Premium Essay

Prologue Of Wolfgang's Epilogue To The Academy

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Pages 2
The Start

Long ago, there was a legendary mage under the name of Wolfgang. He built The Academy to teach young mages to help protect the world at large, and he created guardian seals to keep his pupils safe. There were several threats to The Academy, but Wolfgang would protect it at any cost, even with his life.

Do you think Accius has anything to do with this? Of course he does. He is one of the rare people who got to learn at The Academy. Wolfgang chose only the best of the best to teach. After strengthening Accius to the max, he sent him to another realm on a mission. The Guardians were corrupted by an unknown source, and he had to renew the seals, because they were wearing down.

After exploring this new world and renewing most of the seals, Accius met the source …show more content…
The sigil seemed to be on fire, and this creature seemingly drained it. The sigil exploded violently, and the cultist—how should I say it?—levitated about a metre from the ground. He charged up a frosty blast.
“Why are you trying to kill me, you lunatic?” cried Accius.
The Lunatic released the blast. It surprised Accius and hit him. After being thrown, it made several other icy projectiles. He went to his already built platform arena and The Lunatic followed, shooting oddly perfectly round homing fireballs. They were all dodged, but one almost hit Accius.
“I need to eliminate this creature before he does me in!” said Accius. Accius then pointed a normal-looking, light-blue book at The Lunatic. Suddenly, watery discs flew out of nowhere and hit The Lunatic with godly force.
In turn, The Lunatic raised his arms and created a stationary blast of lightning. Then, suddenly, it shot a full-sized blast of real lightning at Accius, who got out of the way just in time. Then, the lightning orb turned into a golden circle. The Lunatic appeared beside the circle along with two other copies of

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