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Pony Express Research Paper

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The Pony Express was in operation during April 3, 1860 to October 28, 1861, it was a form of communication across the United States. The trail used for the Pony express began in St. Joseph Missouri and ended in Sacramento, California; it required that men ride 2,000 miles on horseback in order to deliver mail and get communication across the country. At the beginning the Pony Express seemed to work very efficiently, but just after a month of operation the Pony Express began facing challenges that involved the Indian tribes and the settlers. In Nevada the Dry Creek station was one of the stations were conflicts between the settlers and the Indians was impacted the most. The Dry Creek station was built in the Spring of 1860 and was one of the last stations built in the Bolivar Division of the Pony Express. …show more content…
According to the article “Dry Creek Station” a man named John Applegate and Ralph M. Lozier died at the station after an attack from the Indians. According to “The Pony Express Trail” the only men left alive where Si McCandless (the station keeper) and Little Badly, who were able to escape and outrun the Indians. According to “Pony Express an Illustrated Story” the fight occurred because of a Shoshone woman that McCandless did not want to give to the Indians. According to the “The Pony Express in Nevada Dry Creek” the bodies of Applegate and Lozier were later found by William H. Streeper who claimed that the body of Lozier was scalped mutilated, either by the wolves or by

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