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English Language Learners: A Case Study

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B. How can ELL teachers assist schools or districts to design ELL instructional programs As a result of the Lau v. Nichols decision, English Language Learners are entitled to receive equal access or opportunity for education, which their local school districts must provide. Furthermore, English Language Learners currently represent the fastest growing segment of students in our public schools. During the period between the U.S. National Censuses of 1990 and 2000, data shows an increase of over 50% in the number of children, ages five through seventeen, speaking other languages. According to an article by Brown University regarding ELL policy, the general population of school-age children grew by 12% since 1990, but the ELL student population …show more content…
Federal policies – created in response to cases such as Lau v. Nichols, Plyler v. Doe or Casteneda v. Pickard, and including legislation such as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 provide the framework for planning instructional programs to meet these needs, but do not dictate methodology. Next, state level personnel interpret these policies and construct programs according to the demographics of their population, the direction of the state policy makers, and the availability of funding resources. At the local level, implementation and accountability takes place in the ELL and content area classrooms, by making the most effective use of school resources in programs designed for the needs of their specific …show more content…
ELL teachers can further exercise this knowledge by sharing that information with relevant stakeholders in the district ELL planning process. However, that knowledge is not enough, and ELL teachers must also ask several key questions in order to gather sufficient background data about the ELL student and local population. This process is critical to understanding the needs of that particular school district, allowing the ELL teacher to make informed program recommendations. Such inquiries may include the following questions:

a. How do we identify the students in our district that may qualify as ELLs? Who is in charge of this process? Who administers the Home Language Survey? Do we have sufficient interpreters to communicate with parents in the home languages? Do we need to revise or update our methods? How do we integrate screening results? How do we incorporate past education history information?
b. What type of students do we have in this district? What are their proficiency levels? How do their test scores compare to the rest of our students? What are the ethnicities represented? How many students do we have at each level from each heritage language? Are they scattered throughout the district or concentrated in certain areas? What happens

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