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Prader Willi Syndrome Research Paper

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Prader-Willi syndrome is caused by spontaneous genetic problems in chromosome 15 which is evident in the early development of a fetus. In other words, there is a deletion, or a loss of genes from that chromosome. This genetic disease is capable of affecting any number of physical, mental, and behavioral problems in the human body. Starting at infancy, this disease portrays weak muscle tone (hypotonia), poor growth, troubles feeding, and delayed development. The most common feature of Prader-Willi is the feeling of constant hunger. This symptom is not present at birth, but usually apparent at around the age of two. This constant feeling of hunger and need to eat is from the person never getting a complete satisfaction of food, or never feeling full and can lead to many chronic weight related conditions. …show more content…
PWS also occurs in all ethnic groups and in any geographical location in the world. This genetic disease occurs at random during conception or fetal development. About one in every 15,000-25,000 infants are diagnosed with this disorder and there are approximately 17,000-22,000 current Americans living with PWS.

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