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Problem Intervention Process Model

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The resident did not follow everything that is presented in the problem intervention process model, but he did manage to follow some of the steps correctly. At the beginning of the interview, the resident did identify key issues that were troubling Corey. Corey initially stated that he had trouble sleeping at night. This led the resident to investigate and he found out that Corey’s best friend recently died. However, the resident did not established good rapport with the client during this stage. During the gathering data stage, the resident did a fairly poor job. He probed more about the incident leading to his friend’s death and the aftermath of it. However, he failed to ask important questions such as age, dosage of medication, or suicidal …show more content…
There were numerous performance errors that the resident made with Corey that could have dissuaded Corey from continuing to work with him. First, in the beginning of the interview, the resident made it known that people were viewing the interview and critiquing him. He kept reiterating how nervous he was and essentially made the interview about himself. The resident didn’t make Corey feel comfortable and kept making the interview awkward for him. Instead of making the client feel awkward, he could have attempt to make Corey feel more relaxed and at ease with the interview. Next, the resident didn’t introduce himself or did not know if the client was a patient in the hospital or not. The resident should have introduce himself and researched if the client was already a patient at the hospital or not. After that, the resident was exceedingly rude to the client during the interview. The resident yawned as if he was bored and insulted the client on his looks. He checked his watch while the client was talking as if he was ready to go. The resident could have practiced common manners with the client and been fully engaged in the conversation. In addition to that, the resident claimed that he could relate to the client about his friend’s death, but didn’t have a friend that died. The client was able to detect the false empathy and quickly called him out on it. The resident shouldn’t have faked his concern and pretended that he could relate to the client on his friend’s death. Towards the end of the interview, the resident started rushing Corey so he can conclude the interview and he forgot to ask Corey a series of questions. The resident forgot to ask Corey his age, the amount of medication he takes, any suicidal thoughts, and about any legal problems concerning his drinking. The resident should had a predetermined list of questions that he wanted to ask before the interview was over. At the end of the interview, the resident wasn’t sure about his diagnosis for

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