...La enfermedad de Pompe es una patología de carácter autosómico recesivo que se debe a una deficiencia de la enzima lisosómica alfa-1,4-glucosidasa que provoca que se acumule glucógeno en el lisosoma y que afecta principalmente al tejido muscular. El gen encargado de expresar la enzima lisosómica es el gen GAA y se encuentra localizado en el brazo largo del cromosoma 17. Esta enfermedad que debilita los músculos afecta a niños y adultos. La diferencia de la enfermedad entre los niños, jóvenes y adultos son las distintas mutaciones que tienen diferente impacto en el gen. Los pacientes que presentan esta patología en los primeros meses de vida se ha demostrado que presentan hipotonía y retraso en el desarrollo motor (que se debe a la hipotonía). Esta enfermedad tiene una incidencia de 1 por cada 40000 recién nacidos vivos. Estos pacientes por lo general mueren durante el primer o segundo año de vida debido a una insuficiencia cardiaca ya que debido a la deficiencia de esta enzima se acumula glucógeno en el musculo estriado y cardiaco o también puede producir una cardiomegalia. Hasta el momento no hay tratamiento que asegure curar al paciente que la sustitución de este enzima parece prometedora y también se tratan los síntomas cardiacos. ENFOQUE BIOQUIMICO DE LA ENFERMEDAD DE POMPE Hay diversas enfermedades donde existe acumulación de glucógeno, el cual es un polímero complejo de glucosa que es detectado tanto en el hígado como en el músculo, es sintetizado por una ruta...
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...1. Descrierea companiei S.C. BLACK SEA SUPPLIERS S.R.L. 1.1 Obiect de activitate şi scurt istoric S.C.BLACK SEA SUPPLIERS S.R.L. s-a înfiinţat în anul 1996 la Constanţa, ca o societate cu răspundere limitată, aportul de capital social în valoare de 1.940.000$ fiind format prin asocierea a două persoane private, cu o pondere a capitalului social de 60% şi respectiv 30% şi firma de transport maritim S.C. HELLENIC MARITIME SERVICES S.R.L. cu o pondere a capitalului social de 10%. Începând cu anul 1997 firma a deschis noi puncte de lucru în oraşele: Bacău, Braşov, Bucureşti, Cluj, Oradea, Timişoara. Datorită unei dezvoltări rapide a companiei s-a ajuns ca la sfârşitul anului 2005 să fie deschise puncte de lucru în treizeci de municipii reşedinţă de judeţ precum şi extinderea în ţările vecine: Bulgaria, Republica Moldova şi Ucraina. În oraşele: Bacău, Bucureşti, Constanţa, Oradea şi Piteşti sunt depozitele principale de stocare marfă şi tranzit marfă pentru aprovizionarea celorlalte judeţe. Numărul de puncte de lucru este influenţat de gradul de dezvoltare economică al judeţelor. Astfel s-a considerat că în judeţele subdezvoltate, unde nu sunt puncte de lucru, clienţii vor putea fi aprovizionaţi prin distribuţia asigurată de judeţele învecinate în care există puncte de lucru. Trăsătura fundamentală prin care se deosebeşte S.C. BLACK SEA SUPPLIERS S.R.L. de principalul concurent de pe piaţa românească S.C. ROMSTAL IMEX S.R.L. este modul de organizare în teritoriu prin care acestea...
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...ABROUK Bassam * 14/11/1993 * Permis B – Véhicule * 17 bis Rue N°4 Lotis Oumnia Quartier Bouab SAFI * bassamabr@gmail.com * TECHNIQUES MAITRISEES Gestion de la production/Stock Lean Manufacturing Gestion de la maintenance Gestion de Projet Lean Manufacturing Gestion & Management QHSE Logistique & SCM Outils d’aide à la décision Construction/Fabrication mécanique Automatique, Automatisme Matériaux et Procédés de fabrication INFORMATIQUE GMAO : MAINSAVER GPAO : PRELUDE, IMPACT PROGRAMMATION C, C++ WORD/EXCEL/POWERPOINT Assembler Motorola 6809 ATMEGA16 STATGRAPHICS HTML/CSS ORACLE/MySQL/SQL LANGUES Anglais Français Arabe ABROUK Bassam * 14/11/1993 * Permis B – Véhicule * 17 bis Rue N°4 Lotis Oumnia Quartier Bouab SAFI * bassamabr@gmail.com * TECHNIQUES MAITRISEES Gestion de la production/Stock Lean Manufacturing Gestion de la maintenance Gestion de Projet Lean Manufacturing Gestion & Management QHSE Logistique & SCM Outils d’aide à la décision Construction/Fabrication mécanique Automatique, Automatisme Matériaux et Procédés de fabrication INFORMATIQUE GMAO : MAINSAVER GPAO : PRELUDE, IMPACT PROGRAMMATION C, C++ WORD/EXCEL/POWERPOINT ...
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...LES ZÉOLITHES I) Introduction 1) Présentation ! Une zéolithe est un minéral micro-poreux appartenant au groupe des silicates, dans lequel ils forment une famille comprenant des aluminosilicates hydratés des groupes IA et IIA du tableau périodique des éléments ( comme le Calcium, le Magnésium, le Potassium ... ) . ! Étymologiquement, le mot zéolithe vient du latin zeô ( bouillir ) et lithos ( la pierre ) . À juste titre, leur découverte sʼest faite en 1756 par le minéralogiste suédois Axel Frederik Crönstedt lors de lʼobservation de dégagement de vapeur dʼeau lorsque ces minéraux étaient chauffés à la flamme . 2) Principe et utilisations ! Les zéolithes sont présentes dans de nombreux domaines, plus ou moins spécifiques, de la médecine à lʼindustrie . Elles sont par exemple utilisées dans les stations spatiales pour le recyclage de lʼair, en médecine pour les caissons hyper-bar, ou même chez les particuliers dans les piscines pour assainir lʼeau . ! Exemple de structure de zéolithe : On observe ici clairement la structure micro-poreuse de ces minéraux . La particularité de ces espèces minérales réside dans leur utilisation comme «tamis moléculaire» de par leur structure micro-poreuse . Ces pores laissent en effet passer certaines molécules au travers du maillage, et en adsorbe certaines autres ( les «piège», de manière réversible ), par le biais dʼinteractions intermoléculaires dites de Debye, de London, de Van Der Waals ... 3) Problématique globale ...
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...Reaction Paper Extraordinary Measures A Portland couple have two younger children that are afflicted with Pompe’s disease, a rare neuromuscular ailment that is usually fatal within the first eight years of life. Megan is the partner’s 8-year-old middle child and Patrick is the 6-year-old youngest, so time is running out of them. The husband, an advertising executive, leaves his job and contacts Dr. Robert Stonehill, a cranky, renegade scientist in Nebraska who has done an unprecedented research for enzyme treatment and is one of the leading researcher in the field of Pompe’s who’s idiosyncratic for thinking to the beat of rock music blasting from a boom box. The two men meet and clash after driving to the University of Nebraska where Stonehill is employed. He has little money to fund his laboratory, and a thorny personality that drives away colleagues and funders. John and his wife Aileen raise money to help Stonehill's research and the required clinical trials. John takes on the task full time, working with venture capitalists and then rival teams of researchers. They lock horns with each other, venture capitalists, and finally a large genomic research corporation, Zymagen. Stonehill's angry outburst hinder the company's faith in him, and the profit motive may upend John's hopes. The researchers race against time for the children who have the disease. The film is maudlin to say the least but earnestly true. The very first thing I’ve learned in the movie is that you...
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...Extraordinary Measures; it was based on the real life events of John Crowley (played by Brendan Fraser) and his family, a father's search to find a cure for Pompi disease (a relatively rare genetic condition that afflicts two of his three children). When Megan, johns sweet and loveable daughter is rushed to the hospital with heart and respiratory failure, hope of saving his daughter reinforces john to find a cure to reverse Pompi’s effects. Which leads him to research of Robert Stonehill (played by Harrison Ford). A brilliant cranky scientist who developed a theory about correcting the enzyme deficiency in the cells of people with Pompi. John immediately creates a fund to support Pompe research, and he and Stonehill form a mutually challenging partnership. Leading into the discovery of the new Pompe treatment to help stopped the progression of the disease and improved Megan and Patrick's hearts. While Watching Extraordinary Measures you clearly realize that the movie is completely based on chemistry, especially the portrayal of Dr. Stonehill a brilliant scientist that was dedicated to the pursuit of science, and finding a cure for Pompi. However with the lack of money he was incapable of doing so. A problem a lot of chemists face due to the high amount of money needed to do a lot of research. Extraordinary measure has a strong impact in the good of chemistry, it shows how hard and challenging it is to get medicine through all the steps possible. It also does a good job of...
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...Ethnographic CD Review: Ensemble La Roue Fleurie – Gypsy Guitars The Music of the Gypsies The Gypsies or the Romani people are an ethnic group now living predominantly in Europe. They are believed to have migrated from an Indian Subcontinent some 1000 years ago due to persecutions and their status on the Indian caste system. It wasn’t until around 1856 that the gypsies were freed as slaves in Walachia and Moldavia, which are now part of Romania. In Western Europe, hanging, flogging, and branding of Roma people was encouraged, and an estimated 1 million were killed in the holocaust. The Gypsies are nomadic and live in caravans or trailers, setting up small camps and moving from place to place. Music as a tradition is paramount in the lives of the gypsies, who have always been revered as being exceptional musicians, especially for their virtuosity in their instruments. For the gypsies, music has always just been a part of life, and it has been extremely important in helping them to cope with the harsh reality of their existence. As a result of the years and years of traveling throughout the world, a myriad of musical influences have left their mark in the traditional gypsy music. Beginning of course with Indian roots, tinges of Greek, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Serbian, Czech, Slavic, Romanian, German, French, and Spanish can be heard in the music. Indian influence can be heard through the use of the harmonic minor scale and the double-harmonic minor, or Hungarian minor...
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...A 16-year-old girl was diagnosed with Pompe disease at the age of two. When she was four years old, muscle weakness gradually progressed. She was referred to our department in the diagnosis of scoliosis at the age of ten. At the first visit, the major thoracic curve scoliosis was 26˚ (T4-11) and an underarm brace was applied. However, her scoliosis could not be controlled with this brace. At the age of 16 years, she was 155 cm in height and 32 kg in weight. She complained respiratory discomfort in sitting position with a percent vital capacity (%VC) of 32.3% in the sitting position and 38.3% in the supine. Standing X-ray showed scoliosis of 82°at T4-11, and 52˚ at T11-L4, and supine X-ray showed at T4-11, at T11-L4, respectively. We considered that her respiratory discomfort in sitting position was caused by...
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...H2 H2 surname first name m.i. surname first name m.i. Name: Yr & Sec: SCORE SCORE Glycolysis For this activity, refer to the figure on next page to complete the table below. Use BLUE INK PEN. Due on March 08 (TTh Classes) and March 09 (MWF and WF classes) Step | Reactant | Product | Enzyme | Type of Reaction | 1 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 5 | | | | | 6 | | | | | 7 | | | | | 8 | | | | | 9 | | | | | 10 | | | | | Identification: 1. 2. Two steps in glycolysis that use ATP 3. Steps in glycolysis where molecule is split. 4. Two steps in glycolysis that produce ATP. 5. # of NADH produced: _____ 6. # of carbons found in the glucose: _____ 7. # of carbons found in each pyruvate molecule: _____ 8. # of ADP produced: _____ 9. # ATP produced: _____ 10. Net total of ATP produced: _____ 11. Which product of glycolysis is used in liver for synthesis of triglycerides? Glycolysis - occurs in the cytoplasm that converts glucose into two pyruvates * can be aerobic or anaerobic (erythrocytes and exercising skeletal muscles) * Step 1 Step 1 Step 10 Step 10 Step 9 Step 9 Step 8 Step 8 Step 7 Step 7 Step 6 Step 6 Step 5 Step 5 Step 4 Step 4 Step 3 Step 3 Step 2 Step 2 Citric Acid Cycle/Tricarboxylic acid Cycle (TCA)/ Krebs Cycle *...
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...comme La Chèvre(1981), Trois hommes et un couffin (1985), Jean de Florette (1986), L'Ours et Le Grand Bleu (1988). Face à cette situation, plusieurs mesures sont prises. En 1988, le gouvernement décide de limiter la diffusion des films à la télévision (plus de diffusions le mercredi, le vendredi et le samedi). Après avoir touché le fond en 1992 avec 116 millions d'entrées, le renouveau du cinéma français débute en 1993 avec le triomphe des Visiteurs avec Jean Reno et Christian Clavier, plus grand succès depuis 25 ans. Les années 2000 confirment la bonne santé du cinéma français, avec des succès comme Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain, Les Choristes ou Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre. Les années 2010 commencent, elles, en grandes pompes, avec un grand succès de l'année 2011, Intouchables, qui avec plus de 19 millions d'entrées devient le troisième film le plus vu de l'histoire du cinéma français, devant La Grande Vadrouille. Intouchables est un film français réalisé par Olivier Nakache et Éric Toledano, sorti en France le 2 novembre 2011. L'histoire est inspirée de la vie de Philippe Pozzo di Borgo , tétraplégique depuis 1993, et de sa relation avec Abdel Yasmin Sellou, son aide à domicile, dont les rôles sont tenus respectivement par les acteurs François Cluzet et Omar Sy. Il s'agit du film le plus vu en France en 2011. Avec 19 385 300 entrées2 il est le troisième film dans l'Histoire...
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...ALI BEAZIT ACŢIONĂRI HIDRAULICE Colecţia „Inginerie mecanică” ALI BEAZIT ACŢIONĂRI HIDRAULICE Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân” Constanţa, 2010 Referenţi ştiinţifici: Prof. univ. dr. ing. Florea TRAIAN Prof. univ. dr. ing. Ionel NICOLAE Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României ALI, BEAZIT Acţionări hidraulice / conf. univ. dr. ing. Ali Beazit – Constanţa : Editura Academiei Navale ”Mircea cel Bătrân”, 2010 Bibliogr. ISBN 978-973-1870-68-7 62-82(075.8) Corector: Ozana CHAKARIAN Tehnoredactare: Florentina PETRIŞ Copertă: Gabriela SECU Editura Academiei Navale „Mircea cel Bătrân” Str. Fulgerului nr. 1, 900218, Constanţa Tel. 0241/626200/1219, fax 0241/643096 Email: editura@anmb.ro Copyright © 2010 Editura Academiei Navale „Mircea cel Bătrân” Toate drepturile rezervate ISBN 978-973-1870-68-7 CUPRINS Prefaţă Capitolul 1 Acţionări hidrostatice............................................................ 1.1 Generalităţi.................................................................................... 1.2 Avantajele şi dezavantajelor sistemelor de acţionare hidraulică... 1.3 Lichidul de lucru………………………………………………... 1.3.1 Proprietăţile lichidelor de lucru………………………………… 1.3.2 Prevenirea oxidării şi prevenirea coroziunii……………………. 1.3.3 Numărul de neutralizare................................................................ 1.3.4 Lichide rezistente la foc................................................................. 1.3.5 Lichide...
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...antibiotics was extensively studied since 2009. These studies gave scientists a clear view of the way that kinase enzymes were interrupting macrolide antibiotics, which are often used when a patient is allergic to penicillin. With a much clearer view as to how resistance is occurring, these scientists hope to slightly alter the antibiotic structure to prevent them from interacting at all with the kinase enzymes now that they finally know how. This is incredibly important as this antibiotic resistance is allowing superbugs to become more prevalent, and the antibiotic resistance is said in this article to be coming from these superbugs to the antibiotics with the kinase enzymes, making them worthless (Palaniappan). In cases where a patient has Pompe disease, enzyme replacement therapy is sometimes used. This disease used to be deadly to patients in months, but with this enzyme replacement myocardial hypertrophy resolved (Avula, et all). Another medical study shows that enzymes may help decide if another medication is working as it should. In this study, the effects of a medication for hepatitis C virus was being tested. The enzyme levels in the liver tend to be higher when a patient has a hepatitis C virus, and when treatment is successful they will lower. The measurement of these enzyme levels helped show that this is just as good of a prediction of success as the previous method, RNA levels (Khan, et all). There are also case studies done to show what enzyme inhibitors are doing...
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...UNIVERSITATEA ‹‹ CONSTANTIN BRÂNCOVEANU ›› PITEŞTI DEPARTAMENTUL DE STUDII DE MASTERAT ŞI POST UNIVERSITARE DE PERFECŢIONARE SPECIALIZAREA BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MEDIUL DE MARKETING AL S.C. BLACK SEA SUPPLIERS S.R.L. LUCRARE DE DIZERTAŢIE COORDONATOR Conf.univ.dr.Asandei Mihaela ABSOLVENT 2007 CUPRINS Introducere _________________________________________________5 Capitolul 1: Mediul de marketing, element esenţial în activitatea firmei ______________________________________________________6 1.1.Conceptul de mediu de marketing ___________________________6 1.2.Mediul extern al firmei ___________________________________10 1.2.1.Micromediul firmei __________________________________11 1.2.2.Macromediul firmei _________________________________21 1.3.Mediul intern al firmei ___________________________________29 1.3.1.Conţinutul şi structura mediului intern ___________________29 1.3.2.Potenţialul întreprinderii ______________________________32 Capitolul 2: Prezentarea S.C. BLACK SEA SUPPLIERS S.R.L. ____34 2.1.Obiectul de activitate şi scurt istoric _________________________34 2.2.Structura organizatorică __________________________________36 2.3.Prezentarea gamei de produse _____________________________41 2.4.Analiza principalilor indicatori economici ____________________46 Capitolul 3: Metode...
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...A Légende B C Pontoise D E Orry-la-Ville–Coye F G H Paris 1 RER: au delà de cette limite, en direction de la banlieue, la tarification dépend de la distance. Les tickets t+ ne sont pas valables. Correspondances Fin de lignes en correspondance Pôle d’échange multimodal, métro, RER, tramway CDG Aéroport Charles de Gaulle Théâtre Gérard Philipe Marché de St-Denis Basilique de St-Denis Saint-Denis–Université Cimetière de St-Denis Hôpital Delafontaine La Courneuve 6 Routes Saint-Denis Asnières–Gennevilliers Parc des Expositions Hôtel de Ville de La Courneuve 1 Les Grésillons Gare de Saint-Denis Cosmonautes Les Courtilles Le Bourget Mitry–Claye 32 46 • wap.ratp.fr www.ratp.fr Les Agnettes Gabriel Péri Saint-Ouen Carrefour Pleyel Mairie de Saint-Ouen Garibaldi Porte de Saint-Ouen Guy Môquet La Fourche Pereire Place de Clichy Liège Trinité d’Estienne d’Orves Blanche Rome Villiers Monceau Europe Porte Maillot Courcelles Gare Saint-Lazare Porte de Clignancourt Saint-Denis Porte de Paris Basilique de St-Denis La Courneuve Aubervilliers La Courneuve 8 Mai 1945 Stade Géo André Danton La Courneuve–8 Mai 1945 Maurice Lachâtre Drancy–Avenir Hôpital Avicenne Gaston Roulaud Escadrille Normandie–Niémen Stade de France Saint-Denis La Plaine Stade de France Porte de la Chapelle Fort d’Aubervilliers Aubervilliers–Pantin Quatre Chemins 2 Cergy Poissy St-Germain en-Laye Pont de Levallois Bécon Mairie de...
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...B C Légende E D CDG Aéroport Charles de Gaulle Théâtre Gérard Philipe Correspondances 1 Saint-Denis Fin de lignes en correspondance Carrefour Pleyel Gabriel Péri Saint-Ouen Pont de Levallois Bécon Porte de Saint-Ouen Porte de Clichy Guy Môquet Brochant Jules Joffrin Esplanade de La Défense Europe Neuilly–Porte Maillot Belvédère Ternes Avenue Foch Miromesnil Saint-Philippe du-Roule 4 Suresnes Longchamp George V Kléber Franklin D. Roosevelt Victor Hugo Boissière Avenue Henri Martin Rue de la Pompe Alma Marceau Pont de l’Alma Grands Boulevards Réaumur Sébastopol Louvre Rivoli 5 La Muette Les Coteaux Passy Champ de Mars Tour Eiffel École Bir-Hakeim Militaire Avenue du Pdt Kennedy Dupleix Jasmin Les Milons Michel Ange Auteuil 6 Porte d’Auteuil Boulogne Jean Jaurès Parc de St-Cloud Avenue Émile Zola Église d’Auteuil Michel Ange Molitor Boulogne Pont de St-Cloud Bd Victor Porte de St-Cloud Musée de Sèvres Gare Montparnasse Port-Royal Edgar Quinet Raspail Pernety Convention Corvisart Cité Universitaire Porte de Versailles Suzanne Lenglen Parc des Expositions Porte d’Issy Porte de Vanves Brancion Georges Brassens Didot Malakoff Plateau de Vanves Corentin Celton Jean Moulin Montsouris Porte d’Orléans Stade Charléty Malakoff ...
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