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Problems or Issues in Community


Submitted By dsauce8480
Words 993
Pages 4
You Can Make a Difference by Volunteering
There are many different ways you can make a difference by volunteering; however, where to start can sometimes be difficult, because there are many people in need. Below I will provide some example and past experiences on where and how to volunteer, so that you too can make a difference by volunteering. Here are couple different genres of volunteering, youth, homeless, seniors, and your community. There are at least 400 organizations across the valley of the sun that focus on raising money, providing food, shelter, and assistance for the homeless, youth, senior citizens and even for your community. Sometimes it is hard to find time or even selfish reasons get in our way from volunteering, but not only does volunteering makes the person you’re helping feel good, it also makes the person volunteering Feel good about themselves. And you know that at least for day you are making a difference in someone’s life.
One of the genres of volunteering is for youth. We as young adults owe it to our younger generation to make sure that have the same kinds of opportunities that we have or had. After all they are our future. On Saturday April 5, I was privileged to participate in Mesa Harley Davidson’s 15 annual Torch Run for youth Special Olympics of Arizona. The event was a success and we raised over $5,000 dollars to help support the cause. Here are a few places where you can make a difference. Boys and Girls Club. There are 11 Boys and Girls Clubs scattered across the valley. They have a variety of volunteer opportunities, from club volunteers to special event volunteering. Yetc (Youth Evaluation and Treatment Centers) teaches youth positive behaviors, healthier life styles, and help to heal emotional wounds. Donations to this organization help provide children back to school supplies, uniforms, and recreational opportunities.

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