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Voter Id Laws Pros And Cons

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“The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, had thrust the national ID issue into context of national security for the first time in decades” (Katel 398). Tragedies like these make US Security much stricter than it was before. ID’s are a big part in making sure that people are who they say they are. There have been people specifically teenager that use and make fake ID’s to buy beer, cigarettes, etc. Making fake ID’s is a risky business and could result in a prison sentence if caught. Many want to feel safe in the place they live at and if people are constantly faking their identities that will only lead to more problems. Every state should agree with voter ID laws, as they will only benefit us. Bigger states should also look into how effective …show more content…
Many citizens have been caught doing illegal activity when they cast their vote. “As attorney general, Abbott said, “I have arrested people who cast votes on behalf of dead people, people who registered foreign nationals to vote illegally. Voter fraud is real and must be stopped” (McBride par. 7). The attorney generals have seen and heard it all and they seem to be tired of arresting people who do this. With many controversy with the presidential candidates in no wonder why some people try to do these things so they can get an extra vote. Many citizens however will still continue to find ways to do illegal votes even with the ID laws. The US has to just enforce stricter rules and techniques to catch the frauds. It is sad that in the decade we live people cannot be genuine anymore. It has only gotten worse due to people getting better at using technology everyday. These ID’s will only make fair votes so that the next president or government leader was voted because of popularity, not because of cheating. Voter ID’s are fair, thus they will also contribute to more …show more content…
Having the correct ID when voting will make more people show up to support for someone who they believe in. When someone has strong opinions towards something, they are most likely to speak their mind. When you speak your mind to those you surround yourself with it can really influence other people’s viewpoints and opinions. After the influencing has kicked in people will be more likely to vote to not have or have that person in office. Many people get their coverage of topics on the TV news and some of the things these companies say can be taken out of context. Word of mouth is definitely a strong influencer in who people are going to vote for. You can compare this to kids in a playground who dare one of them to go and talk to a girl. Well if the boy was alone he would not have as much confidence as when he had the extra pressure from his friends to do it. The same is with people one knows and how they influence us in our decisions. More voting and correct voting will be a good thing, thus it could bring better

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