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Planned Parenthood Report

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Planned Parenthood is a vital leader in in teaching about sexual education, providing health services, and providing information available to others around the world. Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization that provides affordable health care, sex education, and information available to others around the world. What makes Planned Parenthood a vital leader in today’s society is that they provide affordable health care, reproductive care, and they provide information and resources that is need in our society. It states on Planned Parenthood’s website “One in five American women has chosen Planned Parenthood for health care at least once in her life.” which shows that they are vital for women. Planned Parenthood offers different services …show more content…
The book states “…offers young people the real information they need now more than ever to make responsible decisions and to stay healthy” which helps support that this book was made to provide education to teens about sex and sexual health. In “What Teens Want to Know: Sexual Health Questions Submitted to a Teen Web Site”, it states “In 1999 Planned Parenthood® Federation of America (PPFA®) launched, a Web site designed to provide young people with a safe and private way to receive straightforward, accurate information about sexuality and sexual health…The Internet provides an excellent opportunity to reach young people with sexuality and sexual health information…” which shows that teens use Planned Parenthood related website to access information about sex and sexual health. Also in the article it states “One study of young people found that the Internet ranks third among sources for information on …show more content…
In the article “Planned Parenthood will pay its own fetal tissue costs” it states “Activists posed as representatives of a biomedical firm and sought to negotiate the purchase of fetal organs from some Planned Parenthood personnel. Republicans in control of Congress have responded to the videos by launching several investigations of Planned Parenthood, along with efforts to cut off the organization's federal funding” which provides the evidence on why Republicans want to cut Planned Parenthood’s federal funding. “Planned Parenthood said the videos were deceptively edited and denied seeking any payments beyond legally permitted reimbursement of costs” but Republicans disagree with this statement just so they can have support on cutting the organization’s federal funding even though federal funding is used to help reimburse Medicaid patients. In the article “Republican Hypocrisy on Planned Parenthood” it states “This whole defunding fight is just a pretext for the real Republican agenda” — to “take away the constitutional right of women and their doctors to decide what is best for them” which is what many speculate to be the true motive of

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