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Populism Research Paper

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Though some say red fears choked populism, apt oil, families, and labor counter this. Oil compares to populism because both boomed during the 1950s due to the people. Moreover, how a population reacts to financial needs and business. “Populist” last saw use as a word some sixty years ago, so how did it come back? Historian Richard Hofstadter and humanist Daniel Bell are to blame. These two men revived it when vying anti-elitism and McCarthyism (Kazin). “McCarthyists” watched alien populism in prolific times and booms, like oil. Examples include Libya, Latin America, and Canada. After the war, North America underwent dramatic growth in mining and drilling. Canada’s House of Commons agreed on a means to pump oil with the U.S. in what becomes the …show more content…
As families took home cars, the blue-collar American craves the black gold. Low oil prices of the day nurture this new love for the nuclear family. This love rose when the cold war contributed to a large-scale expansion of the middle class. With people spanning states and suburbs, small-scale families took over large, extended ones. Admitting it trims at family trees, it deserts negative non-immediate family. Little family customs form among these populaces, reinforced by new “Baby Boomers.” This boom refers to the increasing rate of babies after the war. Housing markets and education enjoy the baby boom; now, homes required income. Despite uneven pay, populism proves productive on a international scale all the while protecting workers. First off, Populism triumphs with productive labor because of American production. The world lay ruined from war, so America imports from itself for the most part. “Made in USA” becomes a standard of quality, as millions of Americans break backs over chattel. Furthermore, productive labor enforces exceptionalism in foreign aid. Under the Marshall Plan, the U.S. helped rebuild and recover Europe after World War

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