...ABORTION PRO CHOICE OR PRO LIFE April 11, 2013 PROFESSOR DANIEL HAYNES PHI 103 INFORMAL LOGIC Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy and expulsion of fetus from the uterus resulting in or cause by death of the embryo. The debate over the legal and ethical viability of abortion has been complicated by the lack of consensus in defining whether the developing embryo can be equated as human life. Many people are constantly debating whether or not abortion should be allowed or not. I believe in Pro Choice which believes that woman should have the right to decide if she wants to abort a baby or not. In this paper, I will look at abortions critically and express why abortion should be legal and be left us to a woman to decide. The goal is to point out reason why one might choose abortion. While one is Pro-Choice in the case of abortion, and feels that is should be legal and the choice of a woman. Upon reading the statement on what is pro-choice and how and when abortion is legalized. I will go over why I feel that abortions should be legal. Unwanted pregnancies can be very stressful for woman. Whether or not the woman has the right to have an abortion or not is a controversial subject. Prolife members believe that abortions are seriously wrong and killing a fetus is killing a person. However, woman should have the right to have an abortion for several reasons. Woman should have the right to make decision for their own bodies. Woman should be able to have an...
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...Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life People love to argue. Not in a screaming at each other because the peanut butter lid was left off again kind of way, but with intentions of being progressive. With a little bit of structure to an argument, it ends up being more of a debate and is usually enjoyable, especially if you win. Since people have been debating for so long, and like to do it, you would think that there would be a surefire way to come to a mutual understanding. However, certain topics will be debated until the end of time before there is ever any sort of resolution. When it comes to abortion, seldom is somebody without an opinion; and others could not be more rooted in their beliefs. In order to form an objective opinion it is imperative to understand both sides of a debate and then make a decision based on the facts. On the matter of abortion, the logic behind being pro-choice is more objective and therefore the stronger viewpoint. The first step in choosing a stance on abortion is to understand what the different beliefs are. There are two main beliefs on the matter: pro-life and pro-choice. A recent poll shows that about 51 percent of Americans are pro-life while 42 percent are pro-choice (Operation). According to the world’s oldest and largest pro-life organization, the mission of the pro-life belief is “to protect and defend the most fundamental right of humankind, the right to life of every innocent human being from the beginning of life to natural death” (NRLC)...
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...Kathleen Sacchetti Professor Brenza Essay-2 March 17th 2015 Pro-life vs. Pro-choice The issue of abortion in the United States will always be a controversial one. Developing two sides of the debate, pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-life are the individuals who do not believe in the option of abortion. Pro-choice are the individuals who believe every woman has the choice to go through with their pregnancy or to not. Despite their contrasts, pro-life and pro-choice explore valid ideas of religion, law and health care in their debates. Supporters of the movement pro-life vs pro-choice use religion to justify their beliefs. Pro-choice looks to Judaism for their answers. They have this idea that since God created every human being, we are all significant beings. Pro-choice advocates researched more information to support their statement and found this one by Moses. “[I have set before thee life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore, choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live]” (Bennett). This quote seems to be bashing pro-choice, but it is actually supporting it. According to the Jewish law and practice, a fetus is not considered a human until they can breathe their own air independently, so abortion is not considered a murder, or a life taken. But in the pro-life debate, they turn to Roman Christianity, which claims that the moment of conception is the start of new life. Pro-life advocates believe that all abortion is murder, and have no empathy for the women...
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...ABORTION; PRO-LIFE OR PRO-CHOICE Some people believe that abortion is immoral and some people don’t. Morality is an interpersonal conflict over a decision between right and wrong (“Morality”). The question is what reasons people have for their beliefs for and against abortion and whether those reasons are reasonable or not? There are two main groups of people in the case of abortion, pro-life supporters and pro-choice supporters. On the one hand, pro-life supporters, those who think abortion is not right, consider a fertilized human egg a human being from the moment of conception. Therefore, they refer to abortion as murder. On the other hand, the pro-choice supporters, those in favor of abortion, have a different perspective. They believe that a fetus is a human only after birth. The moral difference between these groups encompasses one issue. That is “At what stage is a fertilized egg considered a human being?” According to Peter Singer, there are four general stages that the pro-lifers and the pro-choicers argue about in terms of the standing of a fetus. They are: “birth, viability, quickening and the onset of consciousness” (138). The arguments made by the two groups for and against each of these stages causes the standing of an embryo to be upgraded to that of a child in the long run, as Singer suggests (138). Thus, this paper will examine and analyze the four moral junctures for the status of the fetus -“birth, viability, quickening...
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...Abortion is one of the most contentious topics in the world today. Everyone has an opinion on it. The Pro-life versus Pro-choice debate has been going on for years. Pro-life argues that a baby has a right to live, while pro-choice argues that women have the right to decide what happens to their bodies. Other conflicting views such as religion have added fuel to the fire in this debate. There are several reasons why women have abortions, all of which are legitimate and valid. For or against abortion, a woman should have the right to her own body. If a woman wants to have the procedure done, she should have access to it in a sanitary and professional environment. The people protesting abortion are always screaming “Murderer” at the women who...
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...Sanger.) Pro-Choice and Pro-Life is a widely discussed topic in our society today, but there should not even be a discussion as an abortion should always be available for women who need it. There are many emotional, physical, health, and persona reasons for a woman to get an abortion; that society and the government ultimately should not have the say so on. The number one reason women have an abortion is due to lack of readiness financially. Now, you may be telling yourself that does not give a woman the right to “kill” her baby or maybe you are thinking that she should suffer the consequences of her action; but are you, as a pro-lifer, personally going to provide for that baby? Are you going...
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...the issue? Looking at legal issues, social constructs,medical aspects and personal reflection will help determine the answer to the popular question, “Which is better “pro-life” or “pro-choice”?” A glance at where Canada stands in a legal aspect can determine where Canada is as a nation on the question at hand. In the year 1969 the act of abortion...
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...Abortion is a highly debated topic. However, there are many aspects to this practice. Pro-Choice versus Pro-Life is one of the most debated topics, and the parental consent laws placed upon this practice sparks a controversy. Minors, under the age of eighteen, are required to notify a parent or legal guardian of their decision forty-eight hours prior. This is interesting because abortion is legal and a minor is not allowed to proceed without the consent of a parent or going through a judge. One side argues freedom of choice and that the approval of a parent should not be required. The other argues that a minor does not fully understand their choices and needs the guidance of their parents. Pro-life supporters feel abortion takes away the right of the unborn child, and therefore is considered murder. However, abortion is a...
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...two are Pro-Life Action League and NARAL Pro-Choice America. Pro-Life Action League suggests that the legalization of abortion is not the right way to handle it and that abortions are considered murders. On the other hand, NARAL Pro-Choice suggests that abortion is a choice that all women should have for themselves. The first I will talk about is the Pro-Life Action League. The big message that they want to get across is that abortion should be considered...
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...Sara Jones Sociology December 12, 2006 Abortion Abortion touches politics, but is not consumed by it. Abortion views, pro or con, generally consume the life of the individual holding them. Abortion as an issue of public debate is largely a twentieth-century phenomenon. But the debate began much earlier, not over abortion, but over how social issues would later be viewed. There is even argument over what the term abortion means. Abortion moved from a practice that occurred behind closed doors and only for a select portion of the population to a practice that virtually skyrocketed among the general populace, rich or poor. The pro-life side will contend that the term pro-choice is an altogether unfair designation. What their opponents really are, they will argue, is pro-abortion. On, the other hand, pro- choice proponents will likely argue the term pro-life is unfair, partisan description. Pro- choice advocates will argue that they are pro-life about the mother. Their opponents are “anti-choice” or “anti-reproductive rights.” Pro Life The ultimate pro-life goal is quite direct and very simple. Pro-lifers want an amended U.S. Constitution, to the Canadian Charter of Rights that will give equal protection law, to, to all living humans from the time their biologic life begins at conception. Pro-lifers have a goal and it is a Constitutional Amendment returning the right to make decisions about each individual state in the U...
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...who are either pro-life or pro-choice advocates. These opposing sides have compelling arguments regarding the abortion policy in the U.S. that have been largely debated since the legislation of Roe vs. Wade in 1973, where the U.S. government declared that abortion was a “fundamental right” of American women. (Procon.org) While majority of Americans agree that abortion should not be recriminalized, there is still controversy over policies regarding abortion. Pro-choice advocates discourage all policies restricting abortions or taxes making them less affordable, where as pro-life advocates encourage stricter policies on abortions. In the U.S., The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) are opposing advocacy groups that have greatly influenced this public policy and continue to inform and educate the general public on the abortion issue. Public policy regarding abortion is not just a national debate, other democratic countries face debate over abortion policies. For example, Canada has faced similar debate over abortion policies, but differs from the U.S. in significant ways. Pro- choice advocates in the U.S. believe that the government does not have to right to interfere with a women’s choice to get an abortion. They argue that women must have the right to abortion in order to posses the freedom and equality promised by the U.S. constitution. There are numerous interest groups that advocate these pro-choice views. One of...
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...Since Roe v. Wade, abortion has headlined evening news, front-paged Sunday’s papers, and discussed around the Thanksgiving dinner table. The Supreme Court has voted on a number of cases, altering the course of abortion in favor of pro-life and pro-choice ideology. Abortion has also become a staple to Presidential candidate and party platforms to win elections. Anytime there is a new bill introduced in the legislator, it is always controversial and under the microscope across various media outlets. Under Trump’s administration, abortion will remain controversial to all branches of government, to both sides of the issue, and favor a pro-life theology. For the pro-choice idea of abortion, the next four years under the Trump administration is going to be very difficult....
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...abort the child. To an advocate or pro-choice, this would be considered an aggravating circumstance and a reasonable excuse to abort the child since it was not conceived out of love or by the woman’s choice. To an advocate of pro-life, although this is an unfortunate occurrence, aborting this child would be morally wrong and considered murder. Abortion is touchy subject that has essentially divided the nation. On one side people believe that is a woman’s choice regardless of the circumstances. On the other side, there are people who believe that the unborn child is a human being at conception and has the right to a life. Abortion is a very controversial public issue, which highlight two opposing views in regards to abortion and support both views with research. We must first get the full meaning of the word “abortion” before we can talk about it. According to the book “Introduction to Abortion,” it is any procedure that removes a fetus from a woman’s womb” (Roleff). Abortion end’s a pregnancy and terminates a fetus’s life. For most people this very harsh thing to do, but to the women who were sexually assaulted, they feel it is the best decision for them. Who is right? The debate over abortion has divided people in two groups: pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-life group are against abortions and believe that life begins at conception. They also believe the unborn fetus should have the same choices as other persons. The Pro-choice groups protect a woman’s right to choose...
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...had never had an abortion in her life but was coerced, by her two lawyers, Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee. Both were members of a feminist movement out of Austin, Texas, into filing a class action lawsuit against the state of Texas by stating that it was against her rights to prevent her from acquiring an abortion. Abortion is not under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government but is each states responsibility to set its own laws on the issue. The defendant in the Roe versus Wade case was Henry Wade, Dallas County District Attorney. Even though the District Court ruled in Jane Roes favor, which states the law was vague and unconstitutional, that if Jane Roe did obtain an abortion that the law would still be enforced. The case was appealed and went before the United States Supreme Court, and because of “right to privacy” discoveries in the fourth, fifth, ninth, and fourteenth amendments that gave Jane Roe the ruling in her favor that it was sufficient evidence to give a woman the “right” to abort a pregnancy. (The Sunday Telegraph; 1/11/1998; Norma McCorvey interview by Ivo Dawnay), (Spingola Articles; Deanna@spingola.com; 7-5-2005) There were nine Supreme Court Justices on this case and seven of them ruled in Jane Roes favor on January 22, 1973, and because of this historical decision for women’s rights a new group came forward to voice their displeasure in this decision, and they are the Pro-life group. Pro-life believes that life begins at conception where on the...
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...Article Rebuttal on Pro Choice BCOM 275 August 5, 2013 Michael Frank The controversial topic that this paper will discuss is the right to pro choice. Pro choice being the woman’s right to decide abortion as an alternative to pregnancy. After reading the article “Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice: Annihilating the Abortion Argument” by Hank Hanegraaff, in which uses the acronym (A-B-O-R-T-I-O-N) to discuss the reasons why abortion should not be legal. I will provide a rebuttal to this article as to why I do not agree with these views and I will discuss how pro-choice is a necessary option for all women. In Hank Hanegraaff’s article he discusses his views on pro life. He goes on to state his reasons why pro –life is much more important than pro-choice. He states that pro-choice advocates attack people rather than issues facing abortion and pro-life advocates. To further prove his point of view he uses biblical references, as he understands, to state that abortion is nothing more than killing another human being, in which the Bible states “Thou shall not kill”. He uses that abortion is a violation of the sixth amendment, as if abortion is against the law. Hank also states that when abortion is the result of pregnancy from rape or incest, that one should not compound the situation by aborting the unwanted child. He states that “two wrongs, do not make it right” (Hanegraaff, 2009). He also states that a study said that .06 percent of pregnancies are from rape or incest (Hanegraaff,...
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