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Prairie Dog Research Paper

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To Start, i am going to give you some essential background information on myself. Since i could speak, i was talking all the time, when i first when to my elementary school, the first french word i ever learned was “ferme la bouche” which means close your mouth. Now you can imagine how i learned this word, the teachers were constantly telling me to stop talking. Even now, my teachers are always telling me to stop talking so much. The prairie dog is known to be very communicative and is continuously socializing, the prairie dog has a very large group of peers that he communicates with while perhaps being a little too meddlesome. He will have many friends, you will rarely see a prairie dog on its own. In addition, the prairie dog is known for his large families, he will find the one he loves and start a family. Family is …show more content…
For instance, i play a competitive sport, after training for a few hours after a long hard day at school, i love to go home and read or book or watch a tv show that i have yet had a chance to watch. This is a way i use to reward myself, after a long day of school work and training i find this to be my way of balancing my life s it does not all revolve around the stress of doing well in school as well as squash. With this in mind, you can imagine how i tend to compare myself to the prairie dog, all our values seem to revolve around the same kinds of things. In addition, i am a hardworking student and athlete, the prairie dog must work hard to build a home for himself and his family and he must protect himself from predators, because the prairie dog is not a predator, he is to kind and sensitive. To put it briefly, the prairie dog is continuously showing that his life needs balance and structure, as does mine, no life is worth living without balance and

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