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Water Bong Research Paper

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A bong, also commonly known as a Water Pipe, is a smoking device, generally used to smoke cannabis. Its most suitable for dried cannabis flower. The biggest advantage of a bong is that it has the ability to cool down and filter smoke. Water in the bongs makes it soft and smooth even when you inhale large amounts of smoke.

Bongs are also newbie-friendly

They help ease the first timers into smoking and make it not as harsh. They are relatively cheap way of consuming marijuana in comparison to some other ways. They are also very aesthetically pleasing.

The first step in getting to know your bong

being able to decipher the different parts. Water bongs are simple but sophisticated devices. They have many …show more content…
It’s an opening of the neck. Make sure you place your lips inside and not over the hole.

Chamber: This is also called the ‘bulb’. Where the smoke gathers, ready to be inhaled. You fill the chamber and then ‘clear’ it with a quick inhale at the end.

Downsteam: A tube that connects the water from the chamber to the bottom of the bowl. It could be defused (with notches on the bottom) or just a simple tube. Some bongs don’t have downsteams and instead have a molded glass tube from the slide into the chamber.

Bowl: Sometimes called a slide because you remove it from the downstem as the final step before inhaling the smoke from the chamber.

Percolators: Or percs, are small additions in the neck and chamber of the bong that further filter your smoke. They can be branched, circular, notched, rounded or a variety of other shapes. They provide more air and water to diffuse and cool the smoke before it gets to you.

CTA To How to get baked with a bong
Now that you know all the parts of the bong you are using, time to get baked!
How To Get …show more content…
This is so that you don’t accidentally knock over the entire bong while packing. Loosely pack the bowl, do not over pack. Make sure you also have a screen, this will help prevent any bud from sucking into the downsteam and being ruined by the water
Fit the downsteam back into the bong snugly, don’t cram it.
Take a hit! Hold the bong with you non-dominant hand, usually around the neck. Or you can set the bottom on your lap or any flat surface. Practice good bong etiquette by wiping your mouth, drying your lips and placing your lips inside the mouthpiece. Strike the lighter to the edge of the bowl while also inhaling. As you inhale you will ‘pull’ the flame into the bowl, igniting your herb. If you don’t want to inhale the fumes of the lighter, a hemp wick is an organic alternative.
Don’t hold the lighter over the bowl for too long. You want to remove it once the bowl has caught, but keep inhaling.
Once its lit, it will start glowing and the chamber will fill with smoke. You don’t want to be inhaling the smoke at this moment, but more gathering it with a controlled inhale. Try not to drool into the bong. It's easy to do while you are

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