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Ras The Enter-Rinehart Analysis

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The narrator – The narrator struggles to recognize an identity that honors his character, personality, and purpose. He finds that his dreams have slowly been obliterated through his experiences as a college student, an employee at the Liberty Paints plant, and as an affiliate in the Brotherhood.
Brother Jack - He initially seems empathetic, smart, and caring, while proclaiming his protection of the socially oppressed. He in fact holds racist viewpoints and is incapable of viewing people as more than instruments to fulfill his agenda.
Tod Clifton - He eventually parts ways with the Brotherhood and begins selling Sambo dolls on the street; apparently perpetrating and taunting the stereotype of the lazy and submissive slave that the dolls signify.
Ras the Exhorter - Ras …show more content…
The Narrator is misidentified as Rinehart in Harlem when he wears dark sunglasses. He concludes that Rinehart’s ability to have various societal roles represents a life of extreme independence, intricacy, and opportunity.
Dr. Bledsoe - The president at the narrator’s college and is self-seeking, ruthless, and disloyal. He is a black man that masks himself as a servant to the white community. He would rather have every black man in society murdered than rescind his position.
Mr. Norton – He represents a white Northern Liberal, and believes it is his duty to enlighten and civilize the inferior Black class. Although his motives are seemingly generous and sincere, he is racist and patronizing.
Reverend Homer A. Barbee - Reverend Barbee visits the narrator’s college and gives avid praise of the Founder’s “vision.” This strikes an unintentionally ironic because he is a blind man. Ellison uses Barbee to mock the college’s desire for reform.
Jim Trueblood – Lives outside of the narrator’s college campus and is a shameful disgrace to the black community for his incestual act of impregnating his

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