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Pontomonoto Research Paper

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Words 664
Pages 3
Once, there were only three animal deities: an eagle, a fox, and a deer. Eagle was brave, Deer was peaceful, and Fox, the most selfish of the trio, was cunning. Together, the animals created the universe.
However, after many centuries, they eventually grew lonely. Fox used this to his own advantage. For ages, he’d hated his companions, and he soon devised a malicious plan. Abusing the moment, Fox raised the idea of creating another animal. Agreeingly, the animals all worked together in order to create . It was then decided that he’d be named Pontomonoto. Pontomonoto, a natural warrior, who was strong physically, was only a child mentally. The deceiving fox realised and took full advantage of this. While Deer and Eagle loved and took care of Pontomonoto, Fox slowly filled him with lies. He made sure that Pontomonoto would grow up to despise Eagle and Deer. As planned, he grew up and eventually sought revenge. Schemingly, Fox entrusted the bow and arrow to him. The bow had been made from the Great Tree of Cena. Responsible for the tornadoes of the world, the bow was able to pierce any wall. Accepting his new weapon, Pontomonoto set off for his first victim: Deer. …show more content…
Oftenly, he’d be found grazing on the rich, fertile grass of the forest. However, Deer had known of Fox’s plan. He hid in the tall pine tree’s protective bulwark and quietly waited for his assailant. When Pontomonoto arrived at the forest, he searched for Deer. Soon, the forest floor had been torn apart, and every fallen twig could be spotted on the ground. Yet, Deer was still not visible. Angered, Pontomonoto went on a rampage. His powerful bow and arrow pierced through every tree in the forest. They shattered the ground and formed mountains. Eventually, even Deer, who’d been hidden inside the trunk of a great pine tree, had been slain. Smelling the rotting carcass, Pontomonoto found Deer’s dead body and chopped off his

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