...Pretty Woman: A Romantic Comedy The popular romantic comedy, Pretty Woman, is a story that shows how members of two different social classes meet and become forced to learn about each other's way of life and fall in love in the process (Garnham). Edward, (Richard Gere) is the upper-class businessman who coincidentally meets Vivian, (Julia Roberts), a lower-class prostitute, while trying to find his way back to his hotel after a fancy gathering of co-workers and other members of his elite society. After staying with Edward for a period of time, Vivian becomes assimilated into his upper-class way of life. While Vivian is learning how to fit into the upper echelons of society, Edward also learns how life is for the lower class. "Every society is marked by inequality, with some people having more money, schooling, health, and power than others. With its predictable plot, simple conflict and easy resolution, simple characters that the audience relates to, and the notion that one character saves the other, this film is the very definition of a romantic comedy. The predictable plot. This particular aspect of romantic comedies both explains their continued popularity and remains one of the hallmarks of this particular genre. Romantic comedies almost always follow the basic formula: Two people who are not supposed to be together somehow manage to fall in love. Hijinks and other mishaps ensue, they get into a huge fight, and then everything ends happily ever after (Garnham). This film...
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...Savannah Wade Evaluation Essay February 16, 2014 Pretty Little Liars There are a lot of different television shows running on the air now a days. The one I have been absolutely hooked to is Pretty Little Liars, on ABC Family. This show is a confusing drama, suspense, and thriller type of show. A thriller/suspense show would most likely be a type of show that is keeping you at the edge of your seat the entire time. A dramatic television show would have a ton of plot twists and turns, as everyone finally gets the hang of the show. Pretty Little Liars was released in June 8, 2010 just in time for summer. The director of the television series is Oliver Goldstick. The television show is based upon the book series written by Sara Shepard. Pretty Little Liars is an amazing show because it not only messes with your head, but it makes you try and figure out the mystery in the show, Equally important, The series is up to 4 seasons and the drama and suspense just keeps on rolling and changing throughout each season. There are 4 best friends who have been lying about the truth of what happened during a certain time in summer where all these strange events have occurred. The 4 best friends are getting questioned all the time is because there best friend who is the leader of the pack was actually murdered that summer. After there friend Alison DiLaurentis went missing,, they all lost touch. Finally a year later they came back together when Alison’s body was found. They have been...
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...demand for secure web services grows. There are two types of threats to the web services : 1.1 Passive attacks : It is eavesdropping on network traffic between browser and server and gaining access to information on a web site that is supposed to be restricted. 1.2 Active attack : It includes impersonating another user, altering messages in transit between client and server and altering information on a web site. In all distributed environment electronic mail is the most heavily used network based application. It is the only application that is widely used across all architecture and vendor platforms. Users expect to be able to and do, send mail to others who are connected directly or indirectly to the internet. PGP(Pretty Good Privacy) is an open-source freely available software for E-Mail security. It provides authentication through the use of digital signature, confidentiality through the use of symmetric block encryption, compression using the ZIP algorithm, E-Mail compatibility using the radix-64 encoding scheme and segmentation and reassembly to accommodate long e-mails. Chapter 2 Review of literature tells the need and appraisal of e-mail security Software. E-mail is well established as a prime means of communication for business purposes that is quicker and cheaper than more traditional methods. Thus is necessary to make one’s corporate messaging system as secure as...
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...Pretty Little Liars is an American teen drama mystery thriller television series loosely base on the popular series of novels written by Sara Shepard. The show premiered on June 8, 2010 on ABC family. After an initial order of 10 episodes on June 28, 2010, ABC family ordered an additional 12 episodes for season one. These episodes began airing on January 3 and ended on March 21, 2011. The ratings success of the first 10 episodes prompted the book series to be extended beyond the initial eight novels. On November 29, 2011 ABC family renewed the series for a third season, consisting of 24 episodes. The third season premiered on June 5, 2012 and ended on March 19, 2013. On October 4, 2012, ABC family renewed the show for the a fourth season. Filming began on March 14, 2013. It premiered on June 11, 2013. ON March 26, 2013 ABC family Picked up the show for a fifth season and also announced that a spin-off, Ravenswood, would air in October 2013. Plot- Set in a fictional town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania, the series follows the lives of Spencer Hastings ( Trojan Bellisario), Hanna Marin ( Ashley Benson), Emily Fields ( Shay Mitchell), and Aria Montgomery ( Lucy Hale), who are four girls whose calque falls apart after the disappearance of their queen bee, Alison DiLaurentis (Sasha Pieterse). One Year later, they began receiving messages from a mysterious figure using the name “A”, who threatens to expose their secrets. At first, they think it’s Alison herself, but after her body is found...
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...Stop! Put your hands in the air! Charles “Pretty Boy” Floyd was an Oklahoma outlaw during the 1930’s. He robbed several banks in Oklahoma and the surrounding states during the Great Depression. Growing up in poverty lead Charles “Pretty Boy” Floyd to live a life filled with shoot outs, bank robberies, and killings. His ruthless time was cut short when he was shot and killed by two FBI agents. During the dark days of the Great Depression, an outlaw by the name of Charles “Pretty Boy” Floyd emerged into a life of crime. Pretty Boy Floyd moved to Oklahoma later after his birth where he grew up in extreme poverty. Due to The Great Depression, Floyd had to find an escape from his impoverished path. Floyd started doing criminal acts to fill the...
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...Jazz, taking its roots in African American folk music, has evolved, metamorphosed, and transposed itself over the last century to become a truly American art form. More than any other type of music, it places special emphasis on innovative individual interpretation. Instead of relying on a written score, the musician improvises. For each specific period or style through which jazz has gone through over the past seventy years, there is almost always a single person who can be credited with the evolution of that sound. From Thelonius Monk, and his bebop, to Miles Davis' cool jazz, from Dizzy Gillespie's big band to John Coltrane's free jazz; America's music has been developed, and refined countless times through individual experimentation and innovation. One of the most influential musicians in the development of modern jazz is John Coltrane. In this paper, I examine the way in which Coltrane's musical innovations were related to the music of the jazz greats of his era and to the tribulations and tragedies of his life.John William Coltrane was born in Hamlet, North Carolina, on September 23, 1926. Two months later, his family moved to High Point, North Carolina, where he lived in a fairly well-to-do part of town. He grew up in a typical southern black family, deeply religious, and steeped in tradition. Both of his parents were musicians, his father played the violin and ukulele, and his mother was a member of the church choir. For several years, young Coltrane played the clarinet...
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...水果美容 在眼睫毛根部抹鱼肝油可以刺激睫毛生长 2. 酸奶+香蕉泥敷脸可以缩毛孔,超级有用 3. 用藿香正气水洗头 头发会变好。啤酒洗头防干枯脱落 4. 睫毛用棉签蘸着VE涂 睡前涂下 然后睡觉效果很明显 5. 眉毛淡而稀~生姜削成笔状 天天涂一次会长浓 6. 烫染受损的头发:用醋洗。方法:用洗发水洗头冲净,用醋兑水(1:5左右)浇头发,过5分钟冲掉,再上一些护发素冲洗。效果非常好,头发就没有那么柴了,而且会变黑。而且对染完红色头发的非常有用,染红色最后脱色成黄色,如果用上面那个方法,就不会脱成黄色而是棕色的,发色比较自然。 7. 面膜:美丽加芬家的酸奶面膜非常好用,虽然99一袋比较贵,但是非常经用,可以用半年多(一个星期摸三次的话)。如果头天熬夜睡眠时间很少,在睡之前抹点,第二天皮肤会比较好上妆,不会浮妆。坚持用的可以使皮肤变好,更嫩。 8. 洗完脸 不擦干,用细盐搓鼻子,可以去黑头 9. 冬天洗完澡,趁身体还是湿的涂上baby油然后再用毛巾搽干,皮肤就好嫩好滑~! 10. 平时自制营养面膜,除蜂蜜柠檬汁芦荟汁必备外,想美白增加水润的,就加牛奶;想抗皱紧绷的就加鸡蛋清。VC最好不直接涂抹在脸上,虽然美白效果极其快,但一旦停用,暗黄会比以前还厉害。 11. 画眼线用眼线液不好掌握的话,可以先用眼线笔画出大概的样子,再用硬头的眼线液描一下,就会很顺手! 12. 脸上有小痘痘的TX,睡前抹一点点橄榄油上去,痘痘就会瘪了 13. 婴儿油可以用来卸妆,效果好又省钱 14. 多收腹人的个子会长高 15. 睫毛液干了倒不含酒精的柔肤水或婴儿油或眼药水 16. 洗完头赶时间可以用毛巾包着头发整个吹,干得更快 17. 快干了的睫毛膏 可以刷眉毛 刷淡点 可以固定眉形 18. 去粉刺豆豆的了.小黄瓜家白醋一起敷脸10分钟.一天三次.,比例你自己拿捏.我也只是把黄瓜弄烂加一点白醋下去然后敷.我只敷了一次.觉得效果还蛮好的.那个帖子说15天就去根治 19. 丝瓜水(我在淘宝上买的千纤草的,十几块500ml)泡纸膜敷脸超级控油~~我这样的大油田敷完第二天早上起来一点都不油 20. 用草莓涂牙能使牙变白 21. 把番茄打成泥,用面膜纸吸番茄汁,泥先敷一层在脸上,在把面膜纸贴上,半个小时这样,洗洗脸~~发现皮肤变得很白很细 22. 蛋清加蜂蜜加珍珠粉。和在一起做面膜,第二天早上起来你会发现你的脸很白很白~~~ 23. 用橄榄油护发,效果很好,注意,必须是100%橄榄油,不能抹头皮上,然后当然是适量,发尾部分稍微多抹点,如果能用发帽什么的,效果更佳。 24. 鼻子上的黑头用白煮蛋的蛋白来搓,会慢慢搓得很细很嫩,完全可以替代去死皮膏, 25. 长痘痘的人最好不要食用蜂蜜,因为蜂蜜会刺激痘痘的生长面有菜色的MM 皮肤暗淡的 发黄的 坚持3个月每天晚上11点睡。早上8点起 闲暇时用两手搓热后腰 坚持2个月,我保证你2个月后皮肤白里透红 透亮水嫩 26. 自己打的绿豆粉加牛奶做面膜,超级美白的…… 27. 蜂蜜加白醋面膜,很好的美白效果 28. 想要让脸立即水润起来,可以上网买天然海藻颗粒自己做面膜,一包十来块可以做两个月了,效果也是立竿见影的哦~~! 29. 我推荐个自制面膜:绿豆粉+花生粉+黄瓜汁+鲜奶,调成糊状,涂在脸上,贴上保鲜膜,过半小时洗掉,当时还不觉得脸上皮肤...
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...Pavia Washington September 28, 2010 English 102 “anyone lived in a pretty how town” The poem “anyone lived in a pretty how town” is a narrative about a town where the people only care about themselves. It’s about the passage of time and the normal things that happens as time goes on. E. E. Cummings portrays the people to be careless as implied in stanza 7. He contrast the people being selfish, line 2, stanza 2 “cared for anyone not at all” with the people being loving, line 2, stanza 4, “she laughed his joy she cried his grief”. There are many different ways to approach this poem. You can figure out the themes and meaning or talk about how Cummings ties nature to the main idea, like how he uses the seasons to make the point that the feelings of the people of the town never change and the passing of time. Lewis Turco found two themes of this poem. His first theme is “how can anyone live in a pretty town” where nothing much goes on, where people worry only about themselves although they are involved with everyone else. His next theme is that people do in fact live in towns like this one where as Turco says, “they are anyone and noone, of no particular significance except to one another on an individual basis; anyone does mean something to noone and mostpeople-both care and do not care; both love and do not love; are important to one another and are not important at all.” These themes contrast and may seem to cancel each other but they do not. They both are true. I tied...
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...UNCIANO COLLEGES COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY ‘’RADIATION SAFETY PROTOCOLS OBSERVED BY THE REGISTERED RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY’’ STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The purpose of the study is to determine radiation safety protocols observed by the registered radiologic technologist and its application to keep the safety of the clients know that radiation itself is harmful. This study will answer the following question; 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of the following: 2.1 Educational backround 2.2 Years of experience 2. What are the safety protocols observed by the respondent addressing patient safety: 3.3 Prior to the radiation procedure 3.4 During to the radiation procedure 3. What are the safety protocols observed by the respondents addressing radiologic technology safety: 4.5 Prior to the radiation procedure 4.6 During to the radiation procedure Unciano Colleges Inc. Name (optional): Gender: 1. What is your educational backround? BSRT BSRT and Other MED BSRT and ongoing masteral BSRT and masteral BSRT and ongoing Phd BSRT and Phd 2. How many years of experience? 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years 21 above 3. Mark if the following radiation protocol observed addressing the patients are either prior or during the examination. Protocols | Prior to the Procedure | During the Procedure | Use of protection apparel such as lead gowns,gloves etc. | | | Self...
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...Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 120,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. Lockheed Martin is led by Marillyn A. Hewson, Chief Executive Officer and President. CUSTOMER BASE: As a global security, aerospace, and information technology company, the majority of Lockheed Martin's business is with the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. federal government agencies. In fact, Lockheed Martin is the largest provider of IT services, systems integration, and training to the U.S. Government. The remaining portion of Lockheed Martin's business is comprised of international government and some commercial sales of our products, services and platforms. ORGANIZATION: Lockheed Martin's operating units are organized into broad business areas. * Aeronautics, with approximately $14.9 billion in 2012 sales which includes tactical aircraft, airlift, and aeronautical research and development lines of business. * Information Systems & Global Solutions (IS&GS), with approximately $8.8 billion in 2012 sales that includes C4I, federal services, government and commercial IT solutions. * Missiles and Fire Control, with approximately $7.4 billion in 2012 sales that includes the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System, Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, PAC-3 Missiles...
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...George Bernard Shaw’s play, Pygmalion and Gary Marshall’s film Pretty Woman both explore the theme of change and transformation based upon the myth of Pygmalion, a sculptor who disenchanted with women of his own time and decided to sculpt his ideal woman out of ivory. The social and cultural background of the two leading female characters Eliza Doolittle and Vivian Ward play a role in their desire to change their lives. Even though conforming to society’s expectations proves difficult for Vivian and Eliza, it impacts upon the way they view those from a higher social standing. This social class distinction makes the characters yearn for more in life, making their aspirations for the future stronger and clearer. Vivian and Eliza undergo successful...
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...Alliteration is the repetition of a particular sound in the first syllables of a series of words or phrases. Alliteration has developed largely through poetry, in which it more narrowly refers to the repetition of a consonant in any syllables that, according to the poem's meter, are stressed, as in James Thomson's verse "Come…dragging the lazy languid Line along. Example: Alice’s aunt ate apples and acorns around August. Apostrophe is an exclamatory rhetorical figure of speech, when a speaker or writer breaks off and directs speech to an imaginary person or abstract quality or idea. In dramatic works and poetry written in or translated into English, such a figure of speech is often introduced by the exclamation "O". Example: "O western wind, when wilt thou blow That the small rain down can rain?" Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within phrases or sentences, and together with alliteration and consonance[1] serves as one of the building blocks of verse. For example, in the phrase "Do you like blue?", the /uː/ ("o"/"ou"/"ue" sound) is repeated within the sentence and is assonant. Example: "Try to light the fire" Euphemism is a generally harmless word, name, or phrase that replaces an offensive or suggestive one.[1] Some euphemisms intend to amuse, while others intend to give positive appearances to negative events or even mislead entirely. Euphemisms are used for dissimulation, as alternatives to unpleasant topics (especially...
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...AVELINO FOXTROT COMPANY Republic Act No. 7610 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR STRONGER DETERRENCE AND SPECIAL PROTECTION AGAINST CHILD ABUSE, EXPLOITATION AND DISCRIMINATION, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES ARTICLE I Title, Policy, Principles and Definitions of Terms Section 1. Title. – This Act shall be known as the "Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act." Section 2. Declaration of State Policy and Principles. – It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State to provide special protection to children from all firms of abuse, neglect, cruelty exploitation and discrimination and other conditions, prejudicial their development; provide sanctions for their commission and carry out a program for prevention and deterrence of and crisis intervention in situations of child abuse, exploitation and discrimination. The State shall intervene on behalf of the child when the parent, guardian, teacher or person having care or custody of the child fails or is unable to protect the child against abuse, exploitation and discrimination or when such acts against the child are committed by the said parent, guardian, teacher or person having care and custody of the same.1awphi1@alf It shall be the policy of the State to protect and rehabilitate children gravely threatened or endangered by circumstances which affect or will affect their survival and normal development and over which they have no control. The best interests of children shall be the paramount...
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...Local Transport Plans: Case Study 2:1:b DEVELOPING A LOCAL GOVERNMENT TRANSPORT MASTERPLAN: CASE STUDY J. Lebo, World Bank (1999) Objectives of the case study National or state rural planning processes are often “top down”, technically sophisticated and, hence not geared to participation from local communities, those most affected. Involvement of local government is increasingly seen as being important to rural transport planning and engaging them in this process requires a balancing of the technical requirements of the process with local objectives and capacities. A Rural Transport infrastructure (RTI) planning process must be transparent and easily understood by local government planners who may have little grasp of the underpinning economics. The objective of this case study is to describe the development of a Local Government Transport Masterplan (LGTMP). 1. AN APPROACH TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT PLANNING In most developing countries, decentralization has meant that local governments are increasingly made fully responsible for the provision of local services, including health, education, as well as local roads. Concurrently, national or state road planning processes are often "top-down" and technically sophisticated, as well as ignoring the potential for local governments and communities to participate. The involvement of local governments, however, has been shown to be a critical element to the success of the RTI planning process. In practice, however, most local governments...
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...changed, and this is especially true for romantic films, which in the last few years have become cultural product of consumption that calm the thirst of emotions and entertains audiences. We are been living in a decade where materialism, coldness, and convenience stands out compared to previous decades. A clear example of this are the romantic films of the 90s compared to the present romantic films. For example, when we look at the 1990 movie Pretty Woman, we can see that there is a gallant man, and the conquest and elegance prevails. However, when we look at the 2007 movie Good Luck Chuck, we can realize that there is nothing alike in this romantic film, or in this decade. It was only after comparing the courtly manners of the man, the intensity of the sensual scenes, and the song soundtracks of the two films, that it can be determined that there are several differences and similarities between the two romantic films. At first glance, comparing the 90s romantic films to the present romantic films, we can clearly appreciate that in the movie Pretty Woman, the character Edward (Richard Gere), demonstrates a high level of elegance and gentleman in how he treats Vivian (Julia Roberts), speaks to her, and how he expresses himself. In addition, how could anyone forget the scene where he puts a diamond necklace on her neck, and tells her how beautiful is. In contrast, the male character in Good Luck Chuck, Dr. Charlie Logan (Dane Cook), seems to consider that this formality in the twenty-first...
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