...Preparing for Academic Success at the Graduate Level Monica Stracuzza COM/600 September 15, 2014 Gracie Aguilera Characteristics of Graduate Writing Writing at the graduate level is a significant part of a student's coursework when entering into a Master's program. Throughout a person's college career, they have written many papers in their undergraduate studies, but writing papers at a graduate level differs from previous styles of writing. There are very distinct characteristics in graduate writing. Following the rules of graduate writing correctly, makes for a clear and precise paper; grabbing the audience's attention, and making the point of the paper undeniable to the reader, while using facts and references to support the thesis. Critical thinking skills are a crucial part of graduate writing. Critical thinking allows the writer to see all the different sides of the debate. The writer will question any assumptions that are made all while avoiding the use of commonplaces. The writer, according to "Graduate Level Writing" (2011*2014) "develops a clear argument from the available literature on the subject. This type of writing establishes a purpose while addressing a particular audience. Often, graduate level writing also provides suggestions for further research and development beyond the limits of the course assignment." Another important part in writing at the graduate level is using an in-depth analysis, of the subject...
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...Graduate-Level Writing Paper Sylwasky Lomax, Sr. COM/600 June 27, 2016 Professor Sandra Ryan When deciding on pursuing an education at a graduate level, you have to know that academic success is first and foremost. However, at first glance an instructor may seem to intimidate his or her students from the rules set up, how they grade, or the format (APA) style the student must write in. Being prepared to take on the responsibilities at the graduate level can be somewhat stressful in the beginning. Realizing that on the graduate level writing is essential to reaching the ultimate goal which is to graduate can somehow tend to ease that stress. Preparing early and taking responsibility may be challenging, but will lead to an overall success in the future. This paper will focus on identifying characteristics of graduate writing and how it differs from other forms of writing, outlining the elements of effective written communication, plagiarism and the steps to avoid it, and how to manage time and stress that may arise from trying to balance graduate school and other life responsibilities. Graduate Level Writing It is very important to be responsible and prepared when it comes to the graduate level. The main focus of obtaining a degree, writing, knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses, seeking ways of improving the weaknesses, time, and stress are some major areas on the graduate level to not only be accountable for but to prepare for as well. Procrastination has...
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...Preparing for Academic Success at the Graduate Level Tereasa M. Hernandez COM/600 03/31/2014 Linda Adams Preparing for Academic Success at the Graduate Level When commencing the Master’s program there are numerous components that will influence success. It is crucial to recognize the accurate method in which to structure an essay on the graduate level. There are certain conditions that are necessary when preparing a paper at this stage of education. One of the most essential pieces to academic writing is to recognize our assets and flaws in order to be triumphant. An additional element of accomplishment as a graduate student is the capacity to exhibit efficient time organization and skills to control stress. Characteristics of Graduate Writing When getting ready to write a graduate level paper the expectancies are at a higher level. The requirements for essay writing are to be written in the pattern that is promoted by the American Psychological Association. This style of writing is called in short the APA style. Dunn asserts in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010); “APA style papers rely on a standard organization, one prescribing where and how particular information should be placed for maximum benefit to readers.” (p. 7) The APA style is a way to display and structure the research compiled for the essay. In the beginning the APA was formed in 1928 and is employed by people from different...
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...BIG SISTER HERE ARE FIVE PAGES PLUS REFERENCES. JUST REMEMBER TO CHANGE EVERY FIVE WORDS. SHIIIIIT AID IS GOOD TO GO!!!! preparing Students for Success in College and the Workforce “We will end what has become a race to the bottom in our schools and instead spur a race to the top by encouraging better standards and assessments… And I'm calling on our nation's governors and state education chiefs to develop standards and assessments that don't simply measure whether students can fill in a bubble on a test, but whether they possess 21st century skills like problem-solving and critical thinking and entrepreneurship and creativity. That is what we'll help them do later this year -- when we finally make No Child Left Behind live up to its name by ensuring not only that teachers and principals get the funding that they need, but that the money is tied to results.” President Barack Obama Remarks to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce March 10, 2009 Last year, the President challenged states to develop standards and assessments that will help America’s children rise to the challenge of graduating from high school prepared for college and the workplace. Today, the President applauds Governors for their efforts to work together in a state-led consortium – managed by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) – to develop and implement new reading and math standards that build toward college- and career-readiness. With many states well...
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...PREPARING FOR PERSONAL ACADEMIC SUCCESS Continuing secondary education is a big step in life. It can be even harder if you have a full time job and family. If I plan to graduate I must come up with a plan and strategy to study and pass classes in order to graduate. Even though being a graduate student, it can be stressful trying to manage school, work and home responsibilities. Understanding how you learn can play a big part in obtaining a degree whether it’s in classroom setting or online. In order to be successful in college you must manage time and stress levels, set realistic goals and strategies for you to achieve academic success. * * Different Learning Styles * In order to fully achieve academic Success, one must know and understand their unique learning style in order to be Academic Successful. There are many ways individuals learn to perceive and interpret information. As a visual learner myself; I do not retain information just by reading alone. I have to color code the main points in my reading, I also have to read two or 3 times before grasping the concept of any reading materials. With color coding it aids me in rewriting and organizing my notes, I seem to retain the information better that way. Unlike the auditory learner, they use the sense of hearing to learn and tend to like live lectures than reading them. Auditory learning would probably be hindrance in me achieving Academic Success because; it would require a lot of my time and energy to learn...
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...Universities. Apply Online Now For Home Study ACCA Distance Learning StudyInterActive.org/ACCA-Distance Access Full Syllabus Online. Live & Recorded HD Video. Tutor Support! Study in Georgia,Europe www.studyingeorgiaeu.com Affordable quality Universities as low as $1500. Visit us at. A-level Diploma abroad www.ef.com Complete the A-level abroad at the EF International Academy Math Practice - Ages 5-15 www.IXL.com/Math A K-12 math website kids LOVE — Win awards, certificates, have fun! GTBank Mobile Money www.gtbank.com/mobilemoney Send Or Receive Money With GTBank. Mobile Money. Simple Money Transfer Good Study Habits and Academic Achievement Walk Hand in Hand By Veronica M. De Escobar Ads by Google Study in Scotland Study a Postgraduate course in Scotland. View course list here! gcu.ac.uk/postgraduate Consider an SJD from UCLA A small, elite doctoral program for budding legal academics. www.law.ucla.edu/sjd Free IELTS Practice Test Take our 21 minute practice test and get your results right away. www.testden.com If you are reading this article then you are familiar with the relation that good study habits and academic achievement have to accomplish great success in any level of education. By learning good study habits students tend to perform better than struggling students. It is a lie to say that to perform better at school you need to spend countless hours in front of your books trying to take in what you can, but the truth is...
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...ENGLISH 121 Paper #2 Higher Education Submitted by Kenneth Jones Paper submitted to Professor: David Bushelle KENNETH JONES PROFESSOR: DAVID BUSHELLE ENGLISH 121 HIGHER EDUCATION Should a High School Graduate seek a higher education? If so what kind or type, for some years now it has been a lot of controversy on why should every high school graduate go to a college or university. What about trade school or apprenticeships at a company. Students who enter the workforce immediately upon high school graduation now need at least the same level of skills and knowledge as students entering college, as both universities and employers seek the same core abilities. We could trace higher education back to the sixth century B.C. Even then they taught skills to live by not thing that a person would not use in his or her life time. Here is a brief history on Higher Education that I found very interesting I hope you do too. “The oldest institutions of higher (college or university) education were started on the island of Cos, Greece, in about the sixth century B.C. These schools primarily taught medicine but also covered topics concerning the nature of humanity and the universe. A group called the Pythagoreans, who were followers of the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras (c. 580–500 B.C.), started the first schools of higher education in Italy. They taught philosophy and math in Greek. The great Greek philosophers Socrates (470–399 B.C.), Plato...
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...“The Impact of Study Habits on the Academic Performance of Students in Bicol College: An Assessment” INTRODUCTION Study habits are the behaviors used when preparing for tests or learning academic material. We all know that good study habits are essential to educational success. Good study habits are an important part of any student’s success.[i] We probably can diminish the academic dishonesty by promoting good study habits with students, and letting the students know that good study habits are very important when it comes to school. Still, even procrastination can be overcome with proper study habits, and improving your study habits is the key to better studying. Good study habits are a great tool to have in the toolbox of life.[ii] The key to better learning and better academic performance in schools are good teachers, lecturers, good study environment, parent’s co-operation, high quality books and the most important is the study habit. Study habits are learning tendencies that enable students to work privately. It has long been recognized that in the process of learning the study habits of the student plays an important role in their academic performance. Azikiwe (1998) describes the study habit as “the adopted way and manner a student plans his private readings, after classroom learning so as to attain mastery of the subject”. According to her, “good study habits are good assets to learners because the (habits) assist students to attain...
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...Preparing for SUCCESS Preparing to STUDY Preparing for LIFE In this chapter you will explore Confessions of a COLLEGE STUDENT... ‘‘ ’’ MINDY DEUEL, 40 Kalamazoo Valley Community College fewer than 2 percent of Americans of traditional college age attended college. Today, new technologies and the information explosion are changing the workplace so drastically that in order to support themselves and their families adequately, most people will need some education beyond high school. College is so important that more than 67 percent of high school graduates (approximately 18 million students) attend. Because higher education can be essential to your future earning power and your overall well-being, we are committed to providing a set of strategies you can use to do your best. That’s what this book is all about. As you’re settling into your new college routine, we want to welcome you to the world of higher education. The fact that you are reading this textbook probably means you are enrolled in a first-year seminar or “college success” course designed to introduce you to college and help you make the most of it. In this chapter, we’ll discuss how you fit into the whole idea of college. We’ll consider why the United States has more colleges and universities than any other country in the world. We’ll also help you explore the purposes of college—many that your college might define for you. But even more important, we’ll help you define your purposes...
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...Preparing for SUCCESS Preparing to STUDY Preparing for LIFE In this chapter you will explore Confessions of a COLLEGE STUDENT... ‘‘ ’’ MINDY DEUEL, 40 Kalamazoo Valley Community College fewer than 2 percent of Americans of traditional college age attended college. Today, new technologies and the information explosion are changing the workplace so drastically that in order to support themselves and their families adequately, most people will need some education beyond high school. College is so important that more than 67 percent of high school graduates (approximately 18 million students) attend. Because higher education can be essential to your future earning power and your overall well-being, we are committed to providing a set of strategies you can use to do your best. That’s what this book is all about. As you’re settling into your new college routine, we want to welcome you to the world of higher education. The fact that you are reading this textbook probably means you are enrolled in a first-year seminar or “college success” course designed to introduce you to college and help you make the most of it. In this chapter, we’ll discuss how you fit into the whole idea of college. We’ll consider why the United States has more colleges and universities than any other country in the world. We’ll also help you explore the purposes of college—many that your college might define for you. But even more important, we’ll help you define your purposes...
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...Personal Responsibility Jermaine Warner GEN/200 February 26, 2013 Janet Madden Personal Responsibility There is no success in life without personal responsibility. Success can be achieved only when one realizes that it requires some form of responsibility whether it is time management, prioritizing, or simply paying attention. The amount of success have is measured by the ability to be responsible for your own actions. Personal responsibility knows no class. Whether you are poor or rich, personal responsibility has a role in your life. In this essay I will identify with personal responsibility and the effect will have on my academic progress. My initial responsibility is to never repeat the cycle in which I was raised. I grew up in a single parent household with two brothers and four sisters. Life was very difficult growing up. With no father figure in my life, I was never shown the way to pursue success. I just gathered my memories of all the hardships from my adolescence and vowed to never repeat the cycle. My family was evicted from our home several times with no remorse. As a child I never understood why this was happening, as I grew older I realized my mother did not make enough money to pay the monthly bills on time. I am a strong believer that no matter how difficult the journey to adulthood was, there is no excuse to repeat failures you have lived through once before. Personal responsibility was introduced to me at a young age. I moved away...
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...surplus of unemployed college graduates. Moreover, the number of college graduates increases every year. This resulted the increase of job seekers versus job opportunities (1). In fact, the Philippine Star through its website published that there is a 7.5% increase in the unemployment rate for the year 2014. In addition, the Philippine daily inquirer said that there is a 12 million increase in unemployed Filipinos year. In addition to issues like underemployment where in graduates of a 4 year degree course do not usually land in decent jobs with proper compensation, or there is no parallelism of the courses finished with their job. One example of this is a graduate in Teacher Education working as Brgy. Secretary or a BSOA graduate working as Barangay Health Worker. Today, most college students and their families are banking on education as the means and ways to have a financially secured job in the future that is why they enter in tertiary level. The higher education institutions then are responsible in equipping these students with knowledge, values, and skills to be able to perform well in the working place. Mountain Province State Polytechnic College as an institution offers Bachelor of Science in Office Administration which aims to produce graduates who are employable and globally competitive in the various general and specialized administrative supports, supervisory and managerial positions. More or less it is then expected to see BSOA graduates of MPSPC to be working in...
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...arithmetic, yet we are finding that 40 percent of students entering college do not have these basic skills at the college level. We also assumed that if a student obtained a Bachelor’s degree, they were qualified for entry level work. Yet surveyed employers are stating that “that they are not pleased with the level of critical thinking, analytic reasoning, and writing skills recent graduates possess”. What is happening in our classrooms that are hindering students from being successful beyond their school years? This paper will discuss two established methods of assessing student learning, CCSS and PARCC, their strengths and weaknesses as well as discuss issues involving the assessment of student learning. Standardized Tests Standardized testing was established under the premise that it would improve teaching practices and methods, therefore improving schools. In essence it is deemed as the “report card for the community” and the efficiency of our schools performance. Besides state specific standardized test, other national standardized tests include: * Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT)- administered to students applying to private secondary schools and some public secondary schools * Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT)- voluntary test given to secondary school students in year 10 or 11 to assist them in preparing for the SAT and to qualify for national merit scholarships * Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)-...
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...Graduate School: Overcoming Barriers to Success Kasey Kiesler HCS/504 September 24, 2012 Professor Brenda Harton Graduate School: Overcoming Barriers to Success The decision to attend graduate school can be one of immense commitment and responsibility. Success requires rigorous planning and well-defined goals, both short-term and long-term. Exceptional communication skills are also necessary to interact effectively with fellow classmates and faculty. Although completion of a Master’s program opens doors to many professional career opportunities, it does not come without challenges. One also must have several strategies in place for dealing with these challenges when they arise. With determination and hard work, overcoming these barriers will lead to success. Personal and Professional Goals Pursuing graduate studies can be a very personal decision. More individuals are looking into higher education degrees to combat the negative effects of a poor economy on their families (McKelvie, 2009). Providing financial stability to one’s family is a readily attainable goal by obtaining a Master’s degree. Achievement of this goal is appreciated when exceeding the basic needs of family members, financial obligations are met within deadlines, and a spouse can stay at home more often and spend additional time with children. Personal goals may center on passion for one’s career. Graduate school is an admirable choice for those...
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...Understanding Graduate-Level Writing September 14, 2015 Understanding Graduate-Level Writing To understand graduate-level writing, you must look at the characteristics that make this type of writing different from other types of writing. One of these characteristics is to communicate a specific idea or intended message that is precise and elegantly worded, so the reader will not misunderstand (Beins & Beins, 2012, p. 3). Being misunderstood in any type of writing can be one of the biggest factors in how credible you are and if the message you are conveying will have the impact that is intended to make. As a graduate level writer, your technical vocabulary and phrases will play a vital role for difficult or intricate ideas, which should be conveyed in a short and concise manner (Beins & Beins, 2012, para. 9). That being said graduate-level writing generally follows a specific format that can be understood universally (Beins & Beins, 2012, p. 3). This specific and technical format displays one of the differences between the other forms of writing. Other styles of writing that are less formal usually accommodate the content as well as the artistic style of the text (Beins & Beins, 2012, p. 3). Taking the artistic less formal route for writing will allow the reader to understand the message in a less confusing method for virtually any level of understanding. The technical jargon that graduate-level writings entail seem to be one of the important distinctions...
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