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Prejudice And Racism In The Criminal Justice System

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Discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin is morally wrong and a violation of the principle of equality. Even though it is not yet uhuru when it comes to racism in the social fabric of American life, but significant progress has been made towards eradicating the scourge, especially in criminal justice system. This is more evident in the robust and greater scrutiny of the criminal justice practitioners. That racism exist in the US criminal system may be politically controversial, but I think the facts speak for itself. There is racial information availability for each step of the criminal justice system, from the use of drugs, police stop, arrests, getting out on bail, legal representation, jury selection, trial, sentencing, prison, parole, freedom and juvenile offender rehabilitation. …show more content…
The justice process neglected to take into account, the white brutality towards black females and the apparent shoddy job by defense lawyers to prevent conviction or reduce the severity of the sanction. In today’s less biased criminal justice system, those killings would easily pass as

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