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Progressive Movement: Women's Suffrage In The United States

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progressives succeeded in the role of picking up where the populist left off in the job of centralizing people around the federal government. They rose form just a political party meant as nothing more than a social movement to a political movement meant to unify the nations and right the wrongs brought about by the industrial revolution, urbanization, immigration, and corruption in the government. This was a movement that affected all aspect of American society from women's suffrage, to school improvements, to political reforms. Before the progressives the idea of women's suffrage was just a faint idea and nothing more. There were a few rallies here and there but other than that women didn’t really have the voice to fight back. When the progressives rose up they assisted in helping women boost their impact and fight for women suffrage until they got it. This era breaded strong women who did what it took to gain their rights like Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton who started the national women's suffrage foundation. The women of this era over came many obstacles and made their voices known until 1919 when they finally …show more content…
It lead to the addition of problem solving and critical thinking skills into the schools to make kids more fit for a democratic society. Along with the changing in skills also came a change in the amount of time kids went to school. Before this era kids went to school only long enough to learn the skills necessary to make it in life for example girls usually didn’t go past primary school because that was all they needed to manage their husband’s household. Thanks to the progressive ear the number of high schools went on the rise. Also, with the children centered improvement came the growth of educating teachers, a development still around today. Slowly different degree levels were offered to teachers thanks to this

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