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Play Therapy Research Paper

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Childhood Depression and Play Therapy Techniques Reflections
Viewing videos regarding both play therapy and childhood depression was both challenging and beneficial. There is so much left for me to learn about treating clients. It is important to remove all stereotypes from my mind when meeting a client. Sometimes it is important to acknowledge and accept a level of ignorance. It is in our humility that we can truly learn and become effective in the lives of others.
Play Therapy Techniques Review
Nancy Boyd Webb demonstrates several techniques for beginning therapy with young children. Ranging in age from 4-10 years old her clients each present with different issues and concerns. Depending upon the age and cognitive level of each child she …show more content…
It is the task of the therapist to be prepared to utilize a multitude of techniques at anytime to capture the attention of the client and bring them into therapeutic alliance with the counselor. It is important to remember that when one approach fails to work there may be another that is more interesting for the child. Children have much to teach us; and the principle of play therapy is to meet children where they are and speak in a language they can fully understand and incorporate into their daily …show more content…
While some may experience the typical symptoms of sadness, isolation and hopelessness, still others may become agitated and even aggressive. It is common for symptoms of depression to be passed of as ADHD, ODD, or even bipolar disorder. This video demonstrates these very ideas. Each of the clients identified in the video experienced depression in very different ways. Ben G. and Hannah experienced agitation that often lead to physical/emotional aggression. Ben N. and Kate experienced the more typical symptoms of sadness and withdrawal.
I would not have suspected the aggressive behavior of someone like Ben G. to be the result of depression. I would have been one of those people caught off guard by the aggressive nature of his disorder and probably diagnosed him as more of an ADHD/ODD client and treated him as such. This video was incredibly enlightening in exposing me to the firmament of symptoms/modes depression can take.

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