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Spanglish Language Research Paper

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There are countless languages, words, phrases, and ways of communication. The way we all speak is different based upon our surroundings. Communication is a way of expression among people. The various ways of communication can also influence other individuals on how to speak and write. The various ways of communication do not matter if it is the same language or not because slang, text, or more can all be in the same language or in various languages such as Spanglish. Although, we mostly speak Spanish in my family, in various moments we tend to speak Spanglish. Spanglish is a form of bilingualism that consists of English and Spanish. Even though we include a mixture of English and Spanish we understand what we are saying to one another. “Language …show more content…
In class, we are not taught to abbreviate or speak however we please. In school, we are taught to speak and write as best to our ability, in terms of proper English. “Language can be scrutinized and controlled in some places at some times, but it defines universal regulation, which allows its subversive nature to prevail” (The Power of Slang). In school, language is being controlled to be spoken or written in the most proper form. To properly format and catch the attention of the reader with correct grammar and punctuation is not the way a person really thinks or speaks, we all have our errors. Having language be controlled while we are at school or in a professional settings prevents us from showing our …show more content…
Abbreviations and emojis make it easier for us to show how we feel. In order to express ourselves in an essay at school we need to make sure we use proper formatting and use descriptive terms. Communication helps us express ourselves in multiple ways that others can understand without having to sound like a pain in the ass. No other words can really describe how truthful the previous sentence sounds without using those exact words. But those words would be considered wrong to use in an academic paper. Along with communication in a school setting, it also depends on the people being spoken to. Additionally, language has its way of bringing people together or excluding people. Language can separate us from social groups such as clubs. For example, being in an academic club with a person who is not as academically inclined as the majority of the members can exclude that person. Language can separate or bring us together depending on the situation. Just as professors are not separated by the amount of knowledge they each contain but by the highest of degrees. Language has the power to evolve over time but it cannot determine who you can speak

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