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Picking College Major

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The Economic Guide to Picking a College Major

Phil Mickelson once said, “I think a college education is important no matter what you do in life.” The article says that a degree from a college or university is no guarantee for economic success. That is true, but there are different strategies to use in order to get the best outcome of a college education. The author, Ben Casselman, says that there are lessons that need to be taught in order for students to have the best outcome of their college degree. The author further support this need by saying, “Research has consistently shown that many colleges and universities do little to push their students to make informed choices about what to study.” The question that next comes into play is how to know that the major picked will benefit that person both financially and on the hunt for employment. The answer is that a bachelor’s degree is still worth the money on average. College students need to pick a major that will maximize their chances for …show more content…
The key is to pick a college major that has potential to it. For example, being an engineer has definite promise, but being a theater major will land people waiting tables. Although the two examples from above are very broad, there are differences within fields. All STEM fields are not the same; just as not all life sciences are the same. Some of the highest paying college majors are science and math based, but there are still good options for those who do not want to take so many math and science classes. With those who do not want a science or math based major, there seems to be a definite decrease in value. According to the article, written by Ben Casselman, “College graduates have a significant edge when it comes to finding jobs, regardless of what they major in.” No matter what type of major a young person

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