...In 2011, Georgia’s population reached approximately 9,800,000 citizens with a 19.8% increase from 2000-2011. In addition to population, in 2002, Georgia elected the first Republican to the Governor’s office since the Reconstruction. Two years later, the Republican party takes majority control over the Georgia House which lead to a united government in Georgia’s politics. In 2010, the Republican party sweeps the state in election and takes complete control in both the House and Senate offices. Just four years ago, Democrats show success nationally causing Republicans to strengthen their power in both chambers. During the last 18 years that I have been living in this world, many advances, both industrially and politically have occurred. In future years, I predict there will be more changes, some that citizens will look forward to and some that communities may...
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...ETHICS IN MEDIA REPORTING DURING ELECTIONS Elections are the core of democracy. Media plays a significant role in informing the people the people about the political parties, leaders, their good side and their bad side. Their reports have a critical role in making the people choose a right person. But sometimes, some form of media fail to realize its responsibility but rather biased towards one or more political parties which results in choosing a wrong leader to rule the nation due to ignorance and faulty opinions. Not only this, media also has the responsibility to make the citizens know about the norms and regulations of elections, but most of the media reports fail to do that but only covers the political scenario, which keeps the citizen ignorant and results in less and false votes. And also the expected election reports published by the media which were paid by the political parties most of the time also creates a significant change in the mentality of the citizens. Media should therefore should make sure that it always portrays the actual and true information especially during elections for the betterment of people and the nation Democracy means right to freely express diverse opinions, and on the votes of well-informed...
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...Empowering the RMG girl Over the past three decades the Readymade Garment (RMG) sector has become crucial to Bangladesh’s economy. According to the WTO, Bangladesh became the fourth largest RMG producing country in the world after China, EU-27 and Turkey while it has been the largest exporter of cotton T-shirts and the second largest exporter of cotton pullover and jeans for the European Union. Also, Bangladesh’s exports of cotton trousers in the USA ranked second by volume. The RMG sector contributes a staggering 78 per cent of Bangladesh’s foreign exchange earnings, keeps many associated service businesses going and provides employment to millions of workers, approximately 80 per cent of whom are women, who otherwise would be hard pressed to find wage labour. Looking into many scientific studies and popular discourses, it is an undeniable fact that the Bangladeshi women workers in the RMG industries in the era of globalisation are absolutely deprived of their labour rights, vividly manifested in the country’s labour law. It is equally significant that a large number of industrial reserve army entered in the formal labour force, who otherwise would have lived unemployed or underemployed. This is why one important debate among the policymakers, academics and the experts is whether the rural, migrant workers who enter the new manufacturing factories in ‘Majority World’ countries experience significant changes in their lives. From the economic point of view there is no doubt that...
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...1. Point-Counterpoint State Medicaid Policy and Health Reform Harold A. Pollack University of Chicago Authors: Pollack, Harold A.1 Source: Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law; Feb2013, Vol. 38 Issue 1, p161-163, 3p The article discusses the positive and negative implications of the new ruling that the federal government could not require states that receive federal funds under the Medicaid program to participate in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's (PPACA's) Medicaid expansion. Several shortcomings like limited provider payment and associated patient access barriers have been observed in Medicaid that make its adoption not a good idea. However, families below the poverty line can benefit. In July 2012, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The Court thus ended one phase in the political and legal battle over health reform. Yet in doing so, it opened a new front. In a notable departure from post–New Deal commerce clause jurisprudence, the Court ruled that the federal government could not require states that receive federal funds under the Medicaid program to participate in the PPACA’s Medicaid expansion. In effect, the Court made states’ participation in the PPACA’s Medicaid expansion voluntary — a possibility that neither the act’s supporters nor its opponents seriously entertained during the long legislative battle of 2009 and 2010. The full implications of these...
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...The extent to which new, or complex, technologies impacted upon the project. The Channel Tunnel project would have been built two centuries ago if it was technically feasible. In 1802, the idea of a road tunnel was suggested to Napoleon during a brief peace between France and England. French engineer Albert Mathieu Favier gave Napoleon details of a scheme involving two tunnels, one which would be candle-lit for horse-drawn carriages and the second acting as a sort of drain to take away water seeping into it (Anderson & Roskrow 1994). However the scheme existed only on paper due to the absence of appropriate tunneling techniques. Digging a tunnel under ground is not a novel technology; however, the geology is, especially under the sea. Engineers had to check and hoped to find that a suitable rock for tunneling stretched in an unbroken bed across the channel. Building a tunnel doesn’t require innovative technology, otherwise the government would not approve the project go ahead. However, the actual construction of a 50 km-long Channel Tunnel up to 50 meters below the sea tested the ingenuity and skills of the top minds in the European and American construction industry (Anderson & Roskrow 1994). There were 11 specialized boring machines have been used in total on both, the British and the French sides, to work their way through the chalk marl stratum, which is between the gray chalk and glauconitic layer. The ground condition on the UK side had caused problem. The machine...
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...Financial Crisis in the European Union: The Cases of Greece and Ireland Sara F. Taylor Thesis submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Political Science Scott G. Nelson, Chair Karen M. Hult Deborah J. Milly September 7, 2011 Blacksburg, Virginia Keywords: EUROPEAN UNION, EUROZONE, GREECE FINANCIAL CRISIS, IRELAND BANKING CRISIS, EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK Copyright 2011 Sara F. Taylor Financial Crisis in the European Union: The Cases of Greece and Ireland Sara Frances Taylor ABSTRACT The 2008 eurozone financial crisis has only worsened as of summer 2011 raising questions about the economic future of the eurozone and sending shock waves through economies around the world. Greece was the first state to receive a bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, surprisingly followed only six months later by Ireland. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the challenges posed to smaller, weaker economies within the eurozone, specifically Greece and Ireland, since the recent eurozone financial crisis. This study is based on the experiences of both Greece and Ireland as very different members of the single currency. How and why did these states meet the criteria for euro convergence? To what extent was there support for the euro in both countries in the past? To what extent is there support today after the near collapse...
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...nominating B. Organization at the National Level 1. convention 2. chairperson C. State and Local Organization 1. election, caucuses 2. wards Prereading and Vocabulary 2 1. should cut back on expensive government programs Sample definition: Conservatives believe in cutting costs and government programs. 2. came to vote Sample definition: The electorate is the group of people who are allowed to vote. 3. voted at the polling place, elementary school Sample definition: A precinct is a small area from which all the residents report to vote at one location. 4. wards 5. bipartisan 6. nominate 7. Liberals 8. resign CHAPTER 5 Section 1 Reading Comprehension 3 1. Answers for rankings will vary. Historical basis: The two-party system is rooted in the beginnings of the U.S., when the ratification of the Constitution gave rise to the first two parties. Tradition: Most Americans accept the idea of a two-party system simply because there has always been one. Electoral system: Since only one winner per office comes out of each election, voters have only two viable choices—the candidate of the party holding office or the candidate with the best chance of replacing the current officeholder. Voters tend to think of a vote for a minor party candidate as a wasted vote. Republicans and Democrats work together in a bipartisan way to write election laws to make it hard for a minor party or independent candidate to win elective office. Ideological consensus:...
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...Burch, L. M. (n.d.). Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. Retrieved March 24, 2016, from http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/hbem20#.VvS04RasIlI Introduction- In the critical analysis “Kissing in the Carnage: An Examination of Framing on Twitter During the Vancouver Riots” by Lauren M. Burch, Evan L. Frederick & Ann Pegoraro; it was certain that the biggest hockey game of the National Hockey League season had been occurring, but the riot it has spawned in Vancouver makes it look like something far more politically charged may be the cause. In the introduction of the text it states “On June 15, 2011, more than 150,000 fans assembled on the streets of Vancouver to watch game seven of the Stanley Cup Finals between the Vancouver Canucks and the Boston Bruins. Within minutes of the Canucks loss, a riot began. One aspect that made this event unique was that it was documented on Twitter” this would clearly indicate that there was a relationship between the fans knowledge of the current affair which was the hockey game and the Literary review-RQ- 1. Is there a relationship between social media use and KNOWLEDGE of current affairs? 2. What is the relationship between social media use and knowledge of stand your ground law? 3. What is the relationship between social media use and attitude toward stand your ground law? Methodology- In the text it is stated that Twitter is a fairly new medium within the sport communication scenery; a growing body of literature...
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...Bibliographic Essay on African American History Introduction In the essay “On the Evolution of Scholarship in Afro- American History” the eminent historian John Hope Franklin declared “Every generation has the opportunity to write its own history, and indeed it is obliged to do so.”1 The social and political revolutions of 1960s have made fulfilling such a responsibility less daunting than ever. Invaluable references, including Darlene Clark Hine, ed. Black Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia 2nd ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004); Evelyn Brooks Higgingbotham, ed., Harvard Guide to African American History (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001); Arvarh E. Strickland and Robert E. Weems, Jr., eds., The African American Experience: An Historiographical and Bibliographical Guide (Westport: Greenwood Press, 2001); and Randall M. Miller and John David Smith, eds., Dictionary of Afro- American Slavery (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1988), provide informative narratives along with expansive bibliographies. General texts covering major historical events with attention to chronology include John Hope Franklin and Alfred A. Moss, Jr., From Slavery to Freedom: A History of African Americans (Boston: McGraw Hill, 2000), considered a classic; along with Joe William Trotter, Jr., The African American 1  Experience (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001); and, Darlene Clark Hine, William C. Hine, and Stanley Harrold, The...
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...r Contents This revision guide is intended to guide you to the key essentials necessary for answering questions on Unit 3. You shouldn’t use at it a replacement for your class notes or your own revision notes, but as a way of supplementing them and ensuring you have a firm awareness of major events, individuals and ideas. 1. The seeds of conflict 2. Emergence of Cold War, 1944-53 3. The ‘Thaw’ & ‘Peaceful Co-existence’ 4. The arms impact of the arms race 5. Sin-Soviet relations 6. Détente 7. End of Cold War Reminder of the structure of Unit 3 • Unit 3 = 25% of total marks • Written exam: 2 hours • Answer ONE question from Section A (30 marks), and ONE from Section B (40 marks) - choice of 2 questions in both sections • Section A – discuss an historical issue • Section B – use source material & knowledge to discuss an historical event Section A – themes to explore in your revision: 1. The post-Stalin thaw and the bid for peaceful coexistence in 1950s: a) USSR: Khrushchev b) USA: the responses of Dulles, Eisenhower and Kennedy. • the continuation of the Cold War in the 1950s following the retirement of Truman & death of Stalin, despite the bid for improved relations on the part of the USSR in the form of unilateral cuts in the size of the Red Army and withdrawal from Austria and Finland. • the...
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...June 2012 Chief Editor : Rina Sonowal Kouli Editor : Manogyan R. Pal Vol 56 Joint Director (Production) : V.K. Meena Cover Design : Ruby Kumari E-mail (Editorial) : yojanace@gmail.com (Circulation) : pdjucir_ jcm@yahoo.co.in Website : www.yojana.gov.in Let noble thoughts come to us from every side Rig Veda CONTENTS RETHINKING POLICY ON CHILD SEx RATIOS Mary E John ......................................................................................5 NCW: TWENTY YEARS OF EMPOWERING WOMEN Mamta Sharma ..................................................................................9 STREE SHAKTI Rashmi Singh ..................................................................................13 NORTH EAST DIARY ...............................................................18 EMPOWERING WOMEN IN AGRICULTURE Amrit Patel ......................................................................................19 EMPOWERED WOMEN, EMPOWERED NATION Shahin Razi .....................................................................................24 WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT ACROSS INDIAN STATES Arundhati Chattopadhyay ...............................................................29 J&K wINDOw ..........................................................................56 AMENDING ARCHAIC LAWS TO EMPOWER WOMEN Moushumi Das Gupta .....................................................................52 WOMEN AND PANCHAYATI RAJ Nupur Tiwari ..................................................
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...Volume - I No.2 August 2013 Challenging to Change - Sustainability Issues In India!! Social Networking Sites and Social Science Special Interview with Prof. Daniel Miller Macroeconomic Effect in Brazil due to upcoming FIFA World Cup and Olympics Street protests: an EPS perspective Too Many Too Little Debtanu Dutta Surbhi Verma EPS Co-ordinators (Batch 2012-14) eps@iimk.ac.in Manjunatha Belgere Ajinkya Lokare Faculty Advisory Board Prof. Kausik Gangopadhyay Prof. Subhasis Dey Prof. A. F. Mathew Prof. Sthanu Nair Prof. Venkat Raman Prof. Rudra Sensarma Editorial Board Biswa Prateem Das Debtanu Dutta Manjunatha Belgere Presented by Economics Politics & Social Sciences Interest Group Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode Editorial After an inspiring success of the inaugural edition, we are very happy to present you the second volume of “Pragati”, magazine from Economics, Politics and Social sciences (EPS) Interest Group of IIM Kozhikode. This time it is much inclusive and much bigger. We received articles from students of the esteemed colleges of India and published the best among them. This is a result of tireless effort and dedication from the student members of the group and endless inspiration and help from the faculty members of our “Faculty Advisory Board”. EPS Interest Group is a cohort of enthusiasts on economic, political and social issues. Main aim of this group is to create awareness about recent related issues and sensitize...
Words: 33803 - Pages: 136
...EnglishContents ABOUT THIS BOOK ................................5 THE WORDS.............................................7 WORD ANALYSIS ...............................103 IDIOM AND USAGE ............................117 About This Book English offers perhaps the richest vocabulary of all languages, in part because its words are culled from so many languages. It is a shame that we do not tap this rich source more often in our daily conversation to express ourselves more clearly and precisely. There are of course thesauruses but they mainly list common words. Other vocabulary books list difficult, esoteric words that we quickly forget or feel self-conscious using. However, there is a bounty of choice words between the common and the esoteric that often seem be just on the tip of our tongue. Vocabulary 4000 brings these words to the fore. Whenever possible, one-word definitions are used. Although this makes a definition less precise, it also makes it easier to remember. Many common words appear in the list of words, but with their less common meanings. For example, the common meaning of champion is “winner.” A less common meaning for champion is to support or fight for someone else. (Think of the phrase “to champion a cause.”) This is the meaning that would be used in the list. As you read through the list of words, mark any that you do not know with a check mark. Then when you read through the list again, mark any that you do not remember with two checks. Continue in this...
Words: 30239 - Pages: 121
...Causes and Origins of the Collapse of the Former Soviet Union An Honors Research Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Graduation ―with Honors Research Distinction in Russian Economic Studies‖ in the Undergraduate Colleges of the Ohio State University by Erik Lauritzen The Ohio State University June 2011 Project Advisors: Professor Jason Blevins, Department of Economics Professor Jennifer Suchland, Department of Russian Table of Contents Abstract.................................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3 1. Macroeconomic Planning in the Soviet Union ................................................................. 5 1.1 The Early Policies of Period One ................................................................................................... 5 1.1.1 War Communism .......................................................................................................................... 5 1.1.2 The New Economic Policy (NEP) ............................................................................................... 9 1.1.3 Democratic Centralism ............................................................................................................... 11 1.2 The Significance of Economic...
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...Chapter 1: AWA Introduction | To download section click button or click on “File Save as..” in the upper left-corner of your browser | | The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) consists of two 30-minute sections, the Analysis of Issue essay and the Analysis of Argument essay. You will receive a grade from 1 to 6, which will be sent with your GRE scores.The good news is that the AWA can be beaten.The essay topics are available for you to review beforehand. The structures for the AWA answers are simple and may be learned. In addition, while much GRE preparation may appear "useless" and without any merit beyond test day, the skills, reasoning tools, and techniques you learn for the AWA may be applied to any essay or persuasive writing. These skills will help you throughout business school and beyond. 800score has graded thousands of essays from GRE candidates and we have an unparalleled knowledge of where students go wrong. Here are some tips before we get started: * Grammar and spelling is, by-and-large, less important than structure and content. Focus on structure and your argument formation. * Take plenty of timed practice tests on a computer. Our sample essays on the site are designed for you to take timed practice essays and be evaluated. * Do not procrastinate AWA preparation. Students tend to put off the AWA until it is too late and then they cannot adequately prepare. | Chapter 2 - Section 1: Analysis of Issue | The Analysis of Issue...
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