: Nggih ( yes ) -
Word Medial: Nganggo ( wear ) -
Word Final: Tyang ( I ) - CONCLUSION From the description above, the writer can conclude that Balinese has five consonant cluster, there are / l, r, y, w, and nasal consonant cluster /. * The most Consonant clusters that can grouped are / l , r /, both have limited scope. Consonant cluster / l, r / cannot grouped with consonant / y , r , l , w , h / , but can grouped with the else. These consonant clusters space coverage is the most extensive compared to the other three clusters, / y, nasal cluster, w / . * Consonant clusters / I , t , y / are three clusters that have a beginning and middle of the distribution , whereas another two clusters / nasal / and / w / does not have a central distribution , except / tw , dw , kw /. * Consonant clusters / y, w, / has same behavior, which is can grouped with the plosives consonant / b , p , d , t , g , k /. Both consonants are semi- vocal consonants. * The five clusters are equally not has the final distribution. That means that it does not know the Balinese consonant clusters at the end of the word. These five clusters also have an initial distribution, whereas consonants cluster that also in the central distribution are / l, r , y /. * Other clusters semi vocals / y, w / does not has clear characteristic. Therefore, when spoken somewhat slowly, will not sound like a group of phonemes.

Sample Data Sample data was taken from a Balinese short story with title “Bajang Bunga” written by Mas Ruscitadewi.
Sabilang matemu, ia setata makenyir, sakéwala tan ja seken kenyiré katuju kapining tiang. Kenyir anak luh banjang ento kaliwat dangsah, ten nyidayang tiang médaang. Di kénkéné ia makenyir tekén cicing-cicingé ané marurian di rurungé, di kénkéné ia makenyir tekén entik-entikané, di kénkéné ia ngejirin sabilang anak ané liwat di pempatané.
Tan ja kenyiré ento ané ngranayang tiang setata nletekin ia. Tan masih ulian kajegéganné. Yén alihin di goba ia tan ja bas jelék, sakéwala nénten masih nyidayang orahang jegég. Muané biasa-basa dogén, tingkahné ané tan biasa. Abesik cirin anak luh bajang ento ané setata ingetang titiang, ia setata ngaba lan nganggo bunga. Bokné kasumpangin bunga-bunga yadin ja ia tusing ka pura tur tusing ngigel, baongné masih kakalungin bunga. Ento ngawinang tiang nyambat ia Bajang Bunga. Lénan kén ento, Bajang Bunga totonan jemet gati mabersih-bersih. Dija ja tepukina ada leluu, jag duduka, jag jemaka tur kaentungang ka tongosné. Tingkah ento setata ngulgul ati, ané seken-seken mangunin patakon di atin tiangé, nyén sujatiné ia?
Dibi sanja, Bajang Bunga ngliwat di aepan umah tiangé. Cara biasané ia majalan sambil makenyir, bokné bek misi bunga. Tiang maan nolih akejep turin makenyir, satondén macelep ka umah, nimpalin timpal tiangé ané tumbén malali. Buin kesepné, timpal tiangé ané negak di léneng umah tiangé mageluran, ngaukin timpal lénan ané sedeng ada di metén.
“Hééh, Raka, Kaler, mai… ada nak buduh teka,” kéto timpal tiangé I Lanying makaukan. Magrudugan timpal-timpal tiangé pesu ka lénengé.
Tiang sing bas pedas nyén ané tepukina baan I Lanying. Dingeh tiang timpal-timpal tiangé suryak-suryak. Di kénkéné cara nyuryakin anak main sepak bola, di kénkéné cara nak ngandupin lan nagelin cicing, ramé sajan dingeh tiang.
Jeg sajan tiang sing madaya, ané suryakina lan andupina baan I Lanying, I Raka, lan I Kalér tuah anak luh bajang ané setata mabunga ento, ané adanin tiang Bajang Bunga.
Engsek asané keneh tianggé.
“Wih, da naké kétoanga, ia nak sing buduh,” tambakin tiang lan kedeng tiang katelu timpal tiangé ento. I Kalér, I Raka sada tengejut, I Lanying cara nak nglawan. Ia ngaba bata, limané kaenjuhin cara anak lakar matimpugan. Malaib tiang ka tongos Bajang Bungané ento, gelut tiang ia pang sing kanti kena bata. Ada telung lungan bata ané ngenén tiang. Tepuk tiang I Raka lan I Kalér ngisiang limanné I Laying ané matimpugan cara nak karauhan. Di subané I Lanying nengil mara lébang tiang gelutan liman tiangé ka Bajang Bunga ento.
Sing ada raos ané pesu uli bibih Bajang Bunga ento. Tiang masih sing pedas nepukin kenyiranné. Depang tiang ia magedi. Di subané liwat di pempatané mara galang asané keneh tiangé.
Adéng-adéng balin tiang gidat tiangé, ada getih ngecir ditu. Becat tiang malaib ngumbahin getih ento, tur ngubadin.
I Kalér, I Raka, lan I Lanying milu nututin tiang ka umah betén. Muan I Lanyingé kembang lepis. Kéto masi I Kalér lan I Raka, kateluné mirib marasa pelih suba ngranayang tiang matatu.
“Dé…,” alon I Raka nyumunin mamunyi.
“Sing kénkén, sing kénkén, engsapang suba, tuah matatu bedik, sing kénkén….,” maluin tiang ngraos sambil kedék. Tiang sing nyak timpal-timpal SMA tiangé ento sanget nyesel raga. Tiang sing nyak mayegan ajak timpal-timpal tiangé ané mara matemu di subané dasa tiban mapalasan.
“Yéh né minum téhé malu, béh kanti suba émbon,” gratah tiang ngorahin.
Jag cara robot katelu timpal tiangé totonan nginum téh ané uli tuni sediang tiang. Amenit, duang menit kanti limang menit sing ada ané ngraos, sing ada ané makrisikan. Tiang masih marasa sing bisa nyumunin ngraos.
“Dé, caran tiangé anak luh totonan anak buduh,” kéto I Kaler nyumunin mamunyi.
Tiang nengil, milu ngimun téh.
“Caran tiangé ia mula buduh, man sing buduh dadi juari mapanganggo kéto, nganggo bunga bek tur makalung bunga,” jani I Raka ané mamunyi.
“Ampura Dé, sing ada keneh tiangé nyengkalén déwék Madéné, berek bani kiting, bani gondong, tiang nak nimpug nak buduh totonan, tiang sing nepukin Madé ada ditu,” alon lan seken I Lanying ngraos.
Tiang manggutan.
“Da to ingetanga, mai ensapang, kadén raga mabuaka uli pidan kal matemu,” kéto abet tiangé sambil makenyir.
I Raka manggutan. I Kaler lan I Lanying nengil.
“Kéwala Dé, Madé harus percaya jak tiang, jlema totonan nak mula nak buduh,” I Kalér nyekenang.
“ Aa Dé, Madé harus pastika, man sing kéto nguda tiang nimpug timpal, nguda tiang nimpug nak seger. To mula nak buduh Dé, buduh sajan Dé,” sayan ngerasan munyiné I Lanying.
“Saja Dé, to nak mula nak buduh, pang sing ulian nak buduh totonan ngranang pasuwitran ragané ané suba makelo pegat,” jani I Raka ané mamunyi sambilanga bangun uli kursiné.
Bayun tianggé ané uli tuni prasida tegtegan tiang, saget nagih makeplug nigehang raos-raos timpal-timpal tiangé.
“Raka, Kalér, lan Lanying, kéné nah. Tiang sing ja pastika nawang, apa anak luh totonan saja buduh apa tusing. Sakéwala ané tawang tiang, anak luh totonan sing ada ngulgul déwék ragané, ané seken tawang tiang tuah Raka, Kalér, lan Lanying ane ngulgul ia. Man jani tiang nakonang, man kéto unduké, nyén ané sujatine buduh?” keras tiang mamunyi. Rasayang tiang matan tiangé panes, ulun atin tiangé kebus, ubun-ubun tiangé maluab. Rasané sing nyidaang tiang ngampet pedih tiangé buin.
Raka, Kalér, lan Lanying maancitan. Tusing ngorang apa-apa, katelu timpal tiangé magedi. Munyin mobilné maguer, nyihnayang gedeg basang anak ané negakin. Nengneng tiang kanti mobil méwahé ento ilang di péngkolan pempatanné.
Di matan tiangé marawat semuné I Kalér ané soléh nganengneng ragan tiangé, sambilanga ngrimik.
“Ulian nak buduh totonan, cai megatang timpal,” kéto abetné.
Tiang nengil, seken-seken ngresepang munyin I Kalér ento. Di subané macelep ka umahné, buin tiang negak negtegang bayu. Ngiget-ngigetang awak, apa ané sujatiné suba orang tiang, ané ngranang timpal-timpal tiangé magedi pedih.
“Apaké saja ulian Bajang Bunga totonan tiang las pegat matimpal?” patakon-patakon ento setata ngebekin tangkah tiangé, tur nganter ka ipian.
Ngadas lemah tiang bangun. Gelas-gelas lad téh ané nyiriang taén ada tamiu enu makacakan di duur méjané. Tumbén sajan tiang bangun das lemah gedé. Iseng tiang pesu, dingehang tiang ada munyi kerék-kerék anak nyampat di jalané. Pedasin tiang, tepukin tiang anak bajang ané setata mabunga ento nyampat salantang jalan sambilanga magending. Edot sajan tiang kedék nyambat sara ia, sakéwala ia ngancan ngejohan.
Buin kenjepné, tepukin tiang anak muani mapanggo uék malihin tong sampah, ngorék-ngorék ngalih dedaaran. Bakatanga sisan roti, ajenga, nyantep sajan cingak tiang anaké ento ngajeng. Di subané suud ngajeng majalan ia, maekin tongos tiangé. Negak ia di leneng sisi besikan, bekelné ané abana kagagah, buin ia madaar. Japi ja tiang tepukina di leneng buin besikan, ia sing ja ngudiang, ia kedék akejep suud kéto magedi.
Sanjané sanget ada tepukin tiang anak muani lénan ané cara anak buduh di balé banjar di aep umah tiangé, ia ngidupang tipi. Dingehang tiang ia ngalih siaran berita. Buin kenjepné, tepukin tiang truna-truna banjaré teka pada ngaba arak. Sambilang nginem arak, sakabesik trunané ento nganti-nganti kanal tipiné. Munyin tipiné sayan ngedénan. Munyin truna-trunané ané magarang tipi masih sayan ngerasan. Dingehang tiang bedég lan sakancan pakakas ané ada di bajar katepak. Ngancan peteng ngancan ramé. Inguh masih tiang ningehang. Milu tiang nyetél tipi. Di tipiné, kasiarang berita unduk kantor-kantor ané katunjel sangkaning kalah Pilkada. Bengong tiang ngatonang. Inget tiang tekén I Kalér, I Raka, I Lanying, Bajang Bunga, lan anaké ané kocap buduh totonan.
“Anak buduh tuah anak nyengkalén nak lén, ané ngadug-adug, lan ngusak-usik. Rasané jani liunan anak ané buka kéto, man liunan anak buduh, sinah ané sing buduh ané kaucap buduh.”
Nyingakin truna-trunané di banjar, nyingakin anak buduh ané iteh padidi, mara kresep baan tiang. Jani mara pedas baan tiang dija tongos tiangé, dija tongos timpal-timpal tiangé, lan dija tongos Bajang Bunga totonan. Sample consonants from the text : Consonants Cluster | Word Initial | Word Medial | Word Final | Ng | Ngulgul | Mangunin | Gending | Mp | | Pempatan | | Mb | | | | Nt | | | | Nd | Nden | - | - | Ny | nyuryak | Kenyir | | Nj | | | | Pl | | Keplug | | Bl | | | | Kl | | | | Dl | | | | Sl | | | | Cl | | | | Jl | | | | Gl | | | | Pr | Prasida | - | - | Br | | | | Tr | Truna | - | - | Dr | | | | Sr | | | | Cr | | | | Jr | | | | Kr | Krisik | - | - | Gr | | | | By | | | | Py | | | | Dy | | | | Ky | | | | Ty | Tyang | | | Pw | | | | Bw | | | | Tw | | | | Dw | | | | Gw | | | | Kw | | | |


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Phonetics and Phonology

...languages generally, and contrasting with phonetics. Though the creation of alphabetic writing necessarily required some intuitive grasp of phonology, the subject only began to be distinguished from phonetics in the late nineteenth century, and the distinction was not firmly established until well into this century, particularly as a result of the work done by the Prague School, which popularized the term ‘phonology’ (Trask ,1996). Phonetics The scientific study of speech, conventionally divided into articulatory phonetics (the study of the organs of speech and their use in producing speech sounds),acoustic phonetics (the study of the physical properties of the sounds produced in speaking) and auditory phonetics (the study of the processing and interpretation of speech sounds by the ear, the nervous system and the brain); instrumental phonetics is the study of any of these by means of instruments to measure, record or analyse data. Anthropophonics (or general phonetics) considers the total range of speech sounds producible by the human vocal apparatus, independently of any real or possible linguistic use; linguistic phonetics examines the speech sounds occurring in particular languages or in languages generally. Phonetics is commonly regarded as a distinct discipline from linguistics, the two together being labelled the linguistic sciences (Trask,1996). • Phonologists and phoneticians interested in how gradient phonetic phenomena reflect phonological structure...

Words: 521 - Pages: 3

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...Particular per-tik-kuh-ler Instead in-sted Enjoying en-joi-yeen Turning tur-ning Reality ree-al-li-tee Friend frend (trend) Late leyt Reminding ree-min-ding Constantly kon-stuh nt-li Really ria-lee Started-start stahrt Ed-talking about the past. Purpose pur-pes Secondary sekənˌderē Graduation gra-joo-ey-sheen Managed man-nage Attain uh-teen Reasonable ree-zeen-nuh-bol Qualified kwo-luh-fyd Program pro-gram Chose-choose- Chohz- chooz Association uh-soh-see-ey-sheen Degree di-gree Tourism toor-ri-zim Management man-nage-gi-meen-t Aptitude ap-ti-tood When you read, read the phonetic spelling that I wrote it under the word. Or if you don’t really understand the phonetic spelling then just separating the words into parts. Listen to the word & try to say the words slowly then try to say medium to fast. For example I use the word association and this is not the phonetic spelling it just separating the words into parts. : A-sso-ci-a-tion So, there are 3 ways to pronounce the ED- ending in English. “ED” After the verbs ending in a T/D sound : Wanted, decided, ended, exploded, “T” After verbs ending on K,S,P,X,F,SH, AND CH sound: Missed=misst, fixed=fixt, liked=likt, stopped=stopt, laughed=laft, brushed=brusht, watched=watcht, developed=developt “D” Arrived= a-rrivd don’t say a-rriv-ed Cleaned=cleand, played=playd, used=usd, called=calld, allowed=allowd You can listen to some of the English music or English word video and then stop the video and try...

Words: 491 - Pages: 2

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Phonological Awareness: A Phonological Analysis

...“Phonological awareness refers to the explicit awareness of the sound structure of language. It includes the awareness that words are composed of syllables and phonemes, and that words can rhyme or begin/end with the same sound segment” (Catts). In other words, it is the ability to understand sounds and words and then, interchange them when prompted to do so. Phonological skills are important to have because they help to develop proper reading proficiency. The brain begins its developmental phase, also known as neural development when the baby is merely a fetus; but it does not finish developing until a person’s mid-twenties. Meanwhile, the neurons are making billions of connections to allow functionality for the brain. Amongst all the parts of the brain, the prefrontal cortex is of the last of them to develop. The prefrontal cortex is comparative to, the executive decision maker and command center for the rest of the brain. During the process of neural development, some disruptions may occur causing an abnormality in the progressive function of the brain such as, an inability to acquire phonological awareness skills. “Because of the significance of phonological awareness in learning to read, numerous studies have examined the effectiveness of training speech-sound awareness to poor readers or children at-risk for reading difficulties” (Catts). With this in mind, the role of a teacher, or more specifically a speech pathologist would come at an opportune time, so that they could...

Words: 443 - Pages: 2

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Ece 335

...Subject: Colors / Literacy Grade: Pre-School Topic: Colors of food we may eat. Duration: One Day Goals/Objectives: • Children to relate to the different food and colors • Children will build vocabulary associated witt the theme of colors. - they will learn to name the different colors of food; • Children will utilize verbal communication - children will ask and answers questions during the reading Standards Covered: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.K.1 - With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.K.7 - With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts). CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.K.10 - Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding (Common Core Standards Initiative, 2014) . Materials: • Flashcards - depicting colors and associated written text • Flascards - depictin fruit and text indicatin color and fruit name (i.e., red apple). • Tactile Book- The very hungry capterpillar by Eric Carle. This book uses simple reptitious words and "texture" that allows for a sensory learning. The center pages of the book are in different size(starts with qaurter, half, three quarter them full pages again). These pages also have "punched holes" threw the center of the depicted food, indicating the caterpillar ate through it. • Plastic fruits (apple, pear, plum, strawberry and orange) ...

Words: 791 - Pages: 4

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Medical Research

...JSLHR Research Article Lexical Effects on Children’s Speech Processing: Individual Differences Reflected in the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) Mitsuhiko Ota,a Mary E. Stewart,b Alexandra M. Petrou,b and Catherine Dickiec Purpose: This study was undertaken to examine whether children exhibit the same relationship that adults show between lexical influence on phoneme identification and individual variation on the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ). Method: Data from 62 4- to 7-year-olds with no diagnosis of autism were analyzed. The main task involved identification of the initial sound in pairs of voice-onset time continua with a real word on one end and a nonword on the other (e.g., gift–kift, giss–kiss). Participants were also given the children’s version of the AQ and a 2nd instrument related to autistic-like traits, the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS). Results: The lexical shift was related to the AQ (particularly to its Attention Switching subscale) but not to the SRS. Conclusions: The size of lexical effects on children’s speech perception can be predicted by AQ scores but not necessarily by other measures of autism-like traits. The results indicate that speech perception in children manifests individual differences along some general dimension of cognitive style reflected in the AQ, possibly in relation to local/global information processing. U Ota, 2008; Yu, 2010; Yu, Abrego-Collier, & Sonderegger, 2013). The Autism-Spectrum Quotient...

Words: 5913 - Pages: 24

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Audio Recording Assignment Analysis

...For my audio recording assignment I selected the emotional situations, anger, excited and unhappy. In the first of the recordings, anger, the volume is slightly elevated in order to express aggression. The rate varied from slower, when using a condescending tone, to a quicker pace expressing impatiences. Pitch during this recording was lower than in normal conversation to convey a lack of interest in engaging. Elevated variations are also used, such as with the use of the word “you”. This increased articulation is suggestive of blame and anger toward an individual. Language adaptations primarily center on the inclusion of negative terms, such as stupid and a waste of time. The second recording is for the emotion excitement. In the recording,...

Words: 440 - Pages: 2

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Nt1310 Unit 1 Research Paper

...Task 1: Speech is the ability humans have developed to communicate between themselves with the sound produced by their mouth and nose. There are two types of speech sounds: The voiced and unvoiced one. A voiced sound is created when air pass through our vocal cord in direction of the mouth. This air vibrates in a certain frequency, normally between 50 and 400 Hz that produces the sound heard and desirably understood by the receiver ears. This frequency is controlled by varying the shape of the air channel, as changing the mouth position or the tongue, working as a filter, allowing the desired frequencies for the expected sound to pass; and by the speaker age and sex. The unvoiced speech are created by making air go through an opening, not vibrating the vocal cords, and, consequently, not been as periodically as the voiced sound. For a situation of communication, speech (a mix of voiced and unvoiced sounds) can be considered a non-stationary signal, making it very hard to be analysed. However, it shows a high level of predictability in a really short period of time, because the way of excitation and shape of the air channel change relatively slowly, for biological reasons. Encoders try to use this predictability in order to get a better voice transmission quality in a lower sample frequency. Task 2: Encoding a general waveform is converting an analog signal into a digital one in a form that it can be recreated from its digital representation. This process is done by sampling...

Words: 851 - Pages: 4

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Nt1310 Unit 10 Research Papers

... Whispering- requires the vocal folds to come together but not completely so there is a space between the arytenoid cartilages (432) Attack: The beginning of phonation by the bringing together (adduction) of the vocal folds (165) 1.Simultaneous Vocal Attacks- When the adduction of the vocal folds and the use of air from the respiratory system happen at the same time. (165) 2. Breathy Vocal Attack- When the use of air from the respiratory system happens before the adduction of the vocal folds (165) 3. Glottal Attack- When the vocal fold adduct before the air can be released from the vocal folds (165) Termination of phonation- Happens when the vocal folds abduct and the flow of air is stopped (147) Sustaining Phonation- Happens when the vocal folds say adducted allowing the air to flow through (168) Vibration how it's governed: Vibration is governed by elasticity of the vocal folds, the stiffness of the vocal folds and the quality of the vocal folds (160) Frequency- Determined by the number of times a vibration cycle is repeated in a specific amount of time (162) Period- A measure of vibration from a start time to a finish time (162) Opening Phase- The phase where the vocal folds are beginning to open (180) Closing Phase- The phase where the vocal folds are beginning to close but not completely (180) Closed Phase- The phase where the vocal folds are closed and there is no air escaping (180) Myoelastic theory of phonation- The elasticity of the vocal folds allows...

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