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Police Discrimination Paper


Submitted By laurenrader
Words 1276
Pages 6
Patterns of Discrimination in Police Agencies
Lauren Raven
Alan Hazel

Patterns of Discrimination in Police Agencies

Experiences with social institutions and law enforcement agencies shape the worldview by influencing community-police relations through individual and group perception. The patterns and existence of institutionalized discrimination, contextual discrimination, and individual discriminatory behaviors within the criminal justice system carry considerable influence on public perception of police departments. The effects of social class, race, and ethnicity on citizen opinions of how law enforcement agencies operate include instances of corruption, systematic discrimination, and general misunderstandings of cultural diversities. Institutionalized discrimination describes a wider pattern of events regarding discriminatory practices incorporated into processes, procedures, and organizational structure (Walker, Spone, Delone, 2012). An example may include policies that permit judges to consider employment or domestic history in their decision making process.Whether these occurrences are due to prejudice or racism, or are the result of a general lack of consideration for the needs of various social identities, they essentially indicate a problematic system. Pure justice provides restorative justice for victims and their rights, yet attains an unbiased, unprejudiced approach to retribution. Disproportionate numbers of minority group members involved in various stages of the criminal justice system indicate racial disparity, challenging whether this is because there are higher rates of criminal acts or a consequence of discrimination. Racial imbalance is contextual, depending on the specific circumstances of a case, such as the race or ethnicity of the

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