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The Anti-Social Era Of America Summary

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The Anti-Social Era of America
When asked “what unites us”, the first question the reader may possess is who is us? This word can mean so many different groups of people, small groups, large groups, communities, states, countries, etc. However, this us is referring to societies. Nevertheless, these societies can be apart of small groups, large groups, communities, states, countries, etc. The book's Ten Lessons in Introductory Sociology and Thirty Readings in Introductory Sociology demonstrates these many levels of society and how it affects our behaviors and the world around us.
To begin this process of self-discovery and what unites us C. Wright Mills first aims to help us develop our sociological imagination. This is described as the “ability …show more content…
Mead’s theory revolved around childhood socialization. Mead strived to focus on how we as human’s shape one another through ongoing symbolic communication which Mead claims begins at a very early age with non-verbal gestures. As infants our brain is on high alert trying to process words, gestures, images, etc. It was suggested by an outside resource that children lacking with social interaction they don't develop properly and social interaction is crucial to the development of individuals at an early age. Feedback and signals from others allows us to better understand the society around us. Charles Horton Cooley helped clarify this theory by Mead. Cooley was a symbolic interactionist who used a concept, known as the looking-glass self to help clarify the idea of feedback from others shaping our place in society. Cooley claimed that us looking in a mirror is equivalent to us looking for feedback about ourselves from others in society (Capek). This is especially prevalent in today’s society where everyone, but especially young women, are held to unattainable standards. The model industry has had a dramatic negative effect on young women’s self esteem and more pressure is being put on girls at a very young age to achieve America’s ridiculous standard of beauty usually achieved through plastic surgery and/or an unhealthy diet. The way society has begun to perceive beautiful women has begun to affect self esteem and positive body image in adults and adolescents. This is a perfect example of Cooley’s looking-glass self and how society affects us as

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